HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2323 ~ f 2G2 ~ ~' !-. .:.~:; I, .1 "j ,( ,j. J 3 ; I j j , :} :< .:-~.-- _'_~~~~..4_:"::''::'';;'\;:..:"''~:':';'''~'':':'':'':;';''-~':'-:.~'';;~~ :....-^~~~-.;:.&.-..-~.z;.-:;::.i.~;..:::.,;.~..l...1ia.:~:.....~Ja-;J.~...:.::.:....~~~~....::::;....s.;~.~-..::-::.;~c~~-..:.J.~:...;..;..::::::'::'--..;.---~'~:-":;;':"":':;~~:":~-.i"";'~::;"-7":" ._..- .-._:::._ UII8. aell, diapose, I) t and en301 anl timber. ear th',' lit one . root or granl ly1ng in or upon &aid atrip ot 18 net. AND FURTHRR SAVING AND RBClRVUG unto the oaid. the '1'%u"wea of the Internal Implove" j meDt Iud ot Jl1.0ri~a. aDd thelr 8uoo~oaou. ,aD undivided three-fourtha Interu' lD and une in And to 8D undlYldea tHree-foa..rtho interest iD all the phoaphate, 1I1nuala and meta.'la that - are or .y be in, ~on or uncler .tho oald above deaoribed laM, with the pr1vUege and rigJ1t to mine and deyelop the same. AII.D li'URTHRR SAVIlfG A1U> R&:JJmVIHG Wlto tbe,ca614.. the frusteea ot the Internal IlIprove- lIent J'ud of i'lor1da.. and thelr 8uooe..or s. an uadh1ded onel'halt im er est iJand tit.le in aad to an WldiVided one-halt Intereat in all the petroleum that is or ..y be In, on or under !.he sall above de80rl bed land. wi t.h the pl'lvnege to mine and develop the 88me. IN TESTIMONY mnmEO'. the oaid Tl'U8teea have hereunto oubaoribed i,helr names and atfized their sealll, and have 08used the aeal of "THE DEPARTURNT OF AGRICUL1URE 01 THE STA~ D. PLOlUDA" to be her eUuto attlzed. at the Oapitol, iD the Ci ty of Tallaba_ee. on t hill the 24th d~ of lAuoh, A. D. 11neteen Huml'8d and '!'We nty-three. ')'.- I", t: ~ Cuy A. Hard.. Goyer nor. (sm DF?T. AGRICULTURE) (L. S.). eL. S.) Comptroller. J. C. Laming (L. S.) Treasurer Rivera Buford (L. ;:3.) Attar ney-General e L. S.) COllllli88ioner o~ Agrloul ture. Krnest AaOIl 7;" c :.:... 'i", ,Co, ...- w. A. KoRae rUed am. reoorded this 24th day J;f Deoember, 10 .(.; W Cou:t. A. D. 1923. .~,~~: -( . ~~' P. C. Eldr ed. 01 erk Ohou! t BY~~ (Cl'. CT. SEAL) .D. C. . . . . . ................. ............. ...... .... F. li. ruTS AND WIFg .. TO AG~MT FOR D&KD CHARLES S. MILEY ARTIOLES OF AGR.EElUNT. llade this 1st day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand _nine hundred and bemy-two BETWEEI F.),I. Teets and Minnie li. T.ets. hie lIife, parties of the tirst part, and Charles S. JUl.y. party of tlvJ A800nd part. WITllES~RTH. That It the aaid P8%ty of the seoond part shell first IIBke the p~ments ani Jlerform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on his pirt to be rrade and pertormed, the s8id parths of the first part hereby ooyenants and agrees to oOll'Yey am' anura to the aaid par ty of the seoond part. in fee simple. by 8 good and autfioient deed. the lot. pieoe or paroel of ground aitusted in ~he County of 3t. Lwie. 3tate'of nor1da knOlfnand desoribed aa follows, *O-wUI The North sixt.y-a1x and one-half (6Gl) -teet of Lots rourteen '(14), i'itteon (15). Sizteen (16) and the South one,.balt (St) of Lot Thirteen (13) ot,Blook Nineteen (19) in the A. C. Dittmar- Subdlv18ion ot Blooks Pithen (16) and "0" in the C11;y ot lor' P1ezce. l1a.. as shown on plat reoorded in Plot BOOk One (1). at page Twen\y-seven (27), records of :It. Lu01e County, 7lorida. 8Dd the e81d .I81. ~ the 'tbond put hereby covenants and ague. to pay to the s8id par ty of the - , firet part thv s~ ot Thhty-totlr j1unc\red i'ift1-fl'Y8 Dollau. in the manner 1bllowlng ~neDt,- /' tlye DoUsl'l oasb. reoeipt ot which 18 herebl actno.ledged and the further BUll of 'iity Dollar. ' . ~ .~ per lIonth Wltll the AbOYe oonaid.rattOD 18 paid In ttill. !he pzivUege ot prvlng in ~all at U.e of anYlllonthl, ~JlDent 18 uRenel. with IntereBt at the rate of Bi,ght per oentum, per annD 'pe,able Sell1-amaa8l.11 and to 181 all taxes. asa.._ent8 or ImpoaUloDS tha t may be legally levied .' "';01' 1a,08e4 upon .aid land snb"quent to the y_r 1920, aDd to keep the bulldlngB upon Baid pre- w -\. . - ~1'.8 insured in BOIDe oompany .,aUHtaotor, to the I*rUe. ot t.he fint par t 1n a SWl not 1... ; j ~_ -, s ? ~~ _;<.-..;>;-__~:~ :-' f)~t'~: .:- - ~ .. -' . ~ '.. . - .. > '. - . -.. - ..~. . < '. . .E.. ~. ,,_ : .. . J' . ~: _ ~~ _ -' ' - , - ~' "., "'. ~.. ::, ~ .:~ . - ,-, , - .. .w...... : __ ..,