HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2398 :'; I ;.l; i ~,~. 1 ~,: ~: I:~ :t;~~ l '" . ~ f- 't.... ;~.' . 'to.. :-.. ~.. ~, .1 ~ : ' ~ ~ .'" _.1'/ f'...... " i~ '!' {,' . I ( ./ , , o !l. f r f;. r ~- M' ~.f f\ 33 . ~~ "." .:'.ki-'i-::.i.;::.....:......:_~::. ~'~:.:..;.._..,._i:.;.:.__ ~:._..':.:-~:::L_~:;..:~_-.:.._ 7~'-:.;~;:';';~":"-. _.".....-...:":::..:: r'_:::.f~_-~;:__~. ~-=-.'__~'_ ~.;:_'.._ .-.". . .. - ."_...:- _...........~,. _:.'_. __...c:.~~~.'.:i_~:.:'&.-. ...:....~.:......: '~.:.. .::_ HAROLD s. BROWN J.ND WIFE 1'0 W!1UlANTY DDD. ROS;' B. SLOAN 1'HIS 1ND~nTU~, Ma4e this 20th. d8Y of ~une A. >>. 1923, B~TWIKli Harold ~. Drown en4 hie .ife, uth8rine \i. brown of the Vount, of Union and l;)tate ot new oJera.;, parties of the firet part, and Rose B. Sloan of the ~ount;, ot ~t. Luoie and ~t8te of Mlorida ~rt, of the ..00114 pert, WITNBSSKTH, that the 88id oorties of the first neTt, for end In oonslderation ot the sum ~f Une ~hous8D1,OP/100 >>ollars. to U8 in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof is hereb;, aok- nowledged, have granted, ~ar8ained, sold 6nd transferred, and b;, thebe presents do grant, b~r- gein, sell, and tre!lsfer unto the said pert;, ot the seoond p&rt and her he irs and assigns for- 'Yer, ell thbt oertain per..l o~ land l;,i08 and being in the ~ounty of bt. Luoie and State ot .1.orida more partioularly de80ribed as follows: Tr60t lIumberea Une ~'hOU88ncl three hllndred and thUt,-one (lUl) oontein~ng 9.84 ecres, more or less. of the lellsmere 'arms Comj:8n;,'s Subdivision of 611 unsurve,ed p8rt of '.!:oy;nship 31 ~outh, !i8nge 37 .!Saat, aooording to the Plat of said ~ubdlv1sion, filed in the office a1 the Clerk of the "ircuit ~ourt in ani for said Oount, on the 7th. da;, of July .A. D. 1911, Dnd re- oorded among the public reoords of s~JJl vounty In Plat BOOk 2 on pages 1 and 2i Provided, however, thia Vonveyance is made subject to the limitations. oondltions and reserVlltions. relating to roads. oanals and dltohes. eet forth In the .lieed of Dedication. dated June 13. A. .1>. 1911. executed b;, the .'ellsemre ~arms ~oml)eT'Y. accompanying seld Plot and recorded therewi the eeJJl Plat being IDbde 8 port thereof. TGGBTliKR with all the tenements. heredit6ments. ~~d appurtenances, with every ~ivilege, right, tit.le. interest end estate. dower lInd rll?ht of dower. reversion, remaindf'r and easement thereto belonging or in nn11'lse ll'J)'pertaining: TO H"VK ,ArID ~'O HOLD the SSIDe in fee simple 10rever. and the said 'Pirtle s of the first port do oovenar.t with the said party of the seoond pert' thb t they lawflllly se ized of the s~id premitoes, that they tire free trom all incumbranoet:, and that the;, good right and. lewful aut.bor 11.;, to sell the BbID8; and the s61d perUes of the tiret pert do hereby fully ..rrant the title to said land. and will defend the &orne against th. l.ewful oleims of all persons whomsoever. IN \aTHBSS WHERBOI'. the 8814 J1ertles of }he first J>Brt have hereunto set their ha:lds end sealS the dayand year above written. aigned. Sealed ani "livered In our Presenoe:) Dw. liubbe 11 H. D. >>avis .ow. HUbbell H. ,U. .1Jc.vis Harold ::i. Drown (Se al) Katharine U. Drown (Seal) STATK VI Id~w Jllihti.rlX COUN1'Y vZ UHlOB I HEREBY CEHTIYf. '.1:het on this 21 day of ollml A. ,a). 1923. before me personally eppeared Rarold S. Brown and Katharine C. Hrown, his wife, to me known to be the persons described In and who executed the foregoing conveyanoe to Rosa B. Sloan and 8everelly aoknowledged the .xeoution thereof to be the lr tree Bot and de ed for the uses bnd purn08 ee there in mentioDed i end the 88id Katharin. O. Brown the wife of the seid Harold S. Brown on a seporate and pri- vate examination taken. and I:Il1de b, Bnd 'etore 11II, and slJlf1rately snd awe.' from her s8id husbant, did 8olmowledge the t she _d. here81t e party to the said Deed of '"onveyanoe. for ~. purpose of renounoing. re1in,uiehing Bnd oonveying all her right. title and interest. whether of dower or ot 88perete pro'Pert;,. statutor;, or equ1teble. in and to the 16l1ds there- in deoodbed. and that she exeouted 881d deed fre~ly and volunt,aril;, and without an;, oon- str.e1nt. tear. BPlTehension or oonm.u1sion of or from her said husband. WITH~S m, .1@Dature end off10ial seal at Plainfield in the Oount;, of Un10n and Stete of H.. J.re., the del &rod year lost aforesaid. ; :' ".:f.,~__' :_._~_.,~. '-':,~+'<:/-:_:. ... - ,- "" - # ::: . ''".~. ' '. ',: .'~;~,>,~" :'::~ -.,-,-;,:.,:~ ! _ ~ r . ~:;..--'~::~ ~=-~-~- -~-;-- , . . . .,-~--:.:- 2!~- . .o." . ..-: .' ~ ".' 6-'.- __0- .