HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1956 ~95 -.- ~ - l ......~...""~'".. -- - ............... ...... ..~..-.. ........... .. .. a::&::r. ( THIS IXDENTURF. Made thi, 18.'11- V&y Q.Abl~". .lD81e of Ihe Counly of...:.....st.....!ta.ole.- , ...Jl...C A.T-rtIlR of Ibe Counly of.~.St..._La.ai___ day of.__""~ .... D. 1\84., BETWF.EX I- .. ~nd Stale of__~1or.14a . part.J:.- of the first part, and .and Stale of__llor.iAa .part._~_ of the second part. \\'lT~F.SSF.TH, That the said ....rt.J:- of the first part, for and in toIlsidenlion of the sum 01. -ODe-4011u. aa4-.o.tbe~-oou14erat.lona Dollars. to--..h1a._ in hand paid. the rettipt ..bereof is hereby aclmowledgecJ. ha..._.8__--- gnnled, bargainecJ. sold ancl transfurcd, and b)' Ihc.e presents do._._....__ grant. barnin, seD and tnnsfu unto the S3id part.._~ of the second ....rt and-_.h1a._.__ hrirs and assigns forever, al\ that ttrtaln parcel of land Iring and being in the Coonty of_JS.ti_wale and Slale of , -...----...101'10. more parlitularly described as follows: Be~'l'I"lD8 at the louth-.eet corner o~ tot ~lrte.n 113) Oultoh'8 8ub4.1Y.1B.101l._of._ Seo. 88 t>>. 3'1 S. R.. 41 E.. and run EIllltaM :f~Clr_.Jl...JlQiD.t.....o~.-hllg'nl'l'l'Ig..-.Baid.-. ____j.1~~~~ to the oenter .l1nt..._o.LJUll4.~_1L._'.hmOJJUD...EHt._.2.6.4_fQ..t._t.O _the -_J~rt.-l1.M~~I~~~~J!\-l~~~.~t~~~.~FLW\t3~Ot- ......._....__D1'.. 8J!.cl...~o.n_b..l1.~!LO.t._.aU.._J,o.~..._l~'ttL.tbO..o~ttr.._l1ut:ot..Hlcl.!aO.t..18... tb.noe .~outh_ .._....__.tQP.Ql~~...o.t._.b.~~lmlpg..JH~.l.~n....Pl!!l":Lo.f-e&1tl_IQ.~....1.~...Q.tJJ1~~Qb'.~L~11cl,1"f'181on. ............-. ..-- _...---.--_..-_.._.-.,--~_..._+--._--+------ -_.~------------~-.~---------_._---_._-------_._~-----._-----~----- .-. ---------- . -"'--_._'-_._'---'-~---~----'.._'-~-~-'...'-'------~---------_...._._.._--~---~-~.- .~_._-~._.-_..._---------_._..__.__._--~~--....~---_....._------_._._._~ _. _.~~._.._ ~.._.__~..~.__..__+_~_~...._._______~___________.~__. ._ ._.....___________~u~~___.._...___~_.___.___.. ___ _.._._.___ __..__uu_._.._.....~_.__..._.._._..._.....__ . ~ ....~.__~____.__~..__..__...._.___.__ __._______~_____._~__._~_.__~__..._.~_~_..._.__._..__._.___n~. ._....__.~__.___.___.______.____..n.__..___~..._ _._.. ........_._..._._.. __..._.._... ........_..__.._______..__..__._.. ._._...... n___._.__________..______.__.._~___._.__.____.._ __.._.n.~.___..~. _.__.______._ .___..__~._....____~..... n.__.. ___~_~___u_._..___._..__._______.___.d TOGETHER with all Ihe t..lCment.. hercdila_nh. and appurtrnanc... "'jlh every vrivilr!>!r. ril(hl. tilk tntrr..1 ar.d .stale. <lo...er and ril(hl of do....r, rr,..r.ion. remainder and tasemenl Ihutto belongi~ or in an)-wi.. app.rtainin!(. TO H.-\ VF. :\:-;0 TO 1I(.1I.D the same in fee .imple for.wr. f :\nd :he said prtJ'-- of Ihe first part d,,_.ellcovenanl wilh Ihe .aid l"'rl.J' ..__ of Ihe SttODd r3ft lhat..._..Ml'la.__._lawfully seized of the .aid pr.mi.... that they are fru from all enrombrances and Ih~L___. .he....laa.-.--- good right and \awjul aUlhoril)' to .ell Ihe same: and Ik sa:d parL V _ of l'le first part do_... bueby full)' warranl Ihe tille 10 .aid bnd. and ..-iIl def.nd the .ame again<t the b..-ful claim. of all rersre:. whomsoc,.cf. 1:-; \\'IT~F.~S WHEREOF. tbe said p1rL.J'.- of the first part ha_ 8 ... ....hereuntQ .rL_........ b18 ..__._.__..._...._hand__ and seal...~ the my :ud If":ar abo\"~ writtrn. Signed. Seale.1 an.J Drli\"tr<d in our Pr..ence: 1 I .A. B. .._.a.r..........-..n-..-.......-----...-... I I A. _D. )(erwln .--...--------~--.._-_.~----..._-.-.--~.- ~ I I , ) .... IlaJt Oehlert ..(&-al) ... ...(s"al.) STATE OF -.--. -..-..l'lorl4a .-.--.....--.-..............--.. County of. .oo......__.__.____.~t..uJ/uo1._..___._._.....__oo......... ) I J 1 HERERY CERTIFY. Thai on thi...-.. .....00. 13th .'!~y oi . Karch rwonallr appnred _."_."00_. Max. .Oehlert ..81ng1e.....oou ...u.L._ .' h.. ..m . '.. . ....... D. 19 24-. briMe me to me kn"wn 10 be tbe pcrson......_. described in and who uecutcd Ih. for<lpin;>:, c.:;nnyan<f' to. n._ 1'.. H. Clak1Da.m..--......-.-...u.-....---..... and .~venl\). acknowk<lged the ueculi(}f\ tbereof 10 bru..... _. hie.... .. ...irtt acl an'l t!ttd j"r the u,~. an,l purpo'" Ib.rein menlioned: ~ ~.~_...___.___ _..._.____n...__._.._.__n_________._~..____. ..._n _____.__.u __..__._.._.__ "_._._, ..._' _.__. ..._..._._..._......._h._._.. ..___... .__... ..-.__ .--- _.---~. .h..___.__...h_...___...~_.____._...._.______.... __n_.. the wife of the said..._______...hU._.._. .__.. ..._u.___..._.._._____._._..__-'.__.__u. --.-....,-- .--... "--'.-"----"-.-"'-'-.'-.- on a "PO :-ale and private examination la' ~. b. and before me, and ~aralrl,. and apart from her said hu.banol.' . Icdll'e thai .he made berseh a party to the said D vt~ "'III .~. "fV' of rtnC\'Jncing: rrljnq~i,hing and eonnying an ~ in <r..t. wh<tber of dowrr or of .eparale lulory or eqUltabk to an ~~. tbenlD d.scnb.od. and~...... - .d deed JlS!li'tari1y an . at, appr~hen.ion or compulsion of or from hC"'~~r..JULX" . . ~XX WIT:-;ESS my .ignature and oflicial .tal, at.._.....u..._..J't..Bl.~o.._... ........-.. ...._._...00 . ......._..__..___.________._....in the C""nlY of . .._...._ ._.... ~t...L1101' .......__..__._._._oo.2nd State of..___...__..._.i-10l' lea .u__. ___..._.... . ._..._....:.____.__.._. tbe day and ynr iast aforesaid. ({ f ___....-uA.~. J). .lIer1f1n.-....-..-.....T..- .. .."...00___00__.'_'_.__. ( Seal.) 117 ooJa1aB1on expiree Sept.-6th 1927 (H.P.SElLl " J- J S'r;\TE OF FLORID...... } Coonly of SL Lucie .hi. m:~:-=-'~~~=;~ :-""::';:-=,=:':=I-~:=':: ~..~: .:~.,.., -p-:; \ Book ____._..___u__~ in the PobIic Records of said Count,.V', 1:-: \VITXESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto srt my hand ~.lCed the sral of tbe Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said State in and (or said COWIty. ~ , (Of,Of,8BAl;) ;. - --_.I!~ .0'; ~r~ I' Clerk. ..._.._~_R~ _ ~l)~ D.C " ...y. ..,~;~ ~~:~~~~:::.:::< 0':~~"J'. -