HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2264 I I II ,\ 20~i ""-"l::". .'';'':;.- :,;..-~,"::.:'::':' :'_:.'._..:.:~.'-.'-- - .,... - - ... '-'. - -,--,- .C,_'-_'~'. _.;.... _~ _0.". ._.....'--_"~~ --....'__ ..,.,1 t Oounty, Plorld., to Ruby ~ummerlin by Tax Deed dated Pebruary 4t~, 1907 and reoorded Pebruary e. ; 4th, 1907 in Tax Deed Boot 1 at P88e 16 of the ;St. Lucie Coun1;J Reoor4s: that RUby,aUllln6tlln . went into possesR1on of aaid property PebrlllllY 4th. 1907:. tbat .on August 9th, 1909. Ruby C. Summerlin and wife oonveyed to Ial~r PeterRon that part of said property deaoribed aa followl: . Commenoing at'the interBeotion of the 3ec;ion line dividing Seotions 28 and 33 in , Township 34 South, Range 40' East with the West bank of the Indian River : running thenoe North- erly along aaid bank of Indian River 410 feet to 8tarting point: run thenoe Weat to right of way of Florida East Coaat Railway: thenoe Northerly al~ng naid railway right of way ao feet: thence East to tbe WeRt bank of Indian RiTer; tbenoc'30utherly along said bank of In~an River to plaoe of beginning, together with riparian rightd. . whioh deed waR reoord6d Noveao.r 3rd. 1910 in Deed Book 8 at P88e 272 of the reoorda of ~t. Lucie County. Plorida; th~t immediately thereafter Walter Peterson tQok possession of the property above deaori bed and deeded to him and cultivated and improved the same by grubbing the land: by planting ornamental trees theraon; by ereoting net raoks and wharf ther eon;and by oon8truoting a houae thereon: that thereafter the Raid Walter Peterson and wife oonveyed the propEaty above 4esoribed(and theretofore oonveyed to th.~, to James P. KoNiohol ~i Deed dnted April 28th. 1913 and recorded .April 28 th, 1913 in Deed Book 14 at pl88 264 of the records of st. Lu~ie County, Flotid.; that the aaid James P. ~cHiohol immediately took pOBseasion of said property and further oultivated and improved the same by erecting buildings thereon ond qy planting various kind8 of ornamental trees thereon.ana by proteoting the same by a substantial enoloaure; that the property deeded by the Rflid Ruby C. Summerlin to Walter Peteraon aforesaid is now held by the said James P. MoNichol. or his teira; and that there has been a oontinued oooupanoy end possession of said property for a period of sixteen years by the ~eRent occupant. or oooupants. and tho EB under whom he or they claim. That on the 20th day of Ootobar. 1909, the said Bilby C. Summerlin. otherwise known as R. C. Summerlin.and his wife oonveyed a part of the property first above described. to-wit: Commenolng st. the Northeast oorner of land belonging lo ~t. Lucie Club. in Frac. 80utheast Quarter of Seotion 28. Township 34 South. Range 40 Kaat, as dencribed in Deed Book ~ page 362. Brevard County records; run theDOe Northerly along the West shore of Indian River 210 feet: thenoe West to right of way of Florida East Coast Rail~ay; thence ~outherly along the Kant aide of naid Ry right of way to a point exaotly West of tbe Ilor th boundary line of aaid St. LUOle Club lot; thenoe .East along said Nort~ine of p.~id 3t. LUo:1l:l Club Lot to the plaoe of begineiD<<. to Anna't. Coon by Warranty Deed whioh was reoorded OotoDer 20th. 1909 in Deed Book 8 at page 43 of the recorda of .;it. Luoie County, Flo! ida: that the sa id Anna .if' Coon iDllDediately took posses~ion of aaid property and cult1vat~d and improved the same by grubbing and ole~ring the same, and by plaating thereon orange trees, grapefruit trees. and ornamental trees of various kinds: that thereafter on the lOth day of Karch 1910 Anna ~ Coon and Daniel H. Coon. her hlla- band conveyed the property above desoribed (and conveyed to them) to James P. KoNlohol by Deed wbloh waa recorded )laroh lOth. 1910 in Deed Book 8 at P88e 111 of tilt at. Luoie County reoords; that the said James P. KoNiohol immediately thereafter took possession of naid property and improved the same by fenoing the s... and by oreoting baildings and planUng gardens tlltreon, and by proteoting the same b] e substantial enolO.ure; that the property laBt above described baa b..D In the adverse pOlilseRllioD of th. said Jamie P. ltoltloho~ or his heirs.' and those undez whom they olaim. for a period of ai.teen years. ~ John C. Jon68 38worn to aDd Rubsoribed before me, ._.... -- ,.~ w." . .~~: ~-' -::' .. -." Q ",. ~~ . f -" ~ .' ',l,: :," '..- .', :;~~':::> '~L /, : :::::.':'-' - . - .- - - s . . ~ : . -. ~- - :, .~ .: . .: . :."- -, 'Ie '. " ." 0" . .... . _ :. ~ r / ' '. t 1.:0 . ~