HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2357 ~ . - ~ ..:;-.. ~.. , , '., - . ' t." - - ,., t'- , '_ ~~: :,' ~~:: ,_ ,0 " . ." .. '.' ~96 -~- ~_.:....;;; ~~::.;'-":-:_":'::::--:':~";';':';"':+~:;"\-...'- "~- ',.;.-:-, Jo.". ..;.:..:..;..:.~-_.;,.:: ':':"\.:~~~~':':':': _'~';-.;,;-:~~~~~=---l.-,;;~-,';:::...}';'~,,--":::~~.'::~-"; -~ _-..:.:.".;:;,:._~.:-,::.o:..:......:..:.:;~-:~..::.:..:~;.:.::,!..; ;.-~:-=.:.:::.;..::.::..: :--4._"' ~..:..::. __:::_ - _ " ..t.e4 ID fe. .lap'l. of . SOOd. abao1... aad llla.t...lbl. ..ta. of 1IlhtfUuo.. ot am ID . . al~ aDI .1.\1181 ~. ab~Y. paDtd. barla1D.4 a... 4..ol1b.4 ~ ..1.., wUh th. aJllUhD8Il008. aD4 han 8u4 r Jaht, full power aDd l.tal 8Ilt~I U, to paDt. balpll1. ..11 _d OODftJ '\h. ..- ill thl raalUlllr aad tor. atOle.aU, ADd that 'he u14 put, of tho '.800n4 put. h.r hllr. aD4.aai8D.. shall aid mq at all U.8 hereafbr, paaoetall, a... qu1eUl haYI. hold Wle, oooapJ. po.."B. and .n~07 the aboy. sraDte4 preahea. and eYer, part aIl4 parc=1 ..heeot wUh the appuIteDaaoes. .1thou\ aDl1.t. _1". trouble. IIOle.tatloa .ylotS-. C)I dl.tubano. of the .aid JjalUI. of th., firet p\rt. th.Uhelu C2 a..18n., or of aD7 oth.r per.OIl:or po-- Intul17 o1al.1Dg or to olata th. .a.& ADd 'hat \b. ... are DOlI bee. ol.ar. die- oharSel. 1lDIDO_beud' of aIld :boa all fbraer aDd other pall'. Utle.. t)bar~.. . .~i'llI, ~Ud- ,pent., tue.. .....e_nt. aDd lDOUIlbraDO" of wfua,t natuIe and klDd so.y.:. UD thl .ald parU.. ot the flut Plrt. tor th....ln. aD4 'herlr h.lr.. tM aberr. 4..ol1b.d aD4 her.b, pant.d and r.le..ed pr..l... ..d .yer7 put aDd peroel th.reof. - . . :., wUh ~he appar"IIllDDe.. udo t~ '&814 part, ~ the ..oond part. Mr heir. aDd ...lgnl, asalDat the sald parU.. ot th. fir.t part. and their h.lra.- aDd agalDSt all a. ey.r, per- IOD or person. lIIlo..o.y.r, lawjla],l, olalalDg or to olUII the .... lIlall aDd wUl warraat aDd b, thlse pre.eDt. tor...r, deteD4. t. WItDSS 1IBIRE01' the .al1 parU.. and .al. th. cla7 a,.f'lar tir.t ..eY. wU UeD. ,:: . Sl8Md. S.al.4 ani Delly.re4 Jb the pr ...no. ot 011 L. S. Jaobaall- B. G. B1D801l ot the fint part ha.e her euto _t their hand. Dozald A. Lei tch Mall.B. L.Uoh (S&A.L) (SDL) 0- (101 Stop dooamemarl OIlnoelled) S!A!I OlP SOutH OAROLIIA OOUBfi 0.,. CHARLBS!OI DOW ALL UBlI BT THBSB PR.BSBITS. bt I. KaI1 B. Lo1toh. wif. of the aboYe _lied Dozald A. LeUoh. do b7 th... pree.ma _de aDd ezeout8d bl a.. .l8rat8 aDd apart fro. II,J eald haab8Dd. 8DdtD'tlte pr...noe o~ B. G. BID80n a Bo'ar1 PUbllo of ~. State ot south Oaro.. 111la. aoknCMledge and deolar. that I did IEke .,..It a part1 to. aDd ..lolSed the for egolllg Deed .i 4ollYe,ano. tor th. Pupo.. ot oonyqlns., ..parate Inure.' and dower 'Bbte ID and to the laDI. ID .aid oOnftlan08 tmrelll d..orne4. aDd gr8llted allll that I did the e.e tledl. Yol1lD\ar1l7, 8Ild wl1hout an, ooapall1on, oonBtraint, apIE ebenld. on or t.ar of or froa 117 ~~d hUllbaa4. II 1IItOS8 WHBll.BO'. I her.a..n\o Gubsor ne,:.., DB" and aU1z rq ..al th1a 29th cial o~ d.pteaber. A. D. on. thou.8Il4 aiDS hUDdred and henQ-thr... Karl B. Lei t ClhI, ( SKA.L) StA!B 0' S01ll!B OABOLllA OOUlty 0' OBABLI8!OI to ALL 1III0ll If MAY COICU.I Be it knowll that OD th18 29th da7 of Septeabu A. D. 1923. perBona1l1 .ppeared betore _ a Botar, Publio ot the S~at. of South a.rolin., t:i.. ...~~u. ae.a.a,A ...817 h~l1~ al n.. Stab ., h.~ aaUiU_. the aberr. named KARY B~ LBITCB. \0 .. w.ll kllWOD a. the wif. ot ~ld A. 1.81 toh. 1Ul4 88 olle ot the Plr.OM d..or1 bed ill, alld who 'zeouhd the for.golnS Deed ot CODY'''lloe. .ho b'lD8 .t the tille ..parate aDd apart 'trOll her hu.baad. the .aid MlBT B. LEIfeH dld th.D aD! th.r. l18ke and .xeoute the tor'Solng aoknowle4ge "Ilt. her nla' .01118 with h.r OIID ha.w. 8ublorlbed. ~d h.r .eal aft1z.d ID II,J prelinol. WI!JlBSS rq BaJJt aDd Seal at Charle8ton. 8. O. the dll1 and ,.ar aboye .rUhn. (..P.8.U.L) B. G. N11l1l011 . (8B4L) lot.ll Publlo for 8. O. -.:'_., ,:-,' ~:, _ ~ '. ~:- <. : _ _ ~ 0', -<' ~c ;__~_~;-- - ~< - I ,_,,-' ::, := 0 . :;, -, I: _,: . :_~ 0 " "1 He ','\ - , j ~' 1 l 1 , ! i I i 1 . I ~ ~ ; . I ;...],.... I. . .~ 1 !' ' . ; ., .""... ... "