HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2462 [." , , ... ,- L n ! '< ~. i! 401 . - - ~. ~+.~::' .- :- .:.._- -~.-.. .: \. --. .....",,;. :-~. ..-::"--,--. . - - -."- - _.- +. - .. .- ---, -...-,.--- - - - --- -...-.--..-. '. -.--~- --.;.... .....- , " l.n~I, llluel. and profite thereof, A8D ALSO al~ the elta~., rilht, title. intereat, hoae- ltea4, dower and light ot dwer. leparate utate, proptltJ. pOIH.81on, olata and delll8nd . what&oner, at law end in equit" either and both, ot the said part... ot the firet part, ot. In, and to the 88118, aDd fifer, part end paroel thereot; TO HAVB AND 10 HOLD the above de.or ibed pr_ia... eaoh aDd enr" untO the BBid part, ot the aeoond plr t, and his heir I and a.siglll. In tee liapte, abBolute.-lndeteasib1" foreTer. And the laid perth. ot the tirat part. tor thell and their heire, exeoutorl, and adalnhtratorl, joinU, and 8eTerall1. oovenant, proaile and aile. to aDd wi th the ao14 P&lt7 ot the seooDd part. hie heire. .xeoutor., acbinietl8tou and aS8ignl, that the laid putiea or the tirat put. at the tille ot the aelllng and del1TerJ ot these preaente, are . lawtun, lei.ed in tee lIlaple ot a good. ab801ute and indetealible eetate ot inheritanoe at and in all and 8iDgular the abon de80ribed-preal..., eaoh and ner, and the, good right, tul1 power 8Dd lawful author U, to oonTeJ the ealDl In II!Ilnner end tor. ator esald: that the laid part, ot the .eoon4 part, hl1 heln and aSII8D8, ahall and may. at all times hereattu, peaoeab1, and quieU, ha..., .old. ~ee, oooupy. poaleae am enjo, the aboTe desoribed pre- lIile8, aDd eTeJ:J I8rt and Jl8roel the..ot, without an, let. IU1t, trouble. molestation, eTlotion or di8turbanoe ot the said padSla ot the tir IR part, their heiu or al81gns, or ot an, other person or pelsone lawfull, olailll1ng or to olai. the a8llle: that the a !ille, all and singular, are tree, olear,'di8ohalged lmd uninoWllbered ot aDd trom all termer and ',other titles, alouda and inoumbran08a ef what nature and kind soever; that the eaid parties ot the tirst part. their heirs, exeoutors 8I1d administrators, eaoh and ever" lIhall make. exeDate ~nd aoknoWled8a8UOh turther and other deed8 and a'Ruranoe. as b, ooun8el learned In the law ma, be oonsidered reaaonabl, proper to ettectllate the tul.l intent aDd meaning of thl. instrument. And the aid perUe. of the tirst part, tor them and their heirs. the above desoribed preaiael, aDd eTer, part eud plroel thereot. unto tbe. aid par t, ot the leooDd part, his helrB and aaBigns, against the Baid partiel at the first {8r t, and their heire, and asainat all and eTery person or per.ons whoasoeTer lawtollJ olaia1ng or to olalm the I." ~h811 and w111 warrant and b, tbl8e preeents ~oreTer detend. !bie alienation il with the joint Gonsent ot husband and wite, where that relation exists. U 1fI1'BBSS WHBRK01, the laid parties ot the tirRt part haTe hereunto- eet their handl and leals eaohin the pre.enoe ot two sub80ribingwltD88se.. Sigmd. _aled and dell vend In presenoe ot us: ) ) ) ) J B. W. Vlokell A.. L. Stin80n (SEAL) (SEAL) H. J. S,)[el Eftie SUllIon L. J. .81"81' State ot nu14a. ) , ( SSe Count, ot St. Luoie ) I H1RBBY CKRTln. That on "hi8 3let da, ot Jt<..nusr, A. D. 1924, beton me a notar, publio perlonal11 appeared A . L. ~tiDlon and ~ttie Stinlon hil wlte. to me .ell known and kIlowa to me to be the indlTldua'.8 dea6rlbe4 in and wbo exeout..d the toregolng 0011- Te,anoe to .. H. Cooper and lIeTerall, acknowledsed the exeoutioll thereot to be a tree aot . ' and deed to~ "he alee and pu.rP0181 t!Jerela _ntioae4; and the laid .IIftl. dUDlon the wite ot the, .ald A._L. Stlnaoa on 8 ..parat. and priTate ex~aation taken aDd made bJ aDd betore me. and ..para"l, and apart troa ber ..14 hu.band, did .oknowledg6 that she 1Il84t heuelt a per- t7 to the eaid deed ot oOn?e7anoe tor the pupole ot renounoiQg, reliDlui.hinl aDd oonve,lD1, all her rl8ht, titl., and tntuelt, whether of. dower or ot .eparate properv. Ibtlltor, or . ~ "-: .. ~~ -~ .~- ~ '. :~. I '~';~ .-~: ~ ~~- ~:..: -'_ ~: '-'. -- -;-, Q1;:::.,.: --:~, .:.".. :::::' ':5' ... '-'- .'. :; .... .>./:<';:L-