HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2214 15:i .........'-r- .:_ ."i:. L"": --:... ~:.-_ "1........ _,"';. " , .. HI. P. SDL) ~ o.ueelon aliI'. MJ 11, '4. C ~, c:, ,n.4 aI!4 r.~or4ed ~hie 17\1l ., o~ 'oTlabez. A. D. 1911. . .. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . . . ...... < .. C. Bldad, 01ert 01rouU cou~ BJ ~ l.L~ -- D~~b. . . . . ...,. . ~ .~-.-~:-:--.. . . 'II". . . : (0'. ct. StiL) , lRBDKRICJC c. JX)ESCHIBB 8114 .l~. to ROYAL P~ OOKPAI! [ WARRAltY DBBD. !HIS IJlDBBTURB. Made ~hh 11 tit da, of Oo~ob'l A. D. 1928. be 10... II lllBDBBIOJC C. . DOBSOBIBB aIId BLllIOBB C. DOBSCHIBIl: hh .~'. of PlU.bargh. Peu.'l....nia. partie. of the fhat par t. alld ROYAL PARK COKPAIY, a oorpO%aUoll organized aDd .xt.Uag lUlder the laws of th. to- . State o'f nor 14&. of the County ~ st. Luole, and S~ate of nOdda, puty of the .ecold part, Wl!HESSBTH. that the said ~IU.a of the filat par~, for BIld in oOiDs1derat1on of the aUlD of !en ($10.00) Dollars, and other ...alua,ble oon8id.~ation, to them i~ hanl J8ld. the rt"oeipt .he~eof iR here', aoknowledged. have granted. bargained. sold and tranaferred, aDd b, tbese present,s do grant, bargain, .ell aDd tluafer unto the said part, of tbe s,oond par 10 and it. suoo88sore and anJgns fou...er, all tbat oertain proel of land lying and beillg in the count.J of 510, Luo ie. and State of llorida, liar e parUoularly desori bed as follows: Beginning at the Bo:rthWut oorner of the lortbeaat Quarhr of the Io:rth- weat Quarter of Seotion One (1). !ownahip 33 South. Bange 39 Bast, run Eaat 660 See.t' th.noe South 660 f.et; theno. W.at 680 feet; thenoe Borth 660 f.et to point of 'eginning, .aid traot oon1aining t.n aorea, lIor. or 1'88, and belng all of Sohl11'a .Ub41...ilion of laid tra.' (.xoepting tblr.'froa Lot 7. Zlook 2, 8ald lot being owned .' , b, Harr, Damno., of Vero. JIlo:ridal as per plat %eoorded in Plat Book '''. page 24, r.oord. of St. Luole Count" Plorida. mGBTBIIl with all the bll8menta. hereditaments and appurtenanoe8. with ....ery p%ivllege. 11gb', title. 1ntere.t and eatate. dower aDd r tgbt of dow.l. %eTeraion. r.ma1ndor and eas'iSillent thu.- . . to belon~ing or in aDJW18e appertaining: TO HAVE AID TO HOLD the same .in fe. simple for....er. 'Ab4 the aaid pa~t1es of the firat put do OOTenant wi th the said par ty of the .eoond part that they ar.awfu1l~ eel... or tM ..14 premiaell. t~t they au 1'nl 1'%011 all 111- o1lllbrano8I:J. exoept as .ta'\.eel below. aud tha t they have good right and la.:ta.l author1 tJ to sell the 8eme: end the said parties of the fiut part do hereby fully warrant tbe title to aald laal and wm defend the same again.t the lawful olai.. of all per80ne WhoIlBO....er. !hia oonveJ8llO_ ia made aabjeot to a mo.ttgege to 880ure the 8111 of t3,ooo _d. b, the grantorl herein to K. C. Sobill, dateel AQguat 10, 1923, reoorded on paS- 219 of Kort- 88ge Book 17. St. J,u.ol. Count, reoor d., the paJlll8nt 0 f whloh ia here b7 aBaumed by the par t~ 0 f the 8eoond' part h.rein. II WITIBSS WHBRE07, the sale1. Jart1e1 of the flut part ha.... hereunto 8et th.lI hallda and .eall the da, and year a'oye .ritten. 81p'd, ..&led 8Dd dell...ered ill 'red.riok O. Do'lohner Blanoh. O. Doe.ohllel (lJ1W,) (8JW,) our pr...no.:. I John ,. S"'1lJ Kargaret Marik (p.OO Doo~ntar7 Sa-pa canoelled) STAD or PBIISILVAIIA CODIfY or ALLBGUIY. I HKBKBY cmurn, !bat on thl.9th d8J of Ooto'er, A. D. 19m. b.fore 11I8 p~.l1aU~ : appearoel.lBlmERIOJC C.'~ anel BLAICRB C. DOBSCHDR to me kIl01lD to be the persona el..- , orl bed in alll1lho exeouted the for egoiag 0 ODVQano. to lioJlll Put OoaPlUV, aall ......nll' aok- . . : l1owle4pd the exeoution thereof to b. their free 8010 anl 4.e4 ~Ol the u.. and PllllO". . ..- -' >",' ~ ~<.:,:':' ~"~;'- ~.":.;- ~.;..>~ 11 ~ .* -.*'. ~ - ~ ,. ~ ~ / -: - - ... -~ .* - - . _!. . . . # . ~~ J!.<L.. " ..- . , - ~1 -:# ~~. ~ . ..','.Pr . ," 7_- ;:~~. - . , - "".. "~' .~. r' ~ '- -'. '; .::-:~/~t;,-." . . "".~ .:'s;- "-'. ,:.