HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2284 II [ n 2~:~ :c.:::':f''':--:: .:~-=:--,-,-- I :-"",'.;.." _._-...:-.'.:-l. __ .E.::.-,: .~__ ~:-.-,:;: ::..:-.:..:::......:.:.:..: _~..:.:;-.:;.;:.!.~_-__.;:;,..-:.l.~L..:....:..--:..._::.;...;.-.:;.;."_'O"":'-_..:.: ...__h.:.:...:.:...__.:....:...::..."._-_- _ ____.:..: .' ",.... -- -. . ..___il._________. ....__ .-._.-..__ ___ .... .uftiolem 4..d, the lot. ,leo.. or paroel ot cro\lD4 8Uua,t.el 1D the Oootl ot St. Luoie. Stat. ,of 'lor14a, kaowa aDd d..oribed a. foU.... to-wUa tr.ot 011I tho.aa4 ,itt, 'our ~ (1064). tGllallbip flirt, 011I (31). :louth. aaag. thirtl-Snen (a,) Ba.t. oontalala8 '.66 ane.. _,e 01 1.... aDll l'h. .&14 par U.. of the .eooad palt horeb, ooyenallt an4 .8ne w pal the .aid parU.. ot the fird part the Ell of Thiltl 'lye l1uaared . .0/100 DoUau la the lI..nR tollowln81 . , POO.OO oa.h. the reoeipt of whioh ill hueb, aoknowledsed. tbe balano. to be pald ill .i&bt JBJMnt., ..y.a palMnt. \0 be 1118d. 118111 ot f3OO.oo with latenat at .igbt peroeat C~) JBl.bl. ..1II1-anllaall,. the eight J81"Dt to ~. t600.00 with In"nat at .igbt peroem palable .'1I1~aalll with Inter..t at the rate at ~ per oent_ p.r aDaml. pa,ab18 aem1-anauaU, .aaaal1" 011 'h.'whole .. re.lnla8 tro. U.e to tilie uapaid; aad to pa;? all tax'lI. ....... lleat. or illpoll1 UOIl. that .,. be leplll levi.d or 1apoaed UpoD laid land 8tmllequ.nt to 1he ..., .... leal 1923. and to keep __ bUild1Dg8 upoa .aid I2e.~.. InwI.d In 110M oompan;y aU.taotor, to the p8ltwa of the fir.t palt i. .. not l.as tlall 7iftlen Bundred Dollar. (1600.00 Dol1arl duriq the t.r. ot thl. a8reement, An4 ia ,aa.. o~ the AUure ot the .aid perU_ ot the ..- oOlld part to make either of tbe 1&1II8m. or anl 18't thereot, or _to perfora an;y ot the OOY.D- ant. \)n their part her.. _de aDd Inured Into. thi. oODtraot IIlIlll. at the opUoa ot the p. Ue. o~ the tire t p81 t. be folf.1ted aDll tendaat.d. .nd the partie. of Ule ..00n4 palt ahall fert.it all pa,_nh _de b, th.. ia thl. ooatraot; and uoh pa~Dt. a1all be retaintd b,' the .aid parti.. ot the til.t part in hll .aU.faotioll aDd liqui4ation ot all. dams8es bl 'h.. .d..talne4. alld the J:8 rU.. ot the tiut par t .hall baye the r i8h~ to re-.nhl and \ ake po.....ioa of the proai... afor..aid without beia8 li.ble to a~ aotion \h.refor. Ab.ttaot of title to be tura1abed par'l ot the seooDd part If 18 KlJ'lUALLY AGRDD. bJ and betweeD the J:8rU.. h.re~o. that the time ot payment llhall be an e..enUal put ot thi8 oontraot. 8DI1 that all ooyenam. and ~reements heroin oOlltailled IIhall .xt.nd \0 aDd be obl18ator;? upon the heirs. executors. adminilltrators. ~nd a.si8ns of the re.peotlY. parti... III WItlESS WBBRROP. The parties to th.se puaent. have hereunto .et their handS and .eal. the cIa, and y.ar fir at .b(rn wl1 Uen. Signed. ..aled. aDd deliY8red in the prelleno. o~~ Basel G. Swartwout W81 ter Dunosn Lola V. DunoaD C Seal ) ( Seal ) ( Seal ) Pat Ol.ary Ira D. Boardaall Oarolln. BoarclaD (Seal) Sf AT!: OP fLORIDA. st. Luol. Ooun\7. Oil \bi. 4a, polllo_ll, appeared before ... aa o:ttio.r dol;?, al theE is.d to take aoltnow- 1.lpeat. of deo4.. .to.. W81 tar Dunoan and Lal. V. Duncan. h18 wite. and Ir. D. Boa dllaa aDd .~ -' Oarolln Board_D. h18 wife to m. ..11 It.n. aD4 known to b. ~be perso.. who .z.outed th. .. wUhlll Ap....nt. alld aokn_lel_ tba-t the;? ezeollted the .a. tor the purpo... ~th.elD u- .., pr...ad. ADd the .a14 Lala V. Dan.an. the wite of the .aid, ..l"r Dunoa~ -lb. .a14 oarolia , ,,-'., Boarclau w1te ot the .aid Ira D. Board_a. apoD 811 u..i_Uoa' take~ 'b}'... ..par.t.l, and a~,rt tro. h.r haband. aoknowleqed 'hat~a'oUhd tho uid A~.e..nt ~ro.l, aDd vol1lDt.rU, an4 wi \bOllt an, oon.',alDt. oo..paldoa. .ppr.heD8ioa. or tear ot or troll her .ald hu.ban4. >>eoe.bez, 1921. ,1f' Ba.eX',G.. aw.rtwou' -I1l&u7 l'u1i110 State ot llorida at La%se. -M7 ooaat..loa .zpir.. 2/28/192' .1 till.. ., band aDd Hal 1hl. Ilth day ot 'b ..fl: 's Jj 17\1a 4.,of >>e.e.Hr.~. D. b '6 () ~ (1I.~. SUL) 7iled aad r.oorde4 thi. 1~3. . it P. o. &l4Uel. Ol.k OUOII'" Ocart. _ ~~ D.O. ! (Of.Ot. S&&L) ~: ;~': :':':',';,: \' ,~.~:, ~ ;~L:,i~ . ~.~ _\ ~..:_::;~~_VI:.~:_'" . - . ..~ ~ .._~~~~,'.-j~~',--~.._-~.-' -, -- ....