HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2207 146 , ,=...;.-::.:.; ":_~'~';:":~::.:i.::....;".-~:; :..:.;.-.....: -"":--::;::t:,l.'"..;;.~': -"~'_-__":'.,..-=,:--,:-_":-,..;;. ":,::=-";'i-":'::':'::'-~::~-':"':'-""~";-"'::..:-;"':''':''_;';':",, .-_i:_:',,:-..-':'::-_-":'=_~:"= -..:. :."":.:..:........::.-..:::....:..:.__._:..._"-- .;-=-:_ -: ..:...:.,.-:.;:: .::...:....,.:~__:... ":"_ ::.. -._". ;.::";_~:-''-'': _ .... .".." i. the .... for ,be parp~. 'hlreln .xpr....a; 11h.r.a.poD i' 1. pr.,.a. tha' ,be 8....., be r eoo rd.a. . I. ( I. t II WIDB88 WBBBO', I haT. heuu'o a:ffix.a.-., raM anloffio1al ..al, thi. 3l.t of Ootobe~, A. D. 1928, at PhUaelelphia, ltenDaJ1'Yanla;. P. UlL) Blohul O. BUl. lour,. Pab110. lib o~la.10Jl exphe. Iluoh 7th lt29. . OOlOlOIIBALfH 0' n.18YLVAIIA, COUllft 0' PHUaADlLmIA. ) . . ) I, aD oalon da.l,. aa.~=1s.d '0 ada1Dlater oa'h. and ~e aoltnodedgment. do hare.. b7 oerUf,. 1ha t lI.len V. )lollohol, .ife of IIUliaa J. Kollohol; Kar'ba B. Kol1ohol~ .U. ef . D.t.""~~ Ko~~o~Ol; Gertrad. D. KoliohOl,. .lfe of 'ra. J. Koliohol, to .. _n 00_ .. U.e .iT" of 1he alu,.,. parU.. uep80Un17, aDd a. th. p.re. de80t:lbod In, aid De .xe.u'e' the foreaoiJIg Deed, dia. t.h18 I., t. .', on a _para'. &Ila. pri'Ya'- exaalllation b,~ore M ~ken &Ild mad., .eJAratel,. aDd IQIUt fro. their re.ploU'Y' ha..ltaDls, aomowled8e ana. leolare 'hat the,. _de th....1Te. parU.. 110 and .x~outea. the ... :fbr 'h. purJO.' of rilea.inl, rill1\- ~ " qa1ab1ng, rellGnnolns oa. oom.,.lnl all their r1ght of el~er, .parat. ..tate and hoa.deaa., alll all their rlaht. in anel to the laDl. In .aid eleea. d.aorib.d and granted, &Del that the,. , , ' exeoat.el tbe __ :heel,. ana. YOluntallll, .Uhoa.t aD,J oon.tra1lR. appuhen8ioD, feu or 00... pal.s.on of or fro. tMU esid n8peoUTe bu.bande. WItJIBSS 11I7 ma. 8I1el official 88aL at IhUaelelphla, Pen.n8ylY8n1a, thi8 3l.t 4&,. of Ootober. A. D. i923. " Blah_rel C. Kl11. lotar7 Publio. .,. o~h.ion Opin. Karoh I\th. 1927. (I. P. IUL) .r. I'Ued aDlt uooreleel this 13th elllF of .OYe.ber, A . D. 1923. P. C. Blazed, Clerk Cuolli t Court. By ~_,~ D. C. (CT. ct. 8JW,) .:. ............................... ."............... JAMB8 a. LOBO A.IJ) WIn KlBY ALBBBT EDWAllD JlA3DLL '1'0 !!!!A!I! RIlL. 'mI8 IJlDBl!mm. ..el. 'hi. ninth 0" of Jal7, 1923, b,. 8.Ild between JAlmS H. LOBXI aDd LOLA PJlABL LORD, the wife of Ule .aiel Jaae. a. Loree. both of torolRo, Ontezlo, Camu. putie. of the first part, and KlBK ALBKB! JmWABD KASKBLL. of 1l0000IR DenDie. ib the towIl8hip of Yort. 111 tbe COUll'" of Yort, &Del ProTinoe of Ontario, part, at the .oond Part: WItIB8SBtJl. that the .fd.d putiee of th. flr.-.p.rt. for and in oonsid.raUon of the .... ef JUabt Hu.nclIed Doll.. to 'kt. 1D h&lld ~iel, the r eoelpt .hereof iJI hlreb7 &ok- noWle4aed. ha'Ye GRA1I'lBD, lWlGAID>>p SOLD al TBA~S'EBRBD 8114 b7 tht.e pU8eDt. do GRAft, lWlGlII. 3BLL &Dd 5.l18l'BB u.nto 'he 8811 puty of the .eoonel part aDd h18 hoir. anll a..~n8 \..--'...... roRBVJIB~ all that oertain paro.l of land ll1q anI being 1Jl tM COu..!R7 o~ 8t. Lao~ ..4 8'de o~ nolida. more parUoalarll a..orib.d as foUo... to .1': Lot. sev.Dty-one and .'Yent,-t", in 8eo1;1on '.emy-wo. bel. par' of the fte..- ing QraD~ In !own8hlps thirt)' aD! th1rtftone 80u tJ1. alll Banse. tb1",-elgh' aD4 thilty- v.: ' niDe Ba8t St. Luol~ Count, a. per Carter Suve, aDl Bezr.llI 8a.bdi'Yle1on of lIa1d 8unel .. per plat. of reoord In aa14 Count,., exoept w.m, fe.t froa tbe north .en.rl, enl of .a14 lot. aid Wen,. feet frn. tbe .aa.1ih ...wrl,. eDl1 of 10' an.nt,-olle-8Dd '.uQ 'fe8\ :fro. 'thl nor. ..tarl,. 'ead or 1., .'Yemy-no for p1'1'Y." III pu.b1.10 rO&d.87. fOGB'lBD WItH ALL t. '....ent.. "he ra ell taen'. I.DI1 ..pPlnt_a.... .ith e'Yerl pri'Y1- : lese, zS,h', U Ue, iDMI'.~ .. ..~t.. elower an" rich' of elower, 18'Yu81on, r..1~4'z alIA . :<:;;~;::,~ .;':<"',:},\ 1 J \ 1 .1 ~ t ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ , ; ~ i .} ~ ] " f '.i.~1 ~ s ''> ,~ : ~ . " ,,',;' '~:0't~i~<)"',-~~~~