HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0251 .... ~-%-irf'~~t;~:'l~;'t"crr~~": "'~~~':~~}~~~~t~"!C~''''~,,;::': ~-;7r7':l!J;7-:-,~~! ,',X"~ ',l, .'~:" , .,251', -.. .~',""d ,.rU'~ oJ ~.., ft.I"'. ~. ,.o',_..e,W "tI11l~ WI'.", ~.' :~,~. -'W, ,..14 ......, ' , ~. .... .'. . . .' ~ ~'i. - . ":- ~. ~ .' . ~ ::., . . .. ~ . '. l .'. : \ . . . .. . . .' ..' . . - .. ~ "tf... ~.,~~. ,...lD..'~. l~,O1~ "f .~~ '"r.~~~,wJW.O"..ai.,,: '::' ~ -,'q:Wt_,c:,...,;;,,\_;~...i./ wti...'..t.lh.:tllui',:,pU\ '~..1l.~..,..' ..."..l'>~aD4~ 8DI' '1 ,~~,~.:th.':4J~t~~~:i~".~~,:~~,~~:<..,.....: ','".:,'L }, ;",," ':5' ,.,'.",;..",1, 'I '81~e4; "'&1~(u4~ le1l..~~I" ',,' ' , 'mJiJjfa,,->.r. aeal.': I, la p,..... 01".' ' - ,'".'" , , . " ' ~WI~~.' h.. .a.a1.~ " , . . .... . ..Ihfi.;!';:: ..1 , a,,!-u'OJl ~llIn!._" I ,~~ITY 01'8t.'Lt7CJ~.:' .' , " , I" ,I' ,~r". _";,:l,.!,,Q~tI~~,,",a~ 0~~l1~',4~',PI~.'oa&1~ .pPtU'.d b.t~l'e,~t...:n ott10.:r' 4u1~ 'I "~~~l'l'~~, ,~~a4~\D~"~'-Lj~ ,,~I,'..tJs:oW~.481l.n~...i11.1" ,8~~,al'..;~4.1~~~ I" j' ~~~.:',~. t~:.,"'~l'kDo~~...to,bt,. ~. ,1b~1"1da.al 4,.,:~r1~~1Ji.,",whO 'a~o~~d the I j fo:r'P1nt 41'ct,' u4 ,.aDOWllda-d b'.ro%e ,.' thit >th.i ..ollt.d the 9... fl'1e17 en4 'Y01UDtU" ! I', ,':':, ".', ", ., '...' ,":,,' "',' " ' " , " ',', , '~i , i" ,n, for the ~~8~!I' ,~,.~ein ,exP:'8,~e4. ~; ! , I" , ~!ns8: .'h....d ~4 offl01&1 '..&1. .tVuo.' 'oowit7 Of.P 8~. I,u01. an4S~t~ ot J],orlda'. ,1 ; ;" . >::, :', :,' ' ", " " , , " " " " ',I , 'I, '~,.l'.,~l(.~,-o,.':,',.'~,::)',o.~~I.,',;~1>.~ '1~1'. WItLWI .~I.' , i ' , , 'ow,' Publ10, '. . 'I ' ,~ 'otal'J, Pa.bllo. atat. of nOr14a. 'I' _ OOJala.lon exp11'88 .118. ., 1918. "1" 'U.4" anct l"O'OI'4',a"thl* '80tb daJ' of ,'oT_b..~' 1..:0.' 19i8. I I.,' '(Of., O".QAL) " , " ; , ,P. O~," ' "Ol'l'k 01r,oult 001U't. i : BJ, \ ~ {~~ ' ,J).~, , I .. 0-.,' ,,.: , , t :" ' ReOORDVEA'F'ED! . .......... ....... " '...... ' ~....... ........ ........ ......... ........ ,6 I', ' 1WUWfYDIBD. ! ,~ i 10o.1.r le-.1" .00. -<,' t. . bl. .u t1i& M. Koran, " ' --.... I ,ms' I~~mtB, 1184. 'th188th 4&1 of Ootobei- 10i8 b7 IOOSID IUULfY COlll'An aOOl'poratlon ! ' !' .,', ' ' , , I Of:th.:8~1i., 0i>nor14a.ha"1DI1... Pl'lnoi~ offioe and plao' of baln... at V'I'O, 8t., ! I '" ","',,' , ,'. , " , ," " ',' " , r r-t1Oi8qOliDt7, .J1.,O~ida,-,partt of the firet 'pal't, an4:Jl:r8. .utha M. Moran of 1 ,', ',., " ,.'.' ' \ ' i })Iirt7'ot\h' seooM pu\.',' , ' ' \ ' " j.. .' -'. .-" ".. .~'." ,\. . , 'WtTII83;1.ftf~t~'th. ..14 pa:rtJ of the firet put, 'fOI' and 1n oonei41l'ation ot the .. of l t > _';.'." .~ _ _ . . !' On. Polla:r u4 otbe:t.,aiub1.. OO~'iderat1on.,la1lt'u.i IIOne" of the 11nttecl Stat... to It 1Jl ,( 1 " ,-' " " , " ," ."', , " , ,.' , ' '! I ~Pa14;:'bJth' ..14 ~t7 Of, th"8eO,on4:P8l't.at .01' 'b.tOl'e'th',,'~.'al1n8 an4 4e11.,e17 ot l , Ith..e>>:r..en'I;'the' :reo'-lpt whereof 18 bel'ebl aoknowle4ge4 .40'-. h'1'8bf 8I'ant. barp1n. .elll ~ _ _ .'~._.,+_ ':'-~:\;,~-"-.':_,', - ." ~~' _ _.< _' _' _ _ _ _., _. . ,- . '. _ -. _ " i :1%.l.a...,'~C?_~*'aD4 oont1n \1D~Oth. sald .part7 of the s.oontpUt;' aa4 h.1' h.irs and a..1P'j 'I' iDte., .~.. ~,.th., 1an4.1t\1&ted1D8t. J,uOi..Ouut;7.nor14a, kn01l'll an4'4e80rlbe4 u ' j } .. ~".' - - ' . > , ! I fo110..: ; ! ,"" Lo~. t..:-(~())I1'.'B '(Ur.. twel.e (la)' in BloOk liD.e 9). 01 B4pw004.4441t1otl ~ ,I to,,'.ro.',rlOt"14a,'aoOO,Z'41Ds ~o ~at r.oorde4' on>>&p 88 of Plat BOok 8 of the a.oor4' 'of ' '1- at.,J,...~.:OO1lD~~t, l'lor14a. , ' , " ,,' , ,j', 1'0 ,lU.~'~ '~"BOLD ,'.,~, 8AMI, topth'l'1r1 th 811 easementl, lapl'OYemtDt., hu.41 tuellt.. '!. 1:::r;t::~7S::~~~o::::U8' _~o~. oU4pg_ .t ~. ..._, pUUD4h.. hol'.1 I ~'~~;~~.Ota.'.))Ut".:f,'ih":tl~.t/ for i,..11 n. noo..ao:r.,:i.plr.pr.81D'tati....'. an4 ! 1"~~;;1~'~i.~ .r-"~"l;~~~4, -- .t"'"'.....i~~. ".. hol~.; i.sol, ..~..... ' , "f'.f'.D~'":t'..','~,....lsn~~,,~t l' 11' ~d.t...l'bl1.eU" ,of ..14 1t.D4 ~ t.. '1Iql1':' that it 'f~;T""~' ',,' '" , ' , , 'ffi l-;~ f1IU':Po~r. .'lU':f11l ~18bt' ~ .O~~" 014 1'- in t.. 11ap].., .. a:r.01"~14J that it .i' r::~~~ .:::~:: ~u::,-to':~.:r.~4r::;:::.~~;:;~71oa4,1 , ",:I- tMt ~f.>111D4 ',1'- #.~ ~~OII' ~-,~lIiiI1n'~..; ,...'~, It ,4"8 b.r.W,~~',~~t th~',,~~"t, , I>to -aU 'l..i: u4 '1rU1: ".t.ni' 't1a-' '....', "iDe' ~~ 1Ata1 o~ 'of .u.~' ""oU d~.NY.:r.' :.~, ':,f -r ':" ".',-, ,,', - '",' ,: '" ':;~;~l~.~titc,'~",.::"::'~"'" ',' '-"'" "', i' :..."1", , 1'-.', :!"; ~~ 8", t I, ' ~t,: I