HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0292 ~,,~; .:~ AKJM ' ".' j" . P-" " . . fUn ....:.I.OO~.tij,~.18__ 4ei 0'_"'17. ll' ik191.. .' .' "?'~q.).90 ~ . '.' .' . . ',' '1', O,lIollJQ. 01'.C..~' o~.. .', ~i\!!' . , (O',:O!. ~BAL), ,:" '~F"" " ' , , ~~ . ,," , ,', ; If ,'," r '" ~ D., O. ~~ ' . ~~-~--------~----~-~._.__._~-_._-_._-~_._--~_._-~.~,~ ~--_._~:~~-_.~:~~--~~-~--~-~._-~----_.- " , ' ..': ,', . IlL' ~.,~ ' , ~.' ' " , GBORG~"t\',~GlIO..4w1~' ,,~..to, "', %~,~ 11. IlBlIR8:'". ,.',' POW~~lfB'jf ~SSlftASEI'l8, fhat UOllQ t. QO~t.i, 8D4IWttJ108LIIG, ,of 01'7 :. ',: ~_": -'_, ".." _ - " " ,~. - ",'~ , ' ,~.:..',,~ ';:;,;-:..~~~(_'~~:i _,~-" ":_'~' :, ~_-;,. " - . of ,:8an, J,:~l'.O; '1n ,~h', Oount1 Of~an4, 8ta~', ot. Oa1u'o~a.~"~.t':Jh~;,~~~ "pal't.'tor 'and "',' , l"oolUll~ta~l9.no.t :th. .'.. ,otOn'- J)oU.e1' 8Dd'ot~.~ ...alua'bl. ~on.l'.:~~.~~D''-. 'lawful'mon.,' - . .. --. . - . .. .," '.' ,,' . : "', ':-,'''0 _. , Of"h~~ ,1h11t~~8ta~.., ~O~h_ 'paid blOKARLKa 11. BYDS ot ~~ooun~__,ot ..Uantl0i" State I . , , ",' " " ,;, " ' , i ,o'f I.w lel'l", of the.ooonel part. the 1'8oelpt ,n.refti. h.r'l)7a()~owl~seA'"ha"'.l1'ant.4+ .~; ,,' , " " " , '," ",', ',",' , .," , , " I 'bal'gal~ed, ,old,1.l'an.fel'l'.4 and d.l1....:r.~.' ~d brthl8,pl'e8ent. dO pan~, barp1ll, ..~l. I ll'an.t.ll, uddell....1' unto the 8a14 par" 'Of"h.'~eoondP&r~.'th.U ex.outol'.. ~nl.tl'a-!' -. ...... . . ..... - ", . . , " ,-. . - '. -'. ' ~. ,,~ . ";J...,\. : .{ . ,I 1,01'1 and,..,'lfP1. ~ ' the, tolloWtn8 800d. &rill ohaUl1.i ': , 1 . r" -."....., . . .. .'.0_ ____, ,;; _' "....,. . "_.' .... ". , :...411 the hou..tiold ful'n1'tur., tandns impl..ent. and'tool. 8nd ~l oth.r personal .- . .' . .', ," . "'.. ~ ; ':~".. ' - ~rop8rt;v of What'T'l' klnd or n~tul'l 'own.d b7 the parU'8~tth. fll'.~ part. anel now, on a . . . . . .,. . . - - .- - , tl'ao~ otllUld'lllSt. Luo1e Oount" .r1ol'lda,th18 day C)Om..,.d- bl the t11"1,~ parU.s to th.- . . . - ~. ,,' " . . . " '.' .:. . . --". ~ - .:". . - . . - .: . I .eo~nd-'pal''7.b7d''d.~f '~'n 4ate her.wi th>and.~.o b'OMt and ~oat "tlX'~~~ 'cot t~.:fll'st I, pal't1" nowin-th. St. Lu01. K1...el';,adjaa.nt to the traot.ot land aboV~d..orlbe4. : I ' , ',II' admiD1.t1'ator. and'a..lgns for''''I:r. I i j I , I I i'O RAVJI UDro HOLD the .... imto the said part, of the ..oon('.p"t:..' h18 ~.~uio%lI~ . . .... . - :I.~-" 'j" ". ~~'._!~~.:>:~'~:.~.~_':)~' . I , i 'I , , 'ADd the, 'do to:r~.~th..:~t'httr1:htt.., exeouto~. ID1d,~.t~f~'~.$o~.., ,o~J,~~fto ,u4 . ~ .', ,', '- " :. ,;'.#', :_--'~,:-."-}','~'-~.'.-:"-,(: " w1th~h. aald putl ot the ..oond part, h18 ueouto:rli. adJl1nlltr.tOl'8, ~.AA'.i8Ui' ~~: ' . _,"..". _ '". , ,',' -..'" _ ,~. . ~,~'::~"-'~.~:_-f>'-,,"'< :\.""".-:.~.': th'7 arl the lawful owners of,the said 800da MDd ohatt,l. a ' that' th., 'a:r. 'hM.,'fJoa \~1 ' " ',' , ' ,',' ' " " ",' {'" ,:i< :':-\~::""""'<'J 1pOlUDb:rano..;thatthei haYe ~Od ~lSht to ..11 the Ume .."ato~'~d;,~1fiha.'~" will -, '- ...,-. -. ,.. _- ...._-:~.-::':.\_,/.:~.'::;r4>-,:}'_,;. _,~ ~arrant and A.tend' the .all 'of 'the 8alel pr,opert" 800d8 1U14 4h_tt.J:.,h.r"bi~'." unto " _,_~<.,,\~"__:'-~'~."'~<' ',,' ~:'.,~':;'-\.J hili exeoutor., adJI1ni.tratorff, anA ....1...',; apin.t the .alel ~~, of., the .eool14 part, , ' , the lawf'ul olat.u and d.lI8ncllof all pe:rson8 801180.....1'. . , ,. -' .' . . .' " -" - " . ~ ~ ,-;:.. - . . .. .. :' IJf WIfWSS WIIIRB07 w. ha"'lh.I'.UD~O ..t OUl' banda au.l'~~~"lbl.19tb dq of .00e.bel'! . . .' -~ '; .' " ~:,~",~"':-~:-',,-""',: -..' ,.:;::',' 1 one t~OUUD4 nln. hUD~.d aDd '818b"._n. ; Slan.4, .eal.d and d.ll""l'ed in p:r...no. ot '.".. ~,:.:::. '....y viUssro. " QIO..nlVIS. SUS ,0' ~ma . - -." . GJK>llGK ,'I. GO$LUe (UAL) fl- MAllY OOaLIle' ( SIAL) , COtJlifY OJ DA.J.t.8 I I , I ~y ;QKB'lM that on ~1. 4q pereonall)' appear.4 "tor. .'. aD 0"10'1' elu17 author, " " ,,' ' , ' , '" i '. . 1"4't0adll1~i.t',ro"'th.and take aoJalO1rl.d8Mnt., _lull t QOau,I.~, 81Jd, ~JOO8LIIO, to ! ' , "->~.11 k1:lms to' "1,11-: pel'~on'. de.Ol'lbe~:lll aDd .thO ex.outed the :t~~"'80~q".Ul, o,t Sal., ' ~f th"aOJal~Wlld8t~ b.for. ..that .th.,.x.outed th...e tr..t, .c}.:!Ol~'k:r1l7 for to .' ,j ,,~,' · ./pUpO...' ~l;1.l'I$.D .opl'....4, ',.', - . . . - . -- . , i I i ! i ~~~.( I - -\ . ! ~ezM. Oo~tl' ot' Dall...4IStaH 'o~ ': , dfU8&"h.JUl 8D40tf10111 ..a1atJ)a1la.. ~'- '.;.:: '.~~'::':">. --:.- :~:' -,:..-' . .. - - - " ' - .. - -':" " . :~...' ~~.. ..., ot .OT..~r. . 4. J). ':918. ' ';~i~l~jf;_:.:,,~,/:.~-:_-,~~.y,r~:-~:,~.-,~..-~, . , . '~: . . .... . _., ",'.:_ _,~.'_ ;l?iJ._--ltl '.boY. Iii.tr_at 'lII&cle before .1sDlll8 and aotn01fl.481D1~ '!..::::-:'~,>>~~:,~>-:~.~ ,- ~- .. -<,,' : - ~ ' #'. ..,' . '. . .. ':. , ,- ~ ,:: :~)':, " :GIO. M':;!~~ .."~ . ' .... 'Y}(.;~'M) ../ttOPIlOVI'IlI,..,. ..' .'--z.bi~o. ~.. 'O~. 'l0u0. :-?::'~:,!"}(~i<;~.";,~,U:'-I\~J ":;';';0:::'"' ,;,~I),' e.':' _,..,...l~n ~P11'~~~::~.~.1..,i919. ' !~.~f:~~;~=,;~it~~~;;~jtf(::-;~~f-'..' ~;;7~~~;~,. ,', , ;.; ~ .. , "t. , .Ill"', \ , . " ~ " '\.;"'" i~ .; :.1 , t~ . ~;;; "f.., F j . ';:-~ .,;:'. Lq ','-1' ..",!, t~ i. .hH~~: " " ~; " , '-'l':'~U # 1: ~, .~ :j!' . , ,i , .. , .~ :. t :r" - ',I' ~- , 'i .1. i J , .J J - 1 'f ~., ~,'1 ',I vJ -fj, '1 ~:J " ~, -......'...... - ~;ft ;~. :~, . .' ;g; "~ ;i: ," :,:~~: .,j ! tl ..:.. i - ~l .' ';.;~ , ,;~-~i ' , 'Ji ,.,Jt; . ',.: t:,n,