HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2533 4l~ II ~ :::..r:.-~':,:,,;:;,':.:...'-...;.;.:::..:.:;:,;,..:_:~:-~.::~~~~~~>:~~~:a.'.'U:"''"~'''''7~:':'':-~':'''''7~~':'~~3;:;~~:":~..:";~'::~--.--.~~ -.;.t~--:-~:.:;;"'-"'-;:" .~~~.r~:.:.:::";.-...-.i.~~..'-_W.::..:;"'~:":~-.;..._ .::~_____..::-.:.;:.."...::;.:-=_:.;:..~ . " ' , - -- .. . '" ' . . ,., 'S': ~.' ... . .: '-~. .:_/-::" r.:' . ... ..:, :~ . .J' ..' ~ . " ",. .---~ '" - ~ . 'les8, to the northeast oorner of Lot Two (a); thenoe eouth along the East boundary Une of 8ald Lot Two (2) to the Southeast corner of 8ald lot; thenoe west along the south boundary line of said lots Two and Three (2 and 3) to the oouthwest corner of 8aid lot Three (3) and oppo- site the point of beginning; thenoe north along the west boundary of said Lot Three (3) to the ~oint of beginning. said land being Lots Two and Three (2 and ~) of Section Eighteen (10) TO~~Rhip Thirty-two (32) South. Range. Forty (40) East &ld oontaining Eigh~.(8Q) aores, more . or less. Traot 50 Also the east traot of land beginning at the Southwest oorner of Seotion Seven (7). Town- ship Thirty-two (32) South. RIlnge Forty (40) East. Thenoe ronning North five (6) ~ and 'thirty-seven (S,. links; thence East to the Atlantio Ocean on a line parallel with the Sec- tion line; thence south along said Ooean to the Seotion line being opoosite the yoint of,begin- ~ ... ning; thenoe west along said seotion line to the point of commencement; 8aid land being the south one-half of the smlth ~ert of Lots 5 and G. Section Seven (7). Township Thirty-two (32) South, Range ?orty (40) East, conveyed to George E. Chester by Dan J. LaRoohe and wife by deed the 16th day of April 1891 and conveyed by George E. Chester to Thomas L. Lee by deed dated' December 7th, 1893, and February 24th. 1898, and containing twen~-five (26) acres more or less. Tract 48 The fraotional northeast quarter of the Northeast qua~ter of Section Thirteen (13) in Township 32 South, Range 39 East. Trao t 38 All of Government Lot One (I). Section eighteen (18), Township Thirty-Two (32) South of Range Forty (40) ~ast, oontaining sixteen and ninety-two (16.92) hundredths ao~e. Traot 43 Commencing on the Range Line 31.75 chains North of the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 32 South, Range 40 East at the land of R. B. LaRoohe; then go west 12.5 chains, more or less, to the In4ian River; thence run north along the bank of said river ninety y~rds to the land line of land formerly owned by .71. 3. Sandors; thence East to the Atlantic Ocean forty-seven chains; more or less; thence southerly along the Ocean beach to the said R. B. La- Rocho's line, being opposite the Voint of cQmDcnoement; thence west along said line 34.5 cr~ns to the point of beginning; beil.r a part of lot 3 Section 12 Township 32 South of Ranee 39 Last and of lots Three (3) and Pour (4) of Section 7, Township 32 South Ranfe 40 East. containing Twenty (20) acroe more or less together with riparian rights. Tract 47 Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 3, Section 12, Township 32 South, Range 39 Bast; thence running Zast 45 chains to the Atlantic Oce~n; thence far enough south that by running west parallel to the north line to the Indian River,thence north along the water's edge of the Indian ~iver ~~ place of beginning to contain Twen~ (20) acres, more or less. together with all and Singular easements and riparian rights; being the same premises mentioned and des- oribed in a deed therefore to S. L. Loudermilk, dated April 9th, 1919, and recorded in the of- fioe of the Clerk of the Clrcuit Court of St. Luole County, FloriAa, in need Book 30, on page 483. of the publlc records o~ saidC~. Iii> Traot 52 Lot Two (2) Seotion Seven (7), Township Thitty-two (32) South Range Forty (40) East, with riparian rights, oontaining Sixty (60) aores, more or les8. oontaining three ~undred flfty-three and ninety-s~ver1 hundredths (353.91) aores. more or less. -The party of the first part hereby oovenants and represents that the traots above numbered tfiftY-Ono, forty-nine. fifty, forty-eight. and thirty-eight (51. 49, 60,48 and 38) oonsti- ,. . tute a 8'o11d body of land bounded on the east by the Atlantlo OO"~ and on the west by an arm .. . J< ': ... . ~ . :;. Co ~~:-_:..__ '- :. "--;;., ~." ",.- .'~;~."'~---.r - .. ~. . =- - ;: '.~. . . ~. .-.' : ~ ...::"; ~ -. -. '. . -' . ' . ~ - - -: . !] I