HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2292 " , , 23.1 ',- . f. ~ ... - :~- ~~~~_~~-::':"=~.~.L-:'..:..:.~::::s..~:,:.....::...i..~.......,:-.r-........z= "::':":.:i.:..i~-~.~:..::.sI;.~~~S:4:;:::<"~~~:O""'_. . '~':""':::"'-="-:---::'~-':";:':;':"';;';';::..:.:.-!.'..l'~~~~'~~_--:.J.~~~~'-_::.:..:.."~:_:..~' ..:.-...::...:..::,....:.;~~:2.:-...;.__ ,..:.. .~.:- -.. ,"..:...:." '.'. ,.:{ ". "\ : ,-1 WItllU8 the haDl. aDd a.al. ot aaid sraato%8. .e cial aIll1 lear tiret abOY. WllUen. Siaa.ct. .......ct aDa a.l1yered ia thl prel'DOI of Loui.e BeilMote Lorlaa Plwer. (S.al) ( Se.l) Qer"1l4e 're4erlok. )'rau J. Power. StAB OJ' lLOBI~. ) ( ) , . OOlUltl of Dadl I BBIlDT OKRtI~Y fhat 011 thl. aa, pllaoJallJ appeue4 'betore _, aa 0 frio., lal, . authullld \0 ad.la1.ter oath. and take aoknowleds-nt_. Lor.aa PoWfl~. ADd ",&Ilk J. Power.. , htx huabanet \0 .. well swn and kno_ \0 _ \0 bl the iDll,,!dual. de_ori bed ln aDd who eZlouhd ~~",Q~ ~J~~~~~-'4~ . Q. ......IIf'"..'t, alld yol11D\ rUl tor t1ll purpo.I_ th.rela 'X~I_II. . AID I J'URftRR OBBtIlY fhat ,he _aid Lor.aa ~II. knowa \0 _ to be t.. wit. of the .aid J'Iallk J. Pow.. oa a .~ate lad pr1yate ,z8l11Datlon tatea aDd .ad. lw aad before me. "]aratell aDd aput 1'ro. her .aid huaband. dict acknowlelg. that ahe made heu.lt a 18rtl to .Iail aeed for the pupo.e.of rel101lDolnS. rellnqui8hil\B aDd oonr.,ll\B f11. hel right, tItle aDl 1atere.t. whether of dow.r. ho.estead or ot _18rate propert,. _tato1;OI1 or .qui table. ia am. to the laDls deso!1bGd therein. aad 'hat sh. aeoutld the lald deed tre.ly and. vo111Otarl1, a.Dcl Wi thout anl oCllpulaloll. oOD8traiDt. apprebea8ion or t.ar ~ or froa her 8a1d hu.bard. 1rItIlKSS 117 hand IIIDcl of:f101al leal at M18111.Coulltl ot Dade and State ot JIlCK Ida. . thi_ 17th d~ ot Deoeabu A. D. 1928. (I. P. SlUL) 14' OCII. B:zpir.. ])eo. 18. 1984. A.. Q- :.... ~(- Loui8e Reineok. lotar7 Publio. 3tate Qt 11a. [ lil.4 and rloorded 1hl. l8~h lal of >>eo..b.r. A. D. 1923. (01'. OT. SKAL) r '0 :. . ....... C' ~ Bl . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. C. JIldtld. -Cle~k Olroul \ COdt. 9 14'~./ ~ 0------ - D. C. ................ . . . . CHA.RLES H. BLAD 10 IfARRAITY DUD. KIlO. ALL KrJ BY tHESK PBKSEBT8: ' lWlOUS V. DAKOII till! ~. ~harle' Be Blake of CU1.OD la the Countl ot Cheshire and State of .ew Hampshir.. tor an I la ooaaideration of the su. ot 011I . aore dollarl. to .'" iD hRDd.' befon the dell T8ry her.ot. .ell alld U111, pai4 bl Karous V. >>a.on \b. reotlpt whereof I jo Mreb7 _nowledgE'. have given. srant.d. batsa1n.d. .old. &Dd by, tllts. pr..entl to gln. srant. bargaill. Mll. aliaa. ent,off. OOnYI7 and ooot1rll. 11OtO the .aid Grant.e am hia btlra and a's18m forever. _ .. .. outain puoel ot land ill ~be ooutl ot St. Luole and State ot nori.. desoribed a8 follows: ,th. lo~ih-...t quarter 0 t thl South-.ast quarter 0 t .eo tion Kight t 8) toulhlp thllt,.....V.D (3'I) South; Bangl '0It,-0D. (41) Ra.t Contalalns J'or1r,J (40) aorl. IDOre or 1.... tosether with all and 11nl1l1ar the ~enelHnt.. heredUa..nte. and awurtenanoe. :[ ther.unto belonging or ill 8Il7W1. applrtt1Dlq aDd the lents, ll11u.s aDd protit. thlreot. anI .tIO all thl ..tate. dow. 8Ild r4"h' of dower and .~e.atl. "e _ _ ~~ ,Belq al't the PI_i.. ooan,ed to .e thl Mi. Grantor bl deed_ of Henry L. PhiUIP'l-dahd 'lOT 19 1921 IlOold.1 iD Vol. 41 !'as- 4" of '$he OtrouiLOOtlU. St. 'Luo1a Oe J'ort Pi.rol ha. . -.. to BAVB AID to BO~ the IIa1d granted pr ..i....1I1 th all the lZ lYUeS88 anI appurtlnanoes to tho ... llelOl\B1Q. to th. la14 QruUe &lid hi. belr.. _a a"18D., to their onl, proper \181 ...' .. allll b.llen, foreY,..AIlI I th. .ald CJraa'CB aDd h18 b.iza. _IOGoI. ad adaiJl1atrator.. d. r ~rlb7 ooye.n'. 'Iun aad ...., .to ant II1th ~ lail Glut.. anet hla h.lr. ADI a.'lsa:-. tlat; ,WltU thl delAy", Mr.of I the lawful OIrner ot the aU ~_l.u. ..11.4 1a4 pO.....d \her. of I lia ~ on rtabt 111 t.. .1.pl.; ADI haYe fbU power cud lawtal aRtholU' to sr.." aad CIOnl' th,. ,~",~,(:~; '...,o.~;~.::_:, _ /. ,::',); :'~,~'~ ,:.~< :.-. . '. ~ - ~ . , '.':: ~ - ., - - '-.,' .~, , .... '..... ~ - . ~ ,,' , .' ~". :. .. -.r' . ~