HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0155 .' "'//<~:;..--;~':'/:"'~\' . ~j c<;- " ""'..~~.,~~~~~~~~~";~~~~,~ll,;~~~;,~J~~.,oii~~i"i..;~~:i~~~~,~...~,..~~l',",;.,.', ' '.:' >>,' ~~~,~..,~.'~~1 )o""~'~,aD4 i..~i'~'~iB,~i;tj',~~..t,.~4:,:1.4"b1:~":,:,.~,.;." 'tor,"~14*" '.: ~,~~:,~~~t:i~;,~~~1~"t~'/~~~1;~~t~;~.~i;.~,~~~~'li1;~':',~,1~~'V,~~~1,.,;~~~..'.~t~~l~~:: a~;.~~1SQIt:' ..~~., ~.',:. , , ::,:-a1~:"~.'~'~'b~:,~,4'~~,1;~(~Cl}~~~;~~n..~'~~~1~t'.o..upi'.~ '.~~7: ~at4)~4r,t~t ,~.~4' '1' '1ari~:,;~"f~4ftl'O. 'a11.euabr~".'"t.~~lo.Jcr~tor. ,t"ll',' ~'1~i'en4l,..pl rQr...nt.~, " ":c' ;"'" '....' ", ,",.", ''.',....',.,..,''", "":'."-.,, "'~,,':': ',. '::< '..".'..,'..,.., ,," ',"';':,-,," ,..,":,' , .','. tl'Y..~w1i1.....:_~'Ml1.ra.8v_I..___:j~W..'tJJ.'.f.'.1aIP1'. ;ut:).'- to 8&14:'l'8D41J1': : '.'..~(~ant..~~:',~~ 'llel~':;~'~i'p:{' ~~p~.ID~~iy~', '~~r,a~~~.~t .'. ~'lDl'i '_'l'~aaoD~~17b' 'l"~ ' ,:',,'t.ilr.ai"~4:"~~t:"'li:~to~~ '4~{lt~~bt~~tallt~~~t~'.1.1' .to 8.141an4 'tu14'wtl1 .' cl~fen4;1;b";','~;~~~8t"tbelawtUfqi~li.~ '~f cdf'~.r.on. '.~.'O'.T~'l'. ",>':: .~1tU''''t1(4r:~~4~' ':an~".~. ';'6t ~~d'srat1tor. ;the4qan47~tu8t abA'Ye. wrl tten. '. '81sn.d~; 8e.l'd"~d4.11.T.~'d ',111 ,~~,~r...ene~ of ',',' ,." . ~". " u . -- -. '~nnen" 'stO.D' ~.;A.tki8'OD , , 1701~,k~ Atk1.,on '(Seai) ,I I (Seal) I I I I I f i i I , ,j !' i I I I .' - - - B. J ."~1etJ;l c' , ' "- :" - '.- ~ ,.' . ~ . . , . - - ,- Ohel'1,..G...~.11. ,I J ' " , 8t.~ OfOe,l1fOrJ;li&q . I....} .,' '0: ,'Co~~7. ots~",>>:,:'$O '. .,' , , ,!__~ber'~7.0ert.i~~t~~on t~s,d8.7per80na1l7e.~pear'4betore m., an 0:ttioer,41lJ.)' : aut),or11,4to ac1JD1ii1~ter,o.tbs alul'teke aeknOwle4gmenta, lIr..ViOla K. AtkIsson, to m. .' . -' ":,:' - " :J' " " :.. . _ \;. _ - . " :- ., -.-. _' - . -! . _~ _' -'. . _\ " - - .' - ", ... . - . 'J".,~l1..kn01m:~O b":t~'- p.~~oncl~s.rlb'4 ,~an4 WhO'~~~.~cl tl1e f~rego~g deea., and who I ,,' !to'knOW1'dged.. b.fore m~' that: sbe exeauted t1)8 ,8_' free;t.;r and 'Yoluntarl17 tO,r the purposes I ' 't);ler.~ '2P:r'$e,ad.: , 0 ',}I.:, -',~4: :t"toi't,~~ Oert1~ t~t' tJ;1e qld ViolaM. Atki8Son; mown to me to be the wife of . t~.-eaI.d,!elUJin~On D~'~Atk1s80J1, on ~, 8e>>a~ate and printe eum1naUoD tak.n and made b7 ~l,~~tOr8,~ tsepa,~tt~ &JJ4, apart fJ:'OID. her' ,sali ).iuBband", 414, aUncnrle4getl;lat sl1e ,made " her.~lt-'ap..n7 to ,., s&1.4 "eea, ~qt the 'purp08e o:t renouno~, 'rel1Dquiebin8and oODTe71n# . \.' : -'.. . ',' . c _ : - , . ~:".. ... _ " . ' . _. _ ~ : -.,-' -. . -'. - - - -,. . - - . - :. . ',~ll,~r 1'1gbt,'t~t.U,~diJ1t.r.~1;tWl1.the1' ot,40we1', );lomestead: or' ofBep&).'&t.pr~pen7, , 8t~~tort ,or'eq1Ut8:~~.' .1DaDd to the laD~s 4e"1'ibed'thereiD,.n4~bat 8h. 'DAted the BUd 4eed treel7'Nld .olUJl~l1i UJ, w1.t~t ~d eomp1l1s10n, .on8tr~lnt" apprehen810nor tear of or:troJi hernld husband. j i , ' , I Oount7 of San ])1esO t and State ot 08li- ! " ',' , I , I ! ! ! I ! I i I i I I I i if" I \ I ! I ,i I .' , -'.- , . . -. . . - .. ~ . ~ltD"! ",~n~,&ncl, oUielal' seal at San ])1.SO, 10rnl.,tb18 29th 481,01 MaJ. A. n. 1918. . - . - "B~t'e.rt Seal) . , ',',::." .. """" '( ..; ~ "I, <SttAt. olP1o.riu,', , , ., lCOunt,- Q',t..bl'le. I '" ',c" ' '''.' ,,' I ,;:I'lutre~t'Q.itJ~,!batori ~bi8 d&7 l)e:l'80nal17 app.ared betore m., an olfioer, 41117 ',: 1 'autb9rl,~'~:'h~~lnl~teroat~an~takealkno.l'd_ent", Bennington ~.: Atkisson, tome . - -'" . :.--' -, . - - . - ~ ,1!'11",~_"o~~:the,p.r80J1,'4~8V~bea 1!i,an4 ,.~ nalute4 th. forego1nsdeed, and w~ '~Jalowlea8e4'~.f~r~'.."t~t:,l1.ex.OUte4 t118 B'" free17 ,and.,~iuntarll1f~rt~pu1'po.e. t~l'e1Jl,.2Pr',~.'4.' , -. - . -- '," - . -' - ~ . -. .- 1f~~",,,,,.);Iazl~an~otf1411a~ 8.Alat'8:Ll~:;'''.COunt70t st~ Lul. and, State of , 'il0~14!,~t,b1~:.h.~,~,o,~'-,~': ~.,])~lt18, : " f.~taq.8,.~).-" . .. . - ....'". .'. .",-.- . ',' 0'. 8. Dearborn, 1Iotal7 ~bli. 1D &n4for San DiesO OOunt7, state ot Calitornia. " , , r ',:- "B.M. Korp~, : lJ~t827?Ubl1.. " ~ eo~e810n npiree S.pt. 8, 1'18. ' .... ..-- '.' ':~'iji.4~~1ul.7 r~l'decl t~., ~tJi ~, 'of '.~t. A,,' >>-. '1.18. ' " . "'CO" ot8~~1' ':' -- -- p".-<,! J1J>1lfJ)~' O~.k ~lrnlt 9O~t. " ~'",,, '!,"" " '". .~' ~=;> '/ ,"~"'., , " -.. . .. ....-. . ., .. ... :. ' ~,,' ',' 1J1 ,- '~~', D~' o. " -- .' ',':':-,~',',',--':"-","', ;',~, ' ..' . .. .. " ~, . - '" . ~ .;""- ~ ,': . ~ I I t , , I I ! I , i