HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0308 t ~'l.--':~~f-::.:~., . . , : ',': ::,:'~.}~~i!tirl~fii~il .~:u.::,~ar.:,,":~:("(l~l,:.':. ' , ,~,' o,~', :~~,".':L~~~~D",.;Je1 .' .' , .~~'~'~on.,('i....t~" lU...I, '..~..' ,~4, ' ,>>ell~" . - - . . - - - -. . .< :-'. . . - '-~ . . -', -; . :"..- e:r.d1Jl'~. ,r...aoa'ot, ~-,- , '. I I II I I I l ,I ! I I . I . $T~T.I O'~JlW, ' l . i , Cou~i:'o's,~ LUOU.) , ... I , . , '. j " " ',':' I It $D ottlo,r du1.J &llthorll,4, ~o 'take "lalOwl..~ta:~ 4a.ele 1IIlder the law. of !th. '3t.,e Of nor14a: 40 h.reW-otrU:r, tbat'OIl 'thi. dq ptreon8117 a~pear'4 XAmm~NB KYA I , " ,,', ',,' '.. ",', ',",', .-' ",:' : ' ", '.,' ' I DU~BL and O~SLISLIBDAIIIBJi. to., ".11 Donas the, ~r.o~. ~'80rlbeil In and who I ex'ollt~a~hetoregol~S 4.'4 and tbe;raob1ow1edged before IHthatth'7'u'oute4 th, lame I " " '.- ' ' I tor'the purpo... ,'.' forth. ,I " " " , , , ,,' ," ," " ' I , ,.ell 40 'tuther oerUfJ' ~at on1ihia dq per8onal17 appeared betore me OJiARLBS l L.SLII DAll~BLt 'to'. .'1.i~ kn.oWDaa .:~.: ~~.on de.or'lb.~11l ~el..hO .xeo~t.dth'e tor ,80 IIl8 I , , ' ,", , ' , '" . ,. .- " ,',' " I ~.e4 ,.a a'tton8' in tact fO.~IA >>4JI1BL end h. .o~owledse4 before. me tha~ h. exeouted i . ..". - . . - . - "-' . ,. -; '.' . - . - " ,,: . ;.' . ~ "" - . -; th' ,~aM .a a'ttorllo, 111 faotfor iml on "halt, ofth. .aid AJIl,11a Diul1el tor the purpoa.al ',' " I aot forth. 1 PRim JlOI,~8mm~. '.' >'1. ,G. dtlM'tAlfSBll.,', I' I I J I ~ If fi il i~ I ' I I I , I thla 80th da, Ofl I , I ! i . .' i '1l0tal'tPub110, at&to of nor1da. I ., 09.-1.a101l ..plres i ,'" ' i notar7 ~b1,10, ~t.t. of 'lor14a 1 >>7 001lllD1.alolleap1.r.., Sept, 13. 1910. l1edo " , ' ! I'l1e4 and keoord.ct tbi. &lat dq of ~anua17, A. ~19l9. .' 1f(Y'VeR ' . , . .' . ' ' " " '11:1120 , P. o. BLDR.&m, 01Lr 0lro\11 t Oout. ; ( Ot. ot. S,&1). . '......~ . ,..', ,! . B71t\:a~ GA.. D. O. ' i . ! , ' i --.----------------------.--------------~----- .-.---------------------.-.------------- L .' '. .. - . . . .. . - . " Di f~.3!DIOlfY IHDEO', I haTe h'.rounto alltsed rq h~cland..al 'J8Dua1'7,1919.at' Jen..~ Jl101'1da. '1'....':mM8', ,... ( !f. ~. Soal) J 60~ 1.1. a'.p oanoeleel) ~'I l WUJWffY' ])JBl).' to , 'ROBII ,Bllu) JI. L. _~IICJ, I I Ii' 1 If it :I If l~ I - , , ,!BIB 'J)BJm~ ileAe, the 18~ ,,,q of Jal&Qr,,'.6.. lk1919b1 B.L. ..iD" widow.r oftbe ;?~~. _ ".~ :. " _.' .' '. __.~ :_.. ~:.,.;'<- ':-~>.~.,-~..'k-;,~--:-.- ", .." .' _' ":_ _ _ : - ~- _ ",_' . o~~:':': O_~.t~~f . BreT~4 ,.tar ~t nori4af bel"l~aft.I', Gall.dth. '~...tor.,~: ao1>>l. 171'4. ot the OO\Ul1;J',ot 8t.' J,tlC)le. $tatt, f!111oi'ld.~, he:re,1i1~'.er o&ti.ed'- ai'Uit.e.. :WIfli~S;JUIl. ,tJ1at~'tb., ~. ;~8Dt~~H1a' 'to41ierauoA ot', 0.. Dollar &D4 ..'I'~a1uab1' . ~(,.i~i4er~iton~,.the /e~'lP'wh.r!ot 'i.'lleJtebt' a~~owle~4,lo..','a1... pdt. busain, ael~ ,a11.~~.. reat..~, <r'-l~aa.. .nf.oft~ ~~"!i' _ 0 ontin unto th." aald ~..to.; &D~. ~..f. , I heiri."~.~~'''ltP1.' ,tj,' '~~e ..~~.t ~.'7a~c1..i~uat,. '1,.., st., LU~~., O~t7!: ~tat.' ~f,nol'14a,1 4e'01'1~~ a..,to11~~, , ',' " ' , '.' . I , ,",' " , '< ,.....', ',':',.' ..'..'; , ," I , ~. Hor~b _lfot~ot'o~ In, a.otto. M~t,..toQ, ~owuhlp ft~I~,.one8outh, lians' I , , ~blrt,"'.lll" ..,.': ." , , .' I .... . ~illAYll,lllli~BO;J>tl>o..... ~pt""'* ...tho h.lodt t.....t.ODd.~P1!lU_.... ""to ..1 .) ~~~~I "~'.,~'..,'....;.......i:h.,~~~r..~:'l.p:f':~.pn.eJl~ti.....an4:M.~P,, ~.;~~d"~'O,I;l' u..' .~~~~~~.~:, . 0,'; '.. 4 " I: : . "~~ .. ......... . :/