HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2077 . ',. ~ ~ . M - A.... ... ~. .' .~.. ~.-:.". ~ ..' .. '. . ". -. .. _.- L_ . ~ - . ~. ~ . ".:Co" I/. . -;: . .". . ..\ 16 . . ...~~.o'-"--,",':" _--'",-'._ .~"O".=.:.:. "_'.._:;:.:...;:c:.~_";C:.>:: = -.:-::":':~'--' ... -,.' -;-- '::O:--":=~'... ::. -_:':''''::~~'::';'':':'::';;:;':;:''''''''':';;:''':''_''-='\,:':~C:;_.''':-::'':;;_..:;:.c..::.,-,-"...:.._::.:.:.:.:.:;.:.:....;,.,,+.:.~_ I I - ue _el eajo,.lat of a strip of lanel runalDg 80rO.8 the above el'lorlbeel prell1.... ODe huncll.el ~ 8nct thirv f..t on eaoh Bide of the o.nter line of 8Jl)' OClal. out. alutoe-.a)' 01 dike that 1118)' be _ele aDd oODetluoted on laid lanel b, th, salel fruet... of the llaiel Interml Improve.. ment Punel of the State of norid.a. or their 8ooo'880r8. for the purpol. &tor'laid. and the exolusiv. right to talt.. u'. s.U. dilpo8e ot and enjo, any timb.r. earth. stone. rook or gravel lying in or upon laid strip of land. IB TlSTIKOIY WHlREDP. the 8aiel Trustees have hereunto subsoribed thelr nanes anel af:tixed their seale and haye oaused the seal of the D9partmeni of Agrioulture of 1he state , . - of noriela t-o be hereunto affixed. at the Oapitol. in the au)' of fallahas.e.. on thiB the 20th 4&)' o-t Augu8t. A. D. Binateen Hundre& and Twenty-three. (SKAL OJ! DEPT.OP AGRIOULTURB) Oary A. Hardee ... Gover nor. &rneli AmOI Oomptroller. J. O. Lunning Treasurer. Rivers Buford Attorn.)' General. w. A. Kolhe Commissioner of AgrloultU%e. (L. S.) (L. S.) (L. S.) (L. 3.) (L. S.) AU..t: J.Stuart Louis Sloretar)' . . 'c. ., .. . :rUed anil rttoorded thil 7th day o-t Se ~embll. A. D. 1923.S (OT. CT. SlW,) .~~, P. O. Eldred. Olerk Oiroui t Court. B)' ~~- D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \. ELLA A. BLACK TO URS. ALICE BELL HARBIB '., . . WARRABTY DIum. THIS INDENTURE. Kade the 4th day of September A. .De 19~, Between Ella A. Bl~ok. nee Gage. a wi4o_. of the County o-t St. Lucie, in the State of P.lorida. party ~~ the ftzst part. and lIrs. A110e Bell Harbin. of the County of St. Luoie. State of norida. party , of the seoond P fir t: WIl',iiKS~TH: Tna t. the said pBX ty at the fir st part. for ~ in otns1clera- tio:D o-t the sum of ten 00/1fY;) Dollars. lawful mone)' of the united States o~ :&merioa. &Ill other Yaluable oonsideratlon to her in hand Jald by thp 8 aid party of the 8800nd part, at and be-tore the ensealing. 8igning ~d delivery heJeof. the reoeipt whereof i8 hereby 8OkriO~d- ged, has granted, bargained. sold. ~i8ned. relli.ed.. released. oonveyed and. oonfirmed. and b)' i these presents does grant. bargain. sell. alien, remi8e. release. oonvey and oonfirm., unto tJ:le saId party of the 8eoond part, and to her heirs and a88igos forever, all ~at one third UD- diYieled interest. dower and eata'te she has, in the lands herea:fter more full.)' d8fforibed.' l~- ing and being in the Ctunt)' of St. Luoie ~n th, State o-t Florida and more partioUlarl)' de8- oribed a8 follo~s. te wit: One third. undivided interest in.Land lot.numbered one (1). oon- . . tai~ing tJ;l1r1i7-nlne 00/100 aore~;. L8Dd lot n.ered two (.2) containing f1f~ ~/lOO aor.s. both lots are in Seotion thlr1i7-thrt.; and the Land lot numbered two (2) In Seotion thirty-four (U) oont,ining 46.14/100 aorel of land._ in township th1.rt7-..v~n South' of . 04 . . '.. \ RSZlge . fo.rt)-~o.ne East, and where th~ Hom88ted of th,e late T1l1lOth)' ~. . ~e.deo.a.ed, tf:e -tormer husband of the party of the -tirst part. together with the Riperian....i right thereon~ . ,. .,. beloneing. Uni t.d Sta tes Patent haying been issued Apr~l 10th. A. Do. 1886 and is nlll1bered 12929. aDd ill duly reooreleel in Book ot .De.de 22~ page 6&i. PubUo atooru o-t St'- t.uo!. I i Oount7. nor Ida. .! .. .ln4 the said party ot the -tirst par t doe. h.reb)' full)' warrant the Utle f t , . ;w__ the ..1el one th1xd uncl1vlded inter.st' ~h. hneb7 0.ome711. ot the .ai4 la.ncla aboye ele.oribed. I . . . , ,\ !8D4 .1ll deteD4 the ea. .8ain.t the 1.~al olal... ot all anel eyer)' person _houoeyu.' '., .~.. .~j' ....;' : ::....:. ~..:<-:~~ :\..:,;..<.....~:: ~ - 1:,,,..... . '-:--,. . . . ..~ ~. ""'-=-::. .~.~"..- .?- .~. .,4. " .....:.....-:' '- .:.-~ -.\., , !I.'. 1# ~ ... .... 'j I i ; I I JI :J \ , 'i I <<~'..' f " r -,