HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2448 -,..:o.;:".'~, ~. 'A. ~ ' . --,~'...:..;. ~"':":'~'.:.::~~':':";~~':~-_:J.:;.~,:....;..:~-.:..:.:;~-:...'" -~'~-;:'. 4.-::';;:.:i~';'-..-~-' ~- ~. -~.z:.:.-:...l...::;:.:.~..:=-:::....:.:.::-.~:..:...-:..:.:.....::..;.:.-_-:..._.;-:.:....__~.:.~:":""''''':_'~.:......;.".:._;;...... ;:"_ ....:.:..=..~ ~ 'lled end reoorded thiq 6th day o~rebruar" A. D. 19M. , E; ~ :U~7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . P.C. Eldred, Clerk Cir oult .B~...~9~ Court. ~I:.:.,., .' l ( f, ., (OT.CT. S&AL) , D. C. -It,' . . . . . . , H. A. ),IILLET and wlte TO WARRANTY >>KED THIS '''ARRAllTY D~D OF COllVBYA1:C3, Exeouted thia 15th day of Junuar, in the J. B. HARRISON ..- ~; :1 year of our Lord one thouaand nine hundred and t~entYftfnur (1924) BY MID Bg~N~~N H. A. Mil- let joined by his wife Grace ),I. Millet; of the County of PinellaR, State of Florida, partieR ,of the f1rllt part, and J. B. Harrison, wldowey, of the COWlty of Fulton. o:it8te of Georgia, J8r ty of the aecond far t. WITllE33lTH. That the Raid parties of the fir:1t pm:t, fur and in conalderation ,of the sum of Ten dollars and other valuable conaiderllt1onR lawful money of the Uni tad ,:1ta~es 'of Ameri.a,to them In hand paid by the said porty of the second port. at or before the enseal- , ing and delivery of these preaents, the reoe1 pt l'Ihereof i_~ he reby ackncwledged. by these' pre- sents they give, grant;. barp:ain, sell, alien, enfeoff. remlRe. release. convey and oonfirm unto the said party of the aeoond plrt, and his heira, that certain property In the County ,of 3t. liucle and 3tate of Hlorlda describe1 as fo11o"o\s: The west hfll:f of the Northwest ~uarter of the Northeast Quarter of the ;)z>utheaRt 'luarter, (wt of HWt of NEt of 3Et) of 3eotion Nineteen (19). To~nShip l~lrty-flve (25) SOuth, Range Forty (40) Rust. oon~al nlng Hive (6) aores more or Ie ss. (f4.50 Doc. stamp. cancelled) TOGETHER with all and aingul.ar the tenements. heredi tament!J and appurtenance!J tl:ereunto be- r: ~ L - longing, or in an~~ise appertaining. and the reversion ani rev~rsions. re~~inder and remain- ders, rents, isaues and profits thereof; AllD .;I,30 all the estate, right. title, intercat, homestead. dower and right of dower. Rer.arate estate. rroperty, pos!Je!Jsion. clalrr. and demand. Vihat!Joever. at law am In e'luity, either and both. of the Raid part16a of the first part, of. in, and to the aame, and every part and parcel thereof: TO HAVE AIiD 'l'O HOLD the aboYe'descri- bed premises, each and every. unto the said party of the second part. hia heira and 8sflign!J. in fee simple, nbsolute. indefeaRibl~. forever. And the aald parties of the first part. for themaelves and their heirs, execu- tors and administrators. jointly and severally. covenant, pr omise and agree to ani 'wi th the aaid rarty of the _second part. his hei ra. execut.ors. adminlatratorR and as:ligns, that the, said parties of the first part, at the ti!l:e of the sealing and del ivery of tl:ese presenta. are Ip'Viful1y aeized in tee simple of 8 good. absolute and indefeasible eRtate of inherltanoe of and in all and singular the above desoribed premiRes, each and every. and their good right, full power, and lawful authorl~y to convey the same in manner and form aforesaid; that the said plrtyot the aeoond part, his heirs and assigns. shall and may, at all timea hereafter, p8ace- abl, and quiell, have. hold, uae, oooupy. possess and enjoy the above desoribed premises, and every part and raroel ther~of, without any let. suit. trouble. moleatattoa. eviction or dis- turbanoe of the said parties of the firat part, tMir heira or lissigns.or of any other person n- or persona lawfully olalming 01: to claim the fJ8me; that the fJ8me. all and singular. are free. J' clear. dlsoharged and !lDinoumbered of and trom all tormer and other titlea. olouds and inoum- , ~ brano8fl ot r<hat nature and kind 8OevElr; that the St1id partieR of the first part their heil s, exeoutorll and administl-ators. eaoh and every. shall IIBke, exeoute and acknOllledge such further end other deeds and aSRuxanoes as by cOWlsel learned in the law may be conlJidered reasonably roper to' etfeotuate the full intent and meaning of this ins trument. . . _ _~.'-' ',' ~: ,_.__ _ _ .~:-7._" ,,-(. :' .:_ :':' '~~. :: ,::~. -: ~~>.;.< ..,...<;,:- ". " -~- .. .... . l ... . to :" , , . ' <". ~" :-- ":; /:\ ''-'..'' ': :,' ~ . . " - . - . . ~ . -