HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2256 I :, [ ~' 1- r 195 ~ J:,,-~.:: ~'_":',..>;:.'~ ~~~ .:.._ . ~--.~- _.;:.:D":::-"(-~i"-,~: ~:.~...:.:......~:..: :3.:_ -'..~ ...t:.':i:i:,:,r ~'_:2_'.. ;!!;:..-:C2,:(:,"' "';.';';':,.:.'~ -:;..- :.:.;,;..;. !.:_ :(-:=.--.-..: &.~.....:.. .":":..::.;.-:.~..:_:__ ; .- - . - . - . ...-.'--. "_..-- . - - . , . II WITNESS WHB.REOr. I Mve b..unto .et my hand and 8eal at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- , vania, the 3llt day of July, A. D. 1928. ,J ( N; P. S1UL) . t" ". . ,~ ','v ~ r~';w . ~. tiled and reoorded th1s Wth day of Deoember, A. D. .t- (CT. CT. SEAL) 8' ~ Bo ber t 1'. Irwin Jr. !lotary Publlo. My Commi8l1ion expires April 7. 1927. 1923. P. C. Eld,red~ CIeri Cirouit By tuQ~ ~ Cour t. D. C. .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MARGARET PRABCBS MCNICHOL ~T AL ro ! A !! !! ~ .! l! D_h_H_D_. WHEREAS, James P. MoNiohol, late of Philadelphia, Pennaylvania. died intestate on H. R. .BRONU the 14th day of November, A. D. 1917, leaVing him surviving the :followilll heirs at law. to-wit: Hargaret Prances MoNiohol. widow of the said. JameR P. MoNiohol; William J. ~oNiohol; Harry A. MoNiohol; Junk J. McNiohol; Edward J. MoNiohol; Joseph I.MoH1ohol; Daniel J. l{o!licbol; Helan M. McNichol; Agn~t1 11. McNioh01 ; Jaaes P. lfoNiohol; John P. Molt1ohol; Dunstan Moll1ohol and Robert MoBiohol; obildren TH&R&FORE. THIS INDENTURE, Me.de the 30th day of July. in the year o:f our Lorli one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three B~rw&RN Ilargalet Prances MoNiohol, widow; William J. . ~ ()., .'1'hI.~~ ~~ e.-m..lWU...-(.W.. ~, MoBiohol and Helen V. Molliohol, his ~1te;~Prank J. MoNichol and Gertrude D. MoNiohol. his wife: Edward J. lIoNiohol, llDlll8nied. Jose}i1 I. IloNlohol. unmarried; Daniel J. YcNiohol, unmarried;,_1 AlII Helen lI. .lIolfiohol. UDmanied; Agnes M. lloB1ohol. unmarried; ~VL.~~~",~,el\.O<V)v,9~f /and James P. MoBiohol, unmarried. all of Ptiiladelphia. Penneylvania'1p8rty of the secon! part. WITHRSSETH. That _aid par t1 es of t he firs t pi rt for and in 0 Ol1a1derati on o:f the sum of Twenty-three Hundred Seven.\ 63/100 (.2307.63) Dollara,'lawful mone:: of the United Statas of Amerioa to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part. at or before the eni'leal- ing and delivery of these presents. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. have granted bar~;ained. sold. aliened, remised. released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant. barg<d.n, 8811. alien. remise, release, colIVey and oonfirm unto the said. ]';arty of tbe second part, and hia heirs and as.18~. forever, all that land lping and being in the - . County at St. Lucie and State of nor ida. and desori bed as follcms: Commencing a~ '!;he Northeast oorner of the land belonging to 310. Lucie (Jlub. in frac- tional Southeast Quarter of Seotion 28. Township 34 South, Range 40 Kast, as desoribed in .Deed Book "00" at page 362. Brevard Collnty records: r un thence West to .Kaat line of r1 ght of way of Florid.. East Coa8t Railway Comt-ny; run thence Northerly along the East line . of th., right of way of Florida Beat Coast Railway Company four hundred twenty feet; run thence B~8t to West bank of the Indian River; run thenoe Southerly along the Weat bank of the Indian River to point of beginning; all in the Southeast ~uarter of Seotion ~\en- ty-Eigbt (28), Townabip Thirty-four (34) South, Ra~e Forty (40) East. with riparian r1ght~ TOGETHER wi th all and singular the tenements. heed! tBmanta. and appurtenances there- unto belonging. or in anywise appertaining. and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents. lsaues, am profits thereof, AND ALSO, all the entate. right, t1tJa. in- terest, _dower and :right 'of dower. '88plrate estate, proper ty. posResaion. a1 aim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equity, o:f the 881d parties of the :first put. of.' in and to tbe same, and every plrt and paroel thereof, with the appurtenanoes: ! I .. , TO HAVE AND '10 HOLD the above granted. bargained and desoribed preDd.88s. wi th the aHluztenanoes. unto the 8aid JB%ty of the second part" and biR heirs and assigns, to his own proper use, benefit 8bd behoof ~orever. And the laid partien of the first plrt :tor tbeDUII:J.V88 and for their heirs. exeoutors . ..:.' ~ "'. ;: :~~~~~ ':. ':,"'~..:' , .~,' '.- .r~;~',:;'~';: .~~~~~:~.~, / ~.' - ~