HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2127 66 " - --. . ~- ..-- - ._ _.______+ - '0'_'_ __....... . - -~. - ._,.. - _ . .-.....~ ~--.,.-_.__._-.,- ;--- . -._ -_'__'__'" W'- _ - ---_.-----_..._..~_. _ .-. .~.'-_.__..__. -~.._-_. ---- ...._....-_-_..__._.,_._--~~_... _ .-------..---------.. - ~ ___ '0'" _ _ ~ _ _ .. - - ---- ---~-_.. ---.---.-. ----.-..-----. ~iled in the offioe of the Clerk of the Cirouit Court of the Ooun~ of Brevard 3tato of Plorida, on the 10th day of (RSCORD VBRIPIED) July, ~ D~ ('[) () 'C ... t <: Ct ...~ - ~. D. g, 1903, nod rooordod in Book o 0 on Page 376. A. A. ;3tewar t Clerk Cir cuit Court. By O. . .3tewort i). C. it.. 1923. P. C. 1::J.dred, Clerk Circuit Court. By ~~ ii. C. ......... . . . . . . . . ] Filed and r eoorded this 9th dRy 0 f October, i (C T . C -; . 3:~u.. ) \ i I I 1 i " , - .' .. .--.-. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . STATE OP CONNECTIOUT, COUNTY OP NEW RiVEN. ) . . ) Be"fore mo this day personally oame 3adie B. Brown. who being filat duly sworn aays 1ha'Phe ls a resident of lew Buen. Oonneotiout and baa been a feBiden' of said Ooun'l and S'ate far a period of 69 yeat8i that &he was peraonally aoquainted wlth Is"o E. Brown dur- ing bis life time; that the ..ld laaao K. BrowD died on the 24th d87 of J11ne, 1901 aeized and poase.sed of oertain propertl situated in St. Luoie Oounty, llorida, desoribed as: All that part o"f Lot One (I), Seotion Twenty-three (23), '. '.wnablp Thirt,-flye (36) South, Range Portl (40) 88ot: Beginning at the Jlortheaat oorner of I end belonging to James P. Olmatead and running along .aid Olmatead propertl due West to the line between Seotions 22 and 23; thenoe running lorth on .aid Seotion line ~o the ~~,,-('~ob--&~~ "A-';.( ~ ~ to~l..uJ~~It~~~; Southweat oorner of lmds belonging to Benjamin Hogg;, thence running along the Indian RiYer in a S_outheasterlY direotion to the point of beginning ; that the .aid lauo K. Brown died leaying him 8urvivIng besides hi. widow Sadie B. Brown, Allie B. Brown. Prank B. Brown. Henry L. Brown, Kabel L. Brown and Luoba B. Sanford. Affiant further aays tha t Allie 6. Brown reaohed the age of twenty-one years on the 24 day of July 1890; !he t Prank 8. Brown reaohed. the age o"f twenty-one years on the 8 day o"f ] June, 1896 i !hat HeDrl L. Brown reaohed the age of twenty-one year. on the 11 day of Ml, 1900i fha' Kabel L. Brown reaohed the age of Twenty-one yeara on the 14 clay of April., 18984 f~t Luoha B. Sanford. reaohed the age of twenty-one lears on the_clay of before 1886. Sadie B. BroWD. Sworn to and nbsor1bed befare _, thle the 24 4al of August, 192~. ;v t1> ~iled and reoorded thi8 9th 4ay of Of~Obei, A. D. 1923. Albert B. Barolal Jlotery Pnblio, ~ commi..ion ex- pire" ~eb.. 1926. ' (I. 1'. SKAL) -~. ] .. .-1. P.' O. Bldred, Olerk 01zouU Oourt. By ~~ D.O. U . (Of.OT. SEAL) < ,~ ." ! .... ~" cj) Q. .~>~". /:' :;\; :;~:: ;:: ',~, ~ ~.... . " ': . ~~~..: ~ '.' '.;?W~ :~':~>, -:):':':