HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2358 \U :,' [: Ur, ~. :i;' ~- 297 -~:.:.;~;..~,::..,"....:~.:-..~ ,,-~'::';.~7:.'::J..-4;"4~:~~."-"'::"';:'U.- #~'.;...:::.-_~.~.:!.o:.:.;..:J.,.~~'-''''.=J'::~i:~;'~...;.:;;'''~':':L'';:';':!..':'.~~:;':.~'':::'''';'~'';~...._~=--';:''-~_:';,;.;:;:.s.~~..";_::':;;,:.a:;:~;~:':"':'-;:':"'-...:.. .-.:~:....-::_-:.. ." I _:.: .'--~--:-.':-.'.' ~:'",-':..:==..-;... StAB or 80mB CAROLIa oount 0' OJllRLKstol Oil th1a 4a7 peuonalll appeared betor e me DODa14 A. LBIfDll aad IIAllT B. 'LJU!CJI. to I .. well kanD a. the peUOI1l d..or1bed lD alld who ezeouhd the toresolDS >>ted ot 00.e7aDo. aad aoknow1e4811~\hat 'her exeou~.d the oa.. tor the purpo.e therelD .xPl....d. whellupoa It 1. pra,ed th.~ ~he .... be ,eoordl4. II WItD8S 1IlIIIlBOl, 1 hayl her euto att1zed III haDI aDI .eal th18 2i.h d8J of Sep~eab.r, A. D. li23. (I. 1'. SBAL) E. &. 81DIOB (UAL) 1I0tul PubUo fOI S. O. Jq oOai..l0D e%pireo at .he pleaBur. ot 'he Goyer.r,! ot .bath Oarollaa STAtE or SOU!B OAaOLIa COtmtl or OBA1lLRS!01I 0110u1t BE It RRURlmRRRD fhat on thie 11th d8J of J"o;l\.~~, 192'" ..0.&1dll4.0lerk of the the fore801ng Deed ID the P\lbllo lleoorda Oour' III and for the sald oountl.~aa dul, reoorded ..... ot aid Oount,. , ~ G) III WItD88 WHBBBOP I have htle11D~ se' II,}' haDd aDd oe81 of the aald Court th1B 4&7 "d \01 o o ~ aDd lear aboye wrl'tell. (Ct. OT. SEAL) P.O. lU4red, (SJUL) Olerk 0110u1\ 0001 t. B7 ~~~ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . D. C. v:v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEORG! B. IOR'f01 all4 w tte to LUB.LLA B. IfOB.!01 WARR.lftY DBBD. tBIS IlIDRlfl1llB, Made the 23rd da, of IOY_bu. lD the ,Iar of ol.r Lor4 ODe thousand nllle h11D4Ie4 aDd t.eDtl-three BE!WKBI GEORGE B. 1000to. and LtJBLLA B. JlORrol, h1a wife, ot the Oout, ot Oook aDd State of I111D011. ot the flrlt part. and LUILLA H. BOBTOI. ot BerWJD. 11l1Dol1, ot the elooDd par'. WITDSSBD. That llaid palUea o~ the tust part 'tor aDd ln oODsidera'tioll o~ the laa ot tell Do11Qe aDd other Yaluable oODsideraUon. la.~o1 aoDe, ot the UDihd Stahs ot Amer1ea, to the. In han4 paid b, the part, o~ the eeooDd part. at or be!~!~ th~ ~ne~A'!ng ~~ del1yer, of these preaents. the reoelp' whereot 18 hereb, aoknowledged. haTe granted. bargaiu- e4. Bold. aliened. remlaed. released. oonve,ed and oonfirmed. and bl these preaeDts do graDt. barSaiD. .e11. allen. remise. release. OODTe, and oonfirm uato the Baid party of the aecond part. and ber heirs and allAlgne tor.yer. all that \raot or paroel of laDd lying and being In the Count, of St. Luoie. ~d State ot ~.orida. and deAor1bed aa to11owa: the .eat Thlrteen aDd 96/100 aor.1 ot traot eleT~n. 11108 north of the r1ght-of-.a, of the Kaln Canal. SeotloD 4. TOwn8hlp 38 South Range 39 Baat. aa the .... 18 deaignated OD the'lalt gener&1 plat of lands of the IDdiaD R1Yer 'arma Compan, t11ed In the ottios ot the Olerk of 'he 01roult Oourt ot ~t. Laale Count,. l1orlda. ezoept, ho.evlr. the rlgbt- ofiMBJ tOI publlo roade. uaina;e oanalo an4 ,dUohe. a. shown 011 the plat ot eald lando _de lq .ald IDdtaD BIYn ~ar.. COllJl&Dl. , ".tBIB .ith all and slDgulQ the telMMnte. h.ucUtameDta , aDd .PPulteDaDOe. theu1lD'O be- . 10ng1as. or 1D an,.l.. apPlr~alll1ns, aDI the reYlra101l and reyeraloD.. I...ind.r aDd re..ln~ ; ell, rento. talae. an4 profUo thueof, AID ALSO. all the eatate. r1sht. tUle. In\e1'8lt. .0.81 aDd rlsta~ ot do.er, ..pera'l o.b~., propert7. po.eeu10D, Ilaia &Il4 deaaJlCl .hatlOoyer. al ..11 iDel.. &8 In ~qul~, Ofl'.. 8814 pal,i.a ot the.fir8t part. ot, ID, and to the eame. and . ...t)'(pa.~ au4 puo.l thereof, with the appurteaaaoll. 1lDto the .a14 part, ot the aeooD4 par'. ,her hell. ADd a.olSD.. \0 her own proper aae.'beaetlt and behoof toreyer. r':: r" ~.. ..;.,_t& '. . :-: _ ~. . .0,. ..._. ___ ..: a..:..... I~:._.'~.. _1.~- _/..-;;;. .' J . .{. /~ ~'.''-J., ~~..., '-'~, ~- " ;,'. ': '-, '. . . ... '" >-- - ~- , '.. - ' : '-'~. - " . :":'" '. -.-: :' : . . - t '-: _ .....r ,"