HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0043 1 . 1 I I I I i i I I I I ( I I I ~lel -.4 ~!"'Oca. .84: thla'h. 8th ."of JaD. A. D. lel8 " :1 . ... . . l';o.~a; .Ol..t.O~~. Ift.Or.BIIALlilWllO ,.~\"l. . , '~. ',:X1r/~~~t!'.-7 <<-:", m~~/v ])epU~ Olerk.' , , I - "," - ,. .. .. /I'~' .. .. .. ~ .. .. - .. !II> - .. .. .. .. ...'.. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - .. .. .. .. .. '.," I , I ,~ L~ W. ARIIBTROBO I ~ I I I I '"'' " .l ,-:""', , , . ~ . . - . - JJbJ)~'o. ."'.' ao. " tans "llfD...'.a4. ~h1. Jln..th a.,. of .Ap1'11A~ D. 1'18 be"'e.. ,1tO~cll."D4~'nO~14~ c4;1.~~:,Qo.,at un&,~~..,.,.,' . oO".l"atloDO~.Dh'4 aDd .z1.t;1q .. .4.~tb4i)". ot:-t;lIt'''~ ot,JIaj,Il.. ...ttot,iwt~"'p6l't. aDl L. W. Arutl"Oq , ,..ts~~':'i~.1~':~..t7,'Jio'rl""" ,~, Or~h' ....4~a~'j - - . . - - . '- '. - ,- - :.".. " .~. :'. . ~. '.' '. ~ . , ,':.: ~~~Jf"~ll~.,t~. ,'~4.~:,~t~'fb,.t:Peri" for,~ ~ .~o~~4'J'&'10D ,ot'tJat ''-lIt~. Jnuilrt4 PI 11ft1_11.,8tol' 1D _4 Mi...., the' -.14 plll"t,. , ,0'" ";,..::,,,;,::;','':''>''''''': ","":,',;'~', :","''-'''''\$'.'' ",' ',', ,', ',' ',,','.. ,,' , ,: of';'__,..OQn4 ~,"Jhe, i'-"..lpt.be~~"r'~aobo.l.<a.-cl, ,)au.~aD'ea.bar.,~ 1I14,.OU:'....~ '~11. ,ani"'.~ ' '.OO:D4 ,eri~ ~\ _~. aDi' ".1811. fONYQl " t;~, > "",. ~ _.-~ -' . ". : ~ ",' '. . '.. ". -.' -..... "'., - . - . . . . . .to;l.1JJ8 .....l~(i...,~tO~tt:~ :" , ,.' ,~::";'~' .~;~~:J ~t.'t~' ~~_ _ttW"'e, Of t~8outJa k8t'tWM~" of 8.~Uoa' '. '..-,.",. :.- - .: - .., - -. .,,' , ~....tur~~,. ~~ ~.,.~. u,~') .O_~:~'~' w~ @It .'(ltf....', ~.~,a1, , , .' --1;;;: ' " " '" " "': , " r '- . .;, '. . ~ . "c' , ,. ? .. , '," . \ ,"'., . "__"~'t.l.o:r~.~~ .l'~, ."l~~',-;au ',,* 8'~ ,~1.,00_7.,'nO,1".,' ' , , '. ' ",' ,".' . '. .., , ';>"f~~ ~'~~tl>'"~;_,.';'"':"~""':';".~:~~.d. . .... <_a iA!l4.~~k4-a~' ~ ~~.f'.~~~~ ,f<~~~;"" .::":1" , eo~t:r_ ," . ," ,: ,"': ~~,',."':, '. <'" ' .: :'. :,:~>,~<)~~'~~}:>;~:'.~~~>~';;:~;~~~!~(.'" ,:~"':','~r:':' ~r ,', .' /~ :,' ...~+" -.'. -'. ,.... :'. .' - - '."t!" oi:.icmxi>4'... :',.... I;' :--.~':: ' : ,," ":": ~ ,,' , ," . :OQlJIf!:~~~~~~.~~lt;.;.:.,' '.- ,',:""'" ',,:'.. ,;~ ,: ,';':.";:i".-!l.Y'.~ .'~_'OA*Ii:' 4"" '~e1".~;';' ~~_,~tor.' ~'. ~~' o~loei" .". '~_'>." '.'~ -_.-..~;-. ~'_~. ;~.:-..-':...~:.'._..:.'.'....:....~. ... ..,7:-,;, i .- ','''', .. ~ L'. '~", "", ,'-";". '. ,- -'". . 4Ul~ ,~~~rl.i. ~ ~1I"1" O~'!I8' 84' ..., ~bow~ 4~.;" Dz'. L. ',.~, .u.tl'OD8 . , .(~~Ob.:"~~.~iO~.:;'.~~"~il,.1f~;',~ ....~i:.~~'~, ~.::,. >>erao~ ,', "'4e.~r:lb,.('1D'.-~~.h~f'~",~'.~'~ ~~~"8';~4~.4,,'~c\ '.okft_l,~:b'f~re' _"that.', , ?thei ..~~,~'i<t~.~:t:r~e~.4::!~.i_tU-Ui.t~io,.be ~~~e..'h"'~ '_r...~I~.~ "", ,: ,':,:'.&11)'1 ,y~mmO"I~,'.1J*t;~the:'~14~Oh' ~~_~n'~'OWD.~'';'''O.b''- ':th~'.l~ '~t'~~; "~a1":~.' L.,::...:bw.~:r~n,. ',o~ '~:.ePM'at.':.~p:r~Tate.c GIIII~~10D ~*eJl , Ga,.a,_ lq':'.4" ~~,~OI'~':,_ .'c .*p~at'~~.aJl4. ~t'f~. .~r' :".4'_,beD4. ,414 .omowle4ge , ,~hfJt;.~' :~4',~r8!lttfP~J.' to eal~4ee4~or' tbepUI'Po.. ..o'rreZlo~o~~." relinqulsh- :lIl, uia "oOJl;.i"u; 'all bet!"' r18ht~'1-'1i',ali4 ',int.r..". .b8ther' lower ~ Jao..~tea4 of, ot ~"fIp';~t.~~~;i ~ '~.~llto17 or:.'lllit~~l~.' ~,'1I14_' tbe: .a1t '1an4.: 4~.orlbe4 the1"UD, "8lt4~~":"~::..;~~~"4..~~,~;'cl,~~.ct:~e'1I _4 '''Ol1U1~l~ ani "l'bou~ UI1 OOIlPvJ.810n ,"'. .:.'-. .. ~;-~=~. "'. -:.....,.-. .-~ ~',' ;..:;.' .-. '" .,,' -, ',', . . ., ,;ic OOJl8~l'a.~t .'appl'e~~oil 01' fear' 01' or fro. ,her' ..14 bobanl. .' '; j . . . '-. . . ,~a$~ ,hut' 04 ,O~fl01.1 .,&1. at W.at: It.lit haoh. Coun~,. 01 Pam Beaoh ".4 8~~:ot.'n~~14a.;tb1.'lttl1 aq, ot AP:r1iA~ D. 1918~.' ' 'f . :' . -. .r'_",". '," . , '.: ..:1''': . . . . t, , .'1. ,W:~ 9,..to,t , < .' " . 'our; hb11o," SUM' otnor14a.t tar,. W, 0o.a18810D esplre. .Aprli 9th, 1911. ".Ii g j ~",:' , \, :' '(JlO_7...1) ,"" . .:,;. ..- . '. .' . :.~ '-. .... , .'. .... . . . _!OJ OS)' noBIDl UU.IQ 00&8' :LUDOO. to . . . . .'JU'Altr DBJp). i I i I . f ti' ,',:', I ~, ','. I ~ ' l . , ' , ' , ',," ~ . .- . .,.- . , ' I ' : j I l . '. f ! ~ > t ',': , ' \ '\ I I,