HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1991 S30 THIS ll'olDENTURE. ),lade thlL._ a4th -,---.-cIa)' of_ l.:aroh ~ D. 19..2A BETWEEN r t 1 I i I (, - _a.-&-."--' ...... .... ....... . .---.-.... .~.~_A_' r ;.. ..i:iI!!M: 9A~h ~AnkA+'+' f A ~An. ) .1 the eo.., Of St. Luoh R. ,} ~ ~1'q1)n1" St. L~ "''1<1 State of--.JJ.oncla parLll- of the first part, aDd 01 the C,_t~ of -'>d State of Plorida .part.-Z_ of the secood part, WITNESSETH. Tb&t the uld patl- 01 the first part, lor aDd ia coasiduatioa 01 the sum or One Hundred Dollars an~~!h6~-y~~uab~~onsld6~tlon Dollars. "" hAr ill had paid. the rccci~ whereof is berthr ac\a!owltdccd. J,- VA &raaled, barpintd. sold and translerred. and by thue presents do annl, barpiu. ICI1 and translu unto the pjd ~_ of the KCOOd part and__hi.B heira aDd assicns lorcvcr, all that certain parccl of land lying and btmg in the COtlnt~ 01 ~t.. Irnni A ""01 State of .Fl.o.r.i d a more particala.rlJ described as follows: Lots I, 2, 3, 10 and 12 of Bloo.t:...a9.. also Lots 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15Jh.],~.L and 18 nf "R1nn)( 3R in t.hA lJ'nwn nt' 1fb1..tJL.Ci-ty, aOQorl1ing tCLmap on_file in. t]}.tL9.ffloe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Cc:mr1!. of St. Luoie County, Flor1da.L!.~in$..!!!~.~.~:- :ti.o.IL...4 'I'ownRMp 3li. Snuth.-.Rang.8-4D-EaBt..._ TOGETHF.R with all the tmclllCl>ts. bercditam...t.. and appurttnanccs.. With e..-cry pri.'i1eat. right. titlc. interest and estate, dower and rijl;bt of <!oWtt. rncrsioa. rcmaiDdtr and cascmmt therdo belonging or in an>",iR apptrt~ining. TO 11:\ VE :\:\D TO HOLD the same in fee simple ff>rn-cr. .i .luId tlot said parL-~ of the 6rst part do._ CO"-':OUlt with the said part~_ of the s<a>n<1 part t~L-..aM-1.a. la_lully ..,izrd I of the said prnniscs, that thCJ arc free from l'Il encumbrancu and thaL_._She_haS. .good rigbt and lawlul authority to sell the same; aDd the said P;lft~ of the 6rst part do__ hrnb)" j.,,"y WMU.nt the titlc to wd land. aDd will ddcnd the same ar;ainst the la....ful claims of all prrsons ....homsoC\"er. I~ WIT~F.SS WHEREOF. the said parLJ:- of the first put ha...._ ..a._hcrtunto stL__.her__._hand- and scal~ the day ~nd )'ear aoo\"C 'Hillen. 1 __w. . B. ..Hwlmond..-_.____.._..h_. --.._-- I I __...1' ..:B. ..COUfl.-...-h..----......-----.--..-..-.-- ~ I , I J Signed, Scaled and DrJi\-rrcd in our Prescnce: .... Sarah Sackett. ........u.._.h._._ ._m_._..._.__...__.......(S<-:a1.) "_.'".'_m''''.''''~h''.._''' _........._...CS<-al.l STATE OF ..._.._... .____...._F~Q.tlda.__...._. _..___.........h.c. County of._._______._.St LLuc.1~.__......_...._._........... I HF.REBV CERTIF\', Th.t on Ihis....__.. 24th 1 ~ j u...A~y o! ...J.laroh .... ..___..___\. D. 19..24._ k'01'e rot pcrsv".ally a;>pnred ___SamhSackett.a._wid.ow ... ........ to> me known to ~ the perso"-__ dt5Cribcd in and wh,> nccutcd the iorqping ron~tyalKe t.L....__....._ R. J.. Traynor"_.'_.."'.h.' ...-..-....... . and so..-.:nlly adcnowlcdgcd ~ u<<Ubon tbcrtof to be__.... .hor._ ...._ ...._fttt "c1 "n<l dttd fOr the us.s "nd p..rfosc, Iherdn mcnti<.ncd; and the ".1.\ th~ wife of the said_____..____.__...__u__.. ..u__...___.__'.__.' .---.-----....-..-...--.--.-..----......--.--...--........ 00 a separate aud private examination taken and made bJ and before -. and scparatcl,- and apart from ber said husband. wI :acIcnowltdge that she made ber~1f a party to the said Dttd of Connyancr, for the purpose of renouncmg. rtli"'luisbing aM cOl1Tepng all Mr right. tit~ and inter<st. whether of dower or of icparate propcrlT statutory oc ~table in and to the lands therein dtscribcd. and that she C>.ccuted said deed fr~ly and ..-oIuntarily and ....itbout any constraint. fcar. appreltcnsion or tOmpulsion 01 or from Mr said bushand. WITXESS my sig=tare and official seal. aL__..h._.___......:..._Fort...Pieroa ......_._.._...__.._______.__._.___]n the County oi .._ _......__.._..S.t. ...Lucio__u_h_.__.___.and State 01._...._......_. .... F1or1.cla____...____._.___..tbe clay and year la.t aforcni<l. (Y.P.SUL) .h_._" Hot:rj~~~...n...---------_.._.-n...-....-. . ...(Sral.) My commission expires Apr. 7, 1924 /"' STATE OF FLORIDA. } County of St. Locic. On tbis._-24th_____....)" of_._oo__.._ .lla.rch._. _____n...'._ ._.. .A. D. 19l4-._~ aLoon_._.10__~_'ldoc:k. .A ~=-_._...lL .i ., Ibis iAstnta:alt was fikd for rcrord. ad being dul, ackDowlcdged and pro\.cn, I bue rccorded the same 00 page___..63O . __...____..---<>f BooIc---.52.--.~ in lh4! PobIic Records of ~id County. IS WITNESS WHEREOF, I hlTe hereunto set mr hand and affilled the seal of lh4! Circuit Court of the Fiftraub Jadidal Circuit of said State in and for slid C'0IIIUy. (CT.CT.SEAL) '--.. -._-_.!..~. -Elf\~. _-:.....____._..CIcrk. ~J~~.--D.C. I , . .:--:.,:--""..1' 'i."Jrtl "~/:~<;::::! :::'~: ~-,-',\,\:' .. , . :: -. ~. ". -- . - =--- . ..:.-_' ~~..., .i:--~-~0~.:> . --... :A.: . ~