HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2278 217 , ':~-~4~:-::l''''''--~~~~.''''.~~~~-::-"''''-Z.'=--;~~~~.$.;-:;...:,l;~~'~~~':7....,..,.":.-'i"J.~':::..:1..~:.::e..::1:.~1Z:~~~.;;,:~~.~~:::.:::.j,.,~;::s:!:;::.;:;;L:...t:'.....~.:~Z-~'t_::.:.~,..':';~'':'':'~':';:.~''''~~-~':;::'''-:-.:....?':''~~'~:'';:';-i"_~Z~':'']';:.E. ..:',.;.-_'~;,::,~~.:,::_~ I " i ;' 'l;J' : IN WITNESS 'RHERBOJP. I.have hereunto ..t my hand and affixed my offioial rseal~~"hioh' .. ;j .'\ is the seal. of aaid Saperior Court at 3an Diego (S. I. ge-.1.) ,/' '...... -in aaid Oount7. this 2nd day of. JUly 1923. J.'B.llloLeea Clor lc. ~ , , : (CT. CT. SEAL) . P. C. Eldred. Clerk Oirouit By ~~~~ >:J .- '0 () t) coart~ JPUed and reoorded ~hi. 14th day of De 0 ember . A. D. 1923. D. C . ............... .... ........ ................ ~ B. }.t. SALLEE AND NIFE TO R. G. licCAIN WARUAllTY DEED. Ii ( . , . ; ;. THIS IlmgnTUR~, Made th18 22 day of }Jay A. D. 1923, BET'REEN H. M. ;)911e8 and wife . ; Ann Sallee of the County of 3t. Lucie in the State of Florida rerties of the fi rat }jart. ani R. G. MoCain of the County of Jt. Luoie in the 3t9te of ~lorida ~arty of the second part. WITNESSETH. That the naid r-art1es of the first part. for and in oonsideration of the SUIll of $10.00 and other oonsideration Dollars. to them in hand paid by the said plrty of the seoond part, the reoeip~ whereof 18 hereby.aoknowle'dged. have granted. bargained and sold to . the said party of t~ seoond part. his heirs &r.ld assigns forever, the folloring desoribed 'land. to-wi t: That Piece. parcel or traot of land. lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida anI desoribed aEl follows Beginning at the Northeast oorner o_f land of Annie Ruffner running nortb (90) ninety feet along publto road; thence West (240 ft) TwO hundred forty feet more or leas. to right of way of F. -E. C. h. R. Thence douth (90) ninety feet along said right of way to W. A. Louder's land. thence Mst (240) Two hundred forty feet more or lesB to point of beginning. Containing 13/6) Three fifths of an Aore more or less. in Seotion (6)' Six. TowD.1hip (31) Thirty-One 30uth Range (39) Thirty-nine East, being part of lot (1) One of land owned by Hicks and 3embler.. _ Also a triangular piece of 1611,j beginning at a po~nt on the East side of tbe r~~ way of the F. E. C. R. R. (lli) Eleven and one half ohains 110rth and (6 74/100) six and seventy-four one bundredths chains ::ast of the 1I0rthweat co!oor of Lot (4) Four Seotion (6) 3ix. TO'RI18hlp (31) '!'hirty-one south Range (39) 3ast, Thence running East (2 6'8/100) Two 58/100 ohains Thenoe 30uth 510 10' west (2 17/100) Two and 17/100 ohUn8 to said right of way. Thenoe lorth 320 west (1 62/100) one and 62/100 chains to point of beginning oontain.1ng (15/100) rifteen One hundredths of an acre. Clore or less. And the said parties at the firRt rart does hereby full.y warrant the title to said land. and will defend the name agaim t the lawful claimn of all persone whomsoever. IN 'NITBE3S WHEREOF. The tal d par t1 es of the fi r st par t have here unt 0 set thei r hands and seals the day and year firnt above written. Signed, Realed and dellTered in presenoe of na:) . !. R'. lIiller H. M. Sallee (3eal) ( Seal) . II. ),I. lIille r Ann Sallee ~r t '>~: . . STATE or PLORIDA . COUBfi OF ST. LUCIE ) C ) I BKRUY CERfIPY That on thln day peraonally appeared before me, an offioer duly au- , I thorized to adminiater oathB and take aokno1iledgmenh. H. M. Sallee and Ann Sallee to me ...11 : known and known to mft 1n be the ind ivi dual desoribed in and 11110 exeouted the far ego1ng deed. ! aid aoknowledged before me that they exeouted the name freely and voll1I1tarlly for the purposes !tb...ln expre.eed. ~ . -.- , I I I "/ "f .tf>.~.-- ;~"; ..~~::: ':. '~~:-;L:'h: y - ' "-.. .. ~.-... -..... ',. :'" ,'.. . '. ..,'.- :...:.,:....;:...'. .'o,~.:;~'l' .' !!!JOfii