HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2362 ( i' r , r~;; l E ! ..J 301 ~':";'-".F":"":;;' .-"W'....:.....:.:. :...-:_~.;.~ ..,j','i:--;"'. :;-=._~:';"..=..:...-~-:-:.:..--.~:.:.~---~..:..:. ....:--..;."i.. F ~'..:..i;" ..-=.;:..::.; .";~ :- _~;:. _.;;.... =-.- ..::-' -::_: ':..:.:"'_-:..:. -. -::~ ~-:~ .-::':___. '--.: .,~ ___..- _ -,;.__ _." :.:......; _ .;-_ ":':;'.i-_. _ '.::': _~ _:: .. _ :- - .:.. _ ._ 813 DId. Sealed .Dd DellY.red 1D' ow' Pr.leDO.t Sasel G. Swar no lit .7ohll G. Swaltwout Sta~;1 of 1'10111. ) ( OQUDtl ot St. Ltole ) I BBRKBY ODTUY, fhat on thh 27\11 dQ ot loyellber A. D. 1923 betar e _ )).80Dalll' app..re4 .7..es MoOaDD aDd .7. II. ta110l respeot! Yel, Pr.sid.nt aDd 81oretarl' ot ~BB BRACBLAID DBVBLOFM&U OOllPAft a oorporaUoD aDder thl lawl ot th. S\ah ot Plor1da \0 ae knowD to be th. plrlons delor1bld ID ar;d abo .xeou\8d thl toresolDS OODYlJaDO. to 1Ir8. Ka7 II1rUe BeuU.r alld .lyeral17 aokDowledged \be 8zeouUoll thl1~eot to be tbeir fr.e aot aDd d.ed a. 81loh ottl- oer., tor tbe U.88 aDd purpo.u thereiD 118D\tOIl.d; aD4 tha\ th'1 attlxed thereto the ott1- olal .eal of .ald oorpolatlon. and the Bald 1nltrUllent Is the aot and de.d of 8a14 oarporat10D. Utuss IQ .ISM tur.. and 0 ttlolal leal at V.ro 1n the 00uot1 ot l3\. Luole and S\ate "-- of 1l0rlla ~I 4a, aDd 1.ar la.t atore8a1d. , (I. P. &BAL) . Hasel G. SWarUo"t (S8a1) 10'8rl P1lbllo, State ot Plor11a at LarSI. 111 ooJUd...lon ezplr.8 2/28/1927 'll.d and reooJded this i.... a.: ~ 14th d~l'Ot Januarl. ~tI v o rD '\J 'At ,~ / -:v A. D. 1924. P. O. Bldted, 01erk C1roo1' Oourt. B1 ~~ D.C. (OT. '0'. SEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . e.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'B YBBO OOKPAIT 1'0 1WIBAlfTY DUD. JiERIIlIl .7. ZEUOH DIOW ALL KKJI BY TlIXSE PRESEftS. That TBE YBBO COllPny. a Gorporatioll. the Glantor, tor thl oOll81deraUon ot HI (aDd other nlmble oODsiderations) DoUau (tlO.OO) reoe1nd to 'Ua tull latistaot10D of np"u .7. HUCR. the GraDtee, doea glY., grant. barplD. sell aDd . oozw., wno the ald GraDt.. h18 hlir. aD4 a8818n8. the toUawing U.or1bed pre.u.e8. situated ID th.---ot---.OOUlt7 ot St. Luole and Sbt. ot I'l0f14a: aDd balDg all that tract or paroel ot laDd l11ns aDd belns 1D the OOUltl ot St. Luo1e. and state ot l'1or148, ~ and d'80rlbed &8 tollowas Lot Slx (6) 1D SeoUoD eight (.). !oWDahip 33 South Raag. 'ort, &lBt. OOD 1II1nlns thlrt1 (30) ur'8, more or 1...., with all ripulaD risht8, aDd fhat par~ ot Lot S.yeD (7) ta SeotloD e1sh~ (8). !owaahlp 33 South, Rang. Port1 Bast. lying and belDg on the peD1Da1lla b.tweeD thl IDd1an Illyer aad AUaDUO Ooeaa, and 1noludlDg , aU -riparian I1Shts to oeDter ot oreu betweeD Parad1.. Island and th.t 18rt ot Lot Sey.n 111DS ud being OD the PeD1n8\lla aa aboye deaor Ibed. ooDtaiDing 1211 r"-81z (36) aore.. '"aore or 1.... (".00 >>00. 3t8llpa oaaoeU.d) to HATlI AID to HOLD the aboy. panted Iud barplDI4 JIIe... 8. with the a}llurteDauoe. thereunto ,.10n81os. 1lDto the .ald Gf8nhl. hie; 1I.1Is aDd aR81sna forlTer. And 'BB vxao .OOMPAU, \b. alA Grantor. does tor Uselt aDd~t. suooeasor 8 aD4 ..81sas. ooy.nant with the 881d Gram.., hi. heir. aDd a88lgDs. that at aDd wnl1 the en.eal1ns ot th..e preHIlUl It 18 well ae1ud ot the aboYe duor1be4 pr_i.ls. a8 a good an4 lDi.t..al n. .sta~. In DB SIllPLK. aDl1 haa go04 rlgh~ W ~plD aD4 .ell the .... ID auDU aDd tora a. above aUten, the, the .... are fuo aD4 olear frca all laoubranoe. what80nll a.a4 \bat 1 t w11l WAlUlA.It AJIJ) DUKID *'44 ~_1.... wUh _ appuhaaaoes thlre.to blloDg1nS. to tu ..ld ChaDMe. hl. hlir. and aS8igDB 'fol.y.r. agalDat all 1awtal olal.. and d_aDds whatsoft'.I-. I- WIfD88 IrBIRBO', .ai4 oorporation berlumo ...n. band aDd oorporate ..al, b1 I. S. ~BD U. Pr..14IDt aDd B. H. J:OKLOS U. ~.oret8l7 1hil '"nt)....OOad da, of >>eo.ber 1D - ~ -~~- ~~~:_:~~ _:~?~'-:~-~--::-~~ y-" , -- - · .,-,:_::' '. - -:0 '~:~"" \ ~,~ ~t ~~:- ~ ~.lI ~~ '\. : .' ~-__~/--"--;r-.. ..--. . ~ -. ~--~y~~~~;;-.~: .,.... "- _' _ t , .'_ . ~.: ... ~ _.: . h. _4 J ~ .J _.._.-:~_c