HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0283 ;r,tac:.:' ~ ,~. ~: . .; ~""'. ~. I ~~, -' ".~. :~U'. :'.';....~",._~ ~ :'i:~~~~-;:;.~':~',-..;~~_~;_~:.:~ '. , , . ~~': - -, ~~Y~~f~'~:~:~~'~'~' -..~~: ~i;,:..~~~~ -:...7,~7!: ~~~l,~r.~..~~7~~7~~~~~~~~~~BT~:'~ ~'; ,~~$ < \,', " b:WS..~~ , ..~ I I I ' I i I ., :1 .1 l I . I 1 '~ '! , I I i , '~ i I "I" 'I ! I i ! I j i I i I I j f I ! 1 ' i i I , . I ......~ 'I""" ,*.~~'L!~ " .w- IT ~..,... '.OOJOXflO..'.;;.";' ',' "."" ..,.,. '.' . C..,,~, 'tz.~t,ot,e1~M..UOft) . _.',_ ..', .'_ . '\_~'~__. "::_' """:''''''<_':'~''::'-;:'_~':'::\'_:_'''~''\'<_'<''_-'. ...,......__~:~,~~:~..:.:.\--:~ "~'" __ . ' . .. ,; _..' i . ,I,,:,~' ,.1..,. "el"blJI1l'~ir ~,.c1 lHI...~,'~"~i1d1. Kiy,.. ',.....: O~ '.'h, _014" Of" ',"'"":c.:,.",,_:___._', .-:'....- . ,,:u,. .,,-,,,,~,,;,,,,.,.,,:_.,_,,_'-:: ":~__"':",";_,:--:." .,:":.-,- _.....~-:__."~'.':' ...., -.., -". ',~:. '. 'l '~1'., ap})l:io.'lo~'wh.a...,., l'~0.P~'O"b1tt.ft'~9..I'.~ .'f04,~',1 · "I , ~'1.,~.',t;~~P1U'Ob"~Z, ,.h~n: Ii., .~:!,'~l!,.:~~",.D~,.~~~ ~~~,~i~~ tr(). "ht o,-rm:v' I 8Aao.O')1r~~"f"h~Ob,:~o8t'~.r .~th','l1t~'.,~t~~~~~~~ :8hi1J. ~~n~~t.,'~M, .,o()n'r~'. : ' I '2~ 3:h..'.,..u' 'lN01I'ltt. ,lIu.tbl'~lcl 'b7 :ba#kJr&1~ ot~ aOD,':r oj.~.r;--' pqab1. ~o .th.. '00-, I . JIAIIt ."~~"""~~'~' I"",. .}O ..1l....tlll~q~~. ...tIiO~l"'O ....lp.-to. ...;.J ~ . Ol~~Y' _ot'~., 'i,~I"~' pn.. "', ',', ,. .t ," " ", , ", ! ,{ 8. fha' 'th~ UDpa14 -i&1l0. of the P'U'ohaa. ~1'10' on aD)', ~?ntJ:'ao1; ',~n' .hlob l.e. ,t~..1?' . OOJ: hall been pa14, ,~, be"pe\t.d lntul~ lDoaeh and a di.GOUD'of ~ d.duo'te~ fica 'h. un- l , ' '"". .':".' ,,' '.," -~.'" ,"'" , ",' , I , patd ,b8J.anae., ' OJ, any oon'raoion.blo~ ~ or aor'. and 1... than 7. of the PuGha..' I , ' , , - , ,p:rl,oebaa' b..n~~,..., ~,.,pa14 1a ~1ll11:D oallb flnel ,ad1aooUD' of 6' deduot.d fl'olllth. 'updd b&1aD~e..Iri:1i'~~~1i~ be. ohar~d on th1s oontl'so1; .t~e :rat. of 6" per annum -. , ,~.. - . .; - . . - : ontb.'whoW .u. l'em&1nlD8:t:i'oat1I1e to U.. unpaid. Int;el'l."'" bo pqabl. s.m1-annuall~ -.:. . ", ' ,__, ",., " ' , I or 'lIMtJbt ohal'8e4 .nhu.a11f .saiD.t 'th. ooiitl'ao\ and' paid aft.r t_1 :r.gu1&1" pl'1nolpel !' >- -, .~:..- "'~' _' ,'. -'. ".. .:< '.. "._ . . _ .... i . pe,J1Ien'ta lUld.i' \b.'contl'ao~,ha.e, 'been oOIlPl.tec1~ , ' , j ,4' ~~ 1:ha' .b.n't)!. ~ori~J:'~t 'hOld.r,hae .... t;he 1B8t P81Dl8D', the oompany w111 l..ue' I ,,~Olll.' :or h.r' a ,Wl,U'rant711e.d'OOnY'71ng 800d,titl. to '.aU, traot of land &n4,Abstl'aot of t~tl, to 4ate'thel'eot, r..':rYin8, howey.r, for 1'0&4 or d1toh purpo.....a .1il'lp o~ ground ..; '. , ' . . - - - ..l..io",,,,, on \h.lsstl'eoorde4 ~n.l'al plat of all the ,hold1. of th. Indian lliyel' I'~ OOll~.' reool'4e4 in th.Cl.rk'. otflo. of ;;st. Lule ooun~. norlda.' Or, ~a\ the p~oha.."~.I'.ot.b8l1 haY' th. right to haT. 4..4 is.ued ror the w1thln 4,,01'1b.4 prop. , , , . . - . . . .'. ,.r'y \lMn OOllpl~t10n'~t PA7Mnt 01 ~in o.ill! Of1ih. 'oontl'aot pdo., plus aooWlUlat... int.re.~, b,"l1i1I11, to : .he o~ hi. ftO" or n ..tea tor th., r.1I&1nina unpaid balanoe, , . .. ." . tile now tO~8J.'ln1.r.8'at ~ pel' annall, pqabl. annuall;v and 'be "oul'ed bY'lIOl'tqe on :tho w1th1D'de.o-tl bed proper'i~ ' ,\ 6.' :;:a.. ot .T'*'7;'~~tU1" on the wi thin d..oribed pl'ope1'\7 shall b. paid b)' ~. I I i i ! pU1'9ha.ez besiDll~.l thth.- ,.&1' 10110.1n, ~h. ,..ar ,in whioh th. pul'ohaa. i8 made, state- \ "lit tor Wbl0~ .hall be cllreoted 0)' the OOIlpan7 .aoh ,..ar UDtll 1,suano, of d..4to the , , ' platOb...r, at'-r whl,ohtl1l8 ~. taxe. 11111 be &8.....d 411"01; aptnet the puroha8er b)' th.; , , . - , ' ," .." . ~ c,' .' . . .. '. -, . . _ j OOWl't1.ta..8e.80r. Shoald the ~1ll'oha..l' fa11: to r.illlbus. tbe OOllpany for tax.. pa14 bl! , ", . i ~ " ; . . . -. . - -. . ~h" '~O#:\h. .1 thin 4..01'1be4 pl'opert1.." then all .uoh soma shal.l be oharge4 : - '.'-" . #> .' " -' ' : - - -' apln~. 8~b lad end ,again.' the '111 thili nailed puroha..:r and 8b..l1 beu 1n'.I'..t a' .. ':r.te,ot M )Mt28D1l. lUltl1 .uoh t1lH .. pai4. , , ',~ O,~,;;;~at .bou1d~oh~..r ~oeu8ab1e,cl by 11~n's8 froa ,fol1o.l118, hi. usual Tooat1on aDd.n..~~. ~'l!leal.o'~ifloa".at18faotorJ' to the OOllpaDJ', a ,ayment or papent. , , ' .-,";""Dl\.4fo1' a perloA Of lIutl day.. . ., ' . - -'".' .; ~.- ;-' -.::..... :. ' '. - '. - ~ ~'1.::~~. 't~i' c,ont1'a,_'-ia not tl-anat'l'abl. 01' a..ipabl, ,xoe~ '" ,~.i_"n ooil..nt 0* the(J~.., ','..'C;, ~. e.!ht.' 'hoQ111ihe, puobuest, '..\to Uk.papen's .. '-h'l'ein .peo1fi.ct, ,~1" ltelD8, .. .'~JlOl ..of ~1. ...._.Il~,'\JJ,. puoha.., f~t.lt. bie l'lgh_ and 1ftterl.' in ~18 OOD.~:" -' . .~. .... .;..... '. :' .,'~ -.' . . -' . - -': .'- :.... . - ~'.; . . tno'and -.11.,.'Pa14: 'h't.. ~ot at. peJl4tJ, bli\ a.11qd4ate4 d....... ' · ,J,~ _..;; ~""'~ ..u1 Ooll.'ror' ...~(i~ ~'h.."Ol#".'loD. lID! !i..o~lOD. i ot ~,'O~II'~O~':'~,,~,,~~',~Jl~'ot~.. ~.,~',~.1~ ,J)..~rlo', in Jrhlo11 the : '~tua4~' h,,):,~~; ~".~~~~~,:<,~r. ,14)O;~~,a1~-, ~&rIl. ti"~ ~~~...a' '0 oorm.01i with ',h. . '. . ~. . :,..,. ~. " - - .. ~.'. .. -,~ i i I I l I I I , ' j I , j I l' ! I I , ! i , I , - , ~ I I ! I I I, I ,1.; 1". . -': - - . "l ~ ',,"..-:..,.,