HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2310 1[ ,. , f D . f....,... I' - 249 ~.~:. -_:=;-~-'ITF.:S:=';'~:";::':~";:;'~;;'.;,;~ ;.5.':"':':';';'..:.;.~..::':";";'=-~~~!'...~'"''':''':''';':1''';::;~..~-~~=...:~-:;:.~~:~'''~'"i.~--'-i-';4,'':;:;' :.i...t...;:..;.-~C:...:;iCz..:;r3:.:i~-':"~":.i.;:;~~'~:i~-~"':'~..:c:..:...:..:::...:~.:~_....~.,;-.,.;..;..;.;... -;.-...3.::;.f;::.:.;;,.,..u.....:-:...:....;..;...:J;;,.:;.:'" : .... I ! !be GraJt.~ ooy.aulh aid asree. tha t it aD4 .hlD it ahflU be as.IOOY8I8d1iha" aIll , , . of th. pro,.." DOW ..bed bJ tiJe ~aDtor 8Jl4 In'.ade4 to ... oonye,.d b, "hlo Dell. throush ol.~loal 01 o\mr 11l_dl'ert.llt ellM, or otherw1a., ba. no\ beln propelll 00nYI1G4 Of tranl~ t.n.d W the Gzaahe. U will. 8114 UpoD the d.a. ot the Grant.. Ihill. eZlO"'" aDd 4.llYn , to the GlaD'" ."oh IDltraaeDt or l..tr_n"o 0 f OOIlY81aao.. traDlt.r 0 r a.o1gnllleDt arid .uoh ; . turth.r inotlUJl8m or inltraaeDt. ot turther a.8Q!8noe a. ., be hlce.._rl aJ1d proper to oo~ Y" .aid proper"l to th. Grant... If sa4 wheD It 8b&ll be dlloar.r.d tha". through olerloal or other lnadve!tent .nor, or othu.lIl. aDJ propert, has beell Of:)lIYe,e4 01 uaD.telled, to the Grante.. whloh the Grantor did not at the timo o~ luGb oODYelanoe on or have tho author1t.l to oonvel. er otherw1aG. or whloh W8S not Intended to be oo__y04 b, thl. Deed. tbe GIant... UpOIl Huch taoh ~ belag proved to 1tl aaUetaoUOIl. 8bItll r.oony,y 881 d pr operty to the GIantor O. it. wU "hD I j i I 1l0IDIDe.. IB _ITlIESS 1UIBID:OP. the Gran tor ba. oaued its oorporate 8eal to be ,hereunto atlo- ed aid 'he.e pze.entll 81sned by 1"'. Pre81dent Ute day and year ti..t above wrlUen. D&I.8MBB.B COllPABY i - ! ~ ~ r~ 1, Ii I~ ~ r: E r ATT&ST: Q By Walter H. talli. Pre81dl K. G. Warfield , 81oletary. " en..re OOap8Dl 1918 J'lor1da _1 tnel.e., . .Oharle. 5. )(artilY' ,H. W. HaldeDli.ill ,stATE OP UW YOBlC. . OOUlItY OP OW YORJC. ) ( SS.: ) OD thl R 30th day ot Ootober. A. D. 1923. betor e me Bobt. E. J. Cozooran a lotary Pa.b11o In and tor the Coantv' a1blesald. pe.lOaall, appear.d 1fALTKR H. 'fALLIS. President ot J'ELLlUIBliB COKPAliT. to IIIlit known to be the per lIOn ee.orlbed In aad who exeouted the :toregolas instr"'Dt. BrId aokaCJIIledged the exeoutioD thereot to be the tree Bot aDd de8d of !PKLLSIlERE COIlPABY tor the uses and pa.r poee 8 ther etn IDem 1 oned. IB WITDSS 1IHBRBOJ'. I have her eunto . et ay hand and aft lx:ed my otflo ia1 .eal the del and year t!r at a)01'e 1rr Uhn. Bob'. X. J. Conor.... ~? DO'Ul PIlUle. KlnSI 00. ,HAL) Ceztifioate tiled In Baw Yor o~ I. Y. 00. Olk'a 10. 40& B. Y. Beg. 10. 4329 ~B.Y. Bey. 3k.p , St_p tloo ~._ I B.Y. 5taap. tloo B.Y. Sta.P. tJ,oo Bey. 5taap. tJ,oo - 8~1lI It I.. Yor k. J Comy ot 10. YOlk ) II, .JAMBS A. DOJlBGU. aad fo~ oat d OouDt,. 80 BOBBIO.flIt,. fhat .ala Oout 1. a Oowt 01 a,oold. }aY1Dg b, law a leal; tbat, ROBt. ll. a. OOBCOU. frho.e DaM 18 Db.orl bed to the anaen4 oel~lfloate or proot of aoJtDo_ i leas-nt ot 'h. 8IlDlzed lnatrWl8nt was at the time ot tak1as the ... a BOTARY PUBLIO aoUns ID and for lald ooantl. dill, oo_I..loaed aad ~orn. and qUal1fl'd'to,~0~.. auoh; tIIat M ha. I f1led ID the Ole rk" Oftloa 0 t the OOWlty ot Be. York a OU U :a'4,,,Q6py of hi. appolDaeat i 58.: _ -- 'or., 2 .0...67717.......S.rl.. B Olerk of. iIle OCIQat7 o~ I.. York. 8Dd alao Olerk of the Supra.e Oourt 1n ' "... . '-'.. - 4' i.' 4 '_4 .~.: ~ -. . _- .~~- ~ ..... ~:<.' . .":' '::,','::.----:: ,- " .~~,:.;.~