HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2581 I ;.>;W ~. l . -,:;..-~-':' ~~-~~~.?~;:::;;:l.--:-.:A:L ,-~ ."..,.....:~-~.- .~"'-.'r.. ~ '.3-:-r;r;o;-"~-~::c'""", ""-;.~~. ...-. ~""';---l:.::~- '~""-"""':'''''f~ T_i7.:.~~~~~..:.:z:r_'7.:":;"::~ui.;.~ 'o'~"'~-_l.-...~.::~;~....-.=:~....~:,__ :.':.' .,.' . ho. pa,..nt of"aJlJ ot _ia lntere.' notes tJbere'af6re ..0ute4 aD! aeli"el'8dt the ..one,s e,,14.noed b1 said note 01' DOte., being in tbat ..,.nt d....a pap.nt tor the use of aid land. I aooept 'anc1 aoknowl.Ase the asent or soUottor solioitln8 aD! talt1Dg tb111 applica- tion a8 rq asent as ..ll.a. the agent of, said OOJlPAlIY, aDl I UD4.retan4and agre. tlaat lIalc1 apn' or 8ol1oltor bas nO'pow.r or authol'i_ to bind aid oom>>m bY' 8DY repres.ntation, arrange..nt or .&<<J'...ent, .uept euoh as are her.in .xprells17 lIet forth; and in I6&klng this application aDll agr....nt, I _ r'171ng sol"17 upon .., own information and in"est1ption, and upon the printed lit.J'aUre ot .aid OOllPAlIT r.lating to 88id land, and not upon an;r oral r.pre. sentationor stat...nt ot &n1 p.rson Wbomsoe".r. 4s a oonUt10n of and a oonsideration for the aooeptanoe and appro'f&l of tlds appli- cation by .ald COJ(pAJl1' I hereby make the following .tate..ntll and wanant the 89m. to b. tn.; 1. .,. age la 42 yean. 8. llationaltt7 Au , white 3. Oooupation !el.graphere 4. .an1ed ( .0) I Ii I I I I I I 1 I I IS. ~ wife's nae,e..X.. 6. 1 ha"'.,X ..bhildrd. ,. I bel'ng to Oatbollo Ohuroh. 8. I b.long to the following fraternal orderll:...X... 9. I oanr lalSOO life insuranoe; in following OOIlp&1l1eB .. l:i~f~el:f88g~l'Je~if:rk Bew York LU'e ll. Y. Cit;r 10. I own real ..tate as followa:...X.... I I i 1 I I ! i i I I ! I' Ii : t i I I I i I J i , 11. Same i8 enoumb.rec1 for ...., h.ld b;r..X.. 11. I OWD '8,000 wot'tb of p.rsonal propert;r. 13. I own debts of '..X.., oonsisting of...X.. 14. ~ net worth is 'l,lSOO. 16. ther. are no "lDi ts pending or judgments against.. ezoept . ,X'" 16. Do ;rou intend to s.tile on the land yon have applied for? Yes 1'. Give bank refereno....orth 814e Savings Bank Bronx If. Y. Oit;r 18. V;r bank aooount ,ill in name of I'm. Gillman 19. I Ul now in good health and I Mve nO't 11Ow,11Or. have I ever had aD7 disease of the fol- lowing named organs or 8D7 of the following named diseas.s: J.popl'Jq, Bright's Disease, Brain,Oanoer, COD8UJllption, Diabetes, Epilep81, Heart, Kidney DI8.88., Lunge or para17s1s, except Bone D WI'fBBS9 ~REO', I hav' hereunto subeoribed lIfT name this 10th 0.&1 J.ugust 1922. W. J. Gil1lllan J.pplioant This applioation is aooept.d end approved thill 18th da7 of Bovemb.r. 19!t . IBDIAB RIVER OlWfOB/'!RDOIC LABD CO. Wi tneBs: H. B. Oh8a"rlin 80110itor '71 '~ '.' B7 JO..ph J. Hellt o ..... c.. ~ ... '11e4 and r.oorded this 10th day of )(arch, A. >>,. 1924. 'll '. . , P. O. BlAred. OleJit 01roui t Oourt. .~. ~~~. .D:C: . . . . (Ot.OT.SEAL) tJ or .;1 . . . ..~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..: VAROJ.Rft E. !HOKPSO. '!O W. P. pRnKAJ AlJD WIn v ; 'l ;i WABRAIlfY DDD . tHIS IlfDllPflJBB, Jlade tbill 6th a. of MaroK in the year of our Lord on8 thouand aiD. . bunlred ana twent;r four (19.... b....n Jlarpr.t B. 'hOllPBOn, widow, of the Oountr of Henn.- : pin anc1 Stat. of MinDe.ota part;r of th. fint part, and W. 'I. 'reemaa and Sarah freemen. hUII- .. . - ; b&D4 and wite' of tbe Oount1 of Pal. Beach and State of l'lonc1a parti.. of the s.uoncl part, , . , WItU8fJBlfH. !hat tbe .aid part;r of the fir.' part, for aa4 in o0D814eration of th. i i 81UI of Seven ftouaana "000) DOLL418, to her in ~ palO., b;r the ..14 pUt.. of tbe ..oODlt parl, t~ reoeipt ~.r8of jah.... 408' la,reJlal'pin. 8811, Remise, .; ,> I " ~ \ I l' ~ ~': , _... I.. . . :.;' ;,.C ::.~<, t. ':~ ;:>f: '_;,.-'~:,,:~-";-_:..::-:::"t...~. ~ I 1 .. ;) ( I' .' . -~. .~._"-._."..,,s'~..~_ ." ." '.. " " '. ~:: ': ,',: ....:~.:.: ; , .. - ~~~. ~,;'" ~ . '- . ' -