HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2469 JO~ \_~'.:\-':'".:..o.-"':'_i.i',~_':'-~:'::'::~:_'_''-_::_:~'':';:~:'': .~-.~::"::.;._~'_..___~~~ __;~: .c. --'_._'_r';'~'~ ._."..~___'- __ _.,__,. wen tnClllfn "I. the pellOn clo.ol1be4 iD, and 1110 exeout.d the tor.golDI d..d, ud h. acknow- l.dg.' that h" a.out.d the ... tor \hv pUlpo... \herelD expre...d. , '.\a4 l~tber oelt11', that on thi8 cla, pel80aaU, appear.d b.tore a. ..Ule J S. An.0\10D8. '0 .' .on k'''D 00 tilo .Uo of ...14 "aDlt AI.o'"o~. ...4 ao ono at 'ho poI- "l," ROIl" d88orib~4 in, 8t1d: who .xoou1;ed the tat OgOIDI d.ed. and that Rbo, on a ..parate and pd- yet. ex..inatlon b.tore ao taken aDd mad., .parate1., and aparl frolll her 881d huaband, d14 acknowledge and deolare that lIbe mad. heraelt a part, W, and oxeouted the I" toz the pur- peae ot rlle.Bing, relinqui.hlng, renounoinl and oon",ing all her light ot dower, separate eebte and boaeetead, ud all hor r18M 1a>and to tho land d.sor ilHtd 1n sald deod, and that lIbo exeouted the .... treal, and voluntarU, wlthout any restraint. a ):prehension, tear or' -, ooapllllllon ot. or froa, her 881d husband. II .IUBSS 1IBBRBOr. I hove hereunto attixed 11\1 band and Boal this 21st day of Januar, 1924, at Wa8hington, D. C. ( II.P.SJW.) ;0 Cl> () o ... Co ot ~eb$.arl, ... ..- =: CD 0.- Helen r. In&8IaoU lotar, P11blio. J)latr lot ot ColWllbia. ~ 0~e.,10D expire. Oot. 23, 1927 riled and reoorded th1s 13th dal (OT.CT.SEAL) .... D. 192-'.- P. C. Eldred, Qlerk Cirouit Cpurt. t ~/ . . . . . . . ...... · .1 . . . · By ~~. D. C. .. . . ...... . . . .lOSBPH J. BBDI AID WIPB XLIZABK!JI &IIS TO l'LORIDA WABRABfi DUD. THIii IBDBBTlIl.l. Made thi8 17th day ot Mal A. D. l~ BETWBBB JOSBPH J. BEIll and HBBRIK'l'TA HEDl. his wite ot the Count, ot JA~OI and State ~ MISSOURI parties of the tirst part, and BLIZ.t.BBfH &IIS ot the Count, ot MoPHBBSOB and State of KABSAII. puty ~] of the leoond par t. WI'l'BBSSETH, that the said par tie.. of the 1u8\ pttrt, for and In oon- lideraUon ot 'he .u.a at One Dollar and other yaluable o onsi derat! on8 to th.. in hand paid. the :r.oeipt Wher.ot Ie hereb, acknowledged, have granted, bar881ned, 101d aDd transt.ned, and b7 these pr..em. do grant, bargain, 8811 and transter unto the aid }:arty ot the se- oond part and her heU8 and a.slgns toreyer, all that o.rtaln paroel ot 1 "and 111ng and be- ing iD the CounV ot St. Lucie and State of Plor14a more parUcularl, d'80ribed as follow: Sell\h h2Q.t ot .or tho-ea.t qaarter ot loz thwa8t quart.r (S 1/2 IB 1/4 IW 1/4) and all at the Southeast quarter'of lozth...t quarter (SB 1/4" 1/4) Section 1'hl~t1-one (31) TOW_hip ~U1iJ-tiYe (36) South, Bong. l'ort7-(40) Bait, OODtalDlng Sin7 (60) aOr8S more or le.. l' '; (.6.00 DooQlll8n1ar, lit &lip) TOGETBBR with all tho t.nementa, hereditamentS and appurtenanoeB, with .Y8I, privilege, rilht, title, intereat and e.tate, d 0'.81 and r 19bt of dower, reyeraion, remainder and oase- _nt thereto belonging or in an,.l.. appeualning: TO HAVE AID TO HOLD the ame in tee 8uplo toreTer. , .t.nd the .aid I*rU.. ot the tirat part do ocwenant wi th the laid party ot tho I.oond J*rt that the7 are lawtull1 .tiled ot 'the laid peal.., that thel are tn. :fica \l I I all Inon.~zano.. and tblt thllJ h..e 1004 r i8ht and lawful author it, to ..11 th. .a. i aDd - the .aid partiea ot the tu.t part do henb, fUU, warrant 1110 titl. to' .id land am. Will defeDd .e lIa. a18181 t .. la.tul ola1u ot all per .eml whollllOey.r. I. WIflBSS WHlIRIO', "tile .aid parti.e at the t1l8t par t hereunto let 'hell hand. and .elll the 4., and ,.ar abOY. wl1 U.D. SilDld, ..sl.d BDd dellyer.4 in our pr.l.no.f) Xa .0.1n. a.... } ..,.., '.11'. ) Jo..ph J. Heia (seal ) (s.al ) a....i.t" B.ta - - .~'. ~- -~..: - ~.........~." .... :~=-' ~.~. - . . "';,- ~. .:. ,..". >~ '.' '.' .. ....-: '-;~:;' ",. "__. r:: " ',-:, --c;:".:,;; ':,,::. - . - '.. -. ~. "?;, lo,- .-:. ,,!. . .. . '0. _- _ ..Jt" . . '.."... .. ..... -