HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0311 IT ',' ,-) ~ .,.,' ... \. ~ . >.~ 1-, .1 ~' I >,31t" '~ :;,' . If , , ".' W.'~j(~ ir,.,.:t:.'1) "'I.,t1.".~ O_~~'...Q1~.~~,I\:r.~III(::~~:$1'.:'.':": - , , *il4~ Qo~a4t. ' . .". :':'~~8:~~''''''.~.;';8~'''~~d67.;Ol-:~~~,.\~~.: l;~io, b70h~1..,~.~Un4e~t. ~4 ' G.r.:'.o..,L~_"'.'~"",~l~w1.t.:,O(:1ih, ~o\U{ttot~".:~t~~l-. '\ate ot ~io,~l~a, her~f.qCtt~1 ~ali'4 '.... , . " -. . ,,':'-. .'. .- ,.,' . ~-.- .. . - -':' . '-. .... -, - . -- . - ... '. . the ar.~~o:t. ".Q' ~n 4/ GOl'nt' ~t' tbe, q,q~tJ' Of '8t. %.~Q'1e Stat. ot Plor14a, ~'l'e1n~tt.l' .' . . -..... . ......: . o~.<< the. ~8J)t.. .. " ,:_,~\'~.~, .:' '" ,',' . 'I ' ": ' wiTlf.8QI'~ .that\, ~.aalcl '~~.~illn~ODI14.~atloli otOn.J)011ar,..&n40'be~'8004 'I" I an4'''~Q.~bl., o..oo.Jl,4"..1.,ou,d th'-l'eO~li)t, ';he~eoth 'b'%.~' aok!io1tle4ged; :40 81Ye,gr.m',~u; 1 . :~:;:l:.::::t~:: '.:~:;:~:.:1:.~!::,~~::n::.::~::. ::t~~:;::.::. b.1 dell~rlb~l 'a.tollOW81 ' ", - . .',' , ," I ~e.BaettwG.ntYan~e~8hty;"I.!.n huncb:eclthli (?O'.87) aoree ~t"r~t:D1nff:( 9), ,seot1on 'ltt.~n '( 16):., Tcwnehlp Tbirty-three I (88l,SoU~b~'aUlge'blrtl';'Dlne (a9)B~I~~ IDdlatllU.,errarlls, St. I" LU01.' OountT,'l'lqilda, &8tbe.8CdDe' 111 deelgl1&ted.:on the la8t' - . ". ., . ., ~ . - - . - ! . .' -- - . - r ,.: ~nerAl'Pla~,Qt).and' 'ot'th~lndien 'ab.~ .ur.. Oompen;:tl1ed lit I 1(' ,tb,eottlocLo,tthe~ler;t of the 01rou1t,oourtot S1;.-Ltto1e Oo~t1~ I I ' subj.'o'tto&1.1"tU.8 ~d aseessment.' tor '1919' If 8117' be levled. i I ~HAVB ~DTO BOLD thee8met088~h.;;r':'lththe herec11toment8and apputenanoell, i ' "unto 'th..Bla graJ1~e ~d'h.~helr8 and 1:'88igtle}D fe,e B1111P1~'~' ! ,I' ,'- AQ tb,.: laid grantors :tot tbemselves anel their' heirlt' end legal 'representatives, I 'I'oo.enant wi th e~i4 ~8Dtee, he% 'beira. legal %e!lre88ntat1v.. anel a~.lfP1e: !hat 8ald granto%l! " . " " , ' . '.'" " , , I ,a~e ,l'~def.U1~1#',8'1z.d ~~,' add land 1n ~~',1I1mPle ;'t~at.81.d p,8Dtora have ~i' power uDd I -lawtult1ght ,t9, o.ollY'J'.ald''1an.8:,l~"tee e1a~e aeatol'esa14; that it sball be lawful tor . ,I ,li~ld, '~~~.:"'~~~ ')1~ir8t.l,.ga3.reprellelltatl"" an4 a~81gne, at all t1lnfB ptla.eabl~ and, QU1.tlr to ent't \1!>on,~o~.,' oooup, end en30T laid land, that said :lanel 11 t%.e trom all enoumbranOe8J thiit ~.l!1.l!~....t(i~~.t1ie1. h.l'~_"'..1 r.n...ntoa1Y.i. wiU 1Dok. .ohIi furth.r ....._.. ! to ~l'teot i;J1e :tee' ~lIpl' title ~ eald'lahel In 8a14 grantee, her helr8. legal re~re8entatl.,.er ~d '''8.i~.,..: ~~ea.onab1":~b' required. and that. saiel g%8ntora do berebY :fu117 warrant I I I i " ' , i . ,'. WIt_:; t~"'hand~ and Bea~8 ,of.a1d grantors ,~.d&1 and ,yeu first above wrltten1r 8181.->>4, sealecl"an44ellv'tr,a. ,: OHARLBS G. LUlfDSBOl1 (Seal.) in 1ib.e preseDoe 01 ,'" - SARAH G. LUliBSDOIl (Seal) I ' "')1.. C. W.l1e; (".00 1.1. 8tap~:. 08l10811ed) I ...;.M. Babb " , I I STAU 0' 'PLOlUDl,' , " , OOUNTY 011' Sf. LUOU," - I ... . I-~ ~~,~ th.t. O!i th1. ~q p....noJ.11 .,..or.~ hot... ... on .tn... ~u11 auth.r-I 1,"4, to ,~n18'.Y oat~. a~ take aoknowle~saenh _ Oharle. G. LunUt~om. and sar~ G. Lun41trolll bie' "l:t~, -w .. wen bog .. kJlC~1rD to .. to be the 1ndlTlduale el88o~1 bed in and who exeou.ter_ the toreMol~, 4"~ 8,114 "~llolmGwl~,dge4 bator. m. thtt the1 ,x.ou,ted th.8 eam. tl'ee11 an4 . . - ....~.. . -:." .' -' -.. . . y'OlUD~111,tor 1ih~ .'P1U'PO"iI: ther.in ..pres,eel.. , ~. . ""," ~. tbe "iUe to sa1et lan4 and wUl detend the same against t~e la1dul 'ol;a1mB of all persons _0118O""'1'. "? '" , AJlDfi'URmm OB8!UY: that~he &aid SartahG. L~4.trolD Don to 118 to be 1ipe wU. ot the lIa{cl o_,ale~olL~4~~omOri ..e~rat~ Md' pr1va~' e~m1Dat1 on' taken ~ mad. b, and 'be for. " . - : -.' .." ..... . ,." . ,-.:-' -' ',- ..:',.. -' . .,.. 'l'me~..;p~ate~t'~JJ.apu~tro.~'~"lClhll~bancl. 414 'aokno.i~dse that ebB JUde her..lfaput)' " "to' "alct/de.~"tq~ :~h' :P1U'poee" ot :r.no1uit~.,.' rt11nq'uilh1ng am. 00m.~'11l8 an' hel'l'igJi,,' 'titl. " , " ", . , " "C ' and: 1Jl~'l'e.t, ~ethtl' of ~01t!1' t, holll4J....a4 or of. e,pera~, PI'OPfl~t" .'-tutQ~ '01' , ,qJlh~'ble. ui ~',:to'.',tb"lu(.~..otlb..i;: tl'l;r.1~:. ~'<~ba~ '.. ex.~UW4 ~,,;::i) 8 aid. , ct,e4he.lt 'ah4 yq;Lrulta '. ',".:'" . .<' -' .,.: - - .-'" '., iIli '- ~ " :"_..--..., ,., '_'. '.' -.'.. ".,. '. ".' -: . _. -' . .' ..' . __' U,' .~4'..~~it~ ~"~lh~l~U.':~QD.~rai<<lti'ap>>r~~.Ddo~or ,~~ar' ot ;O'lt9I1i' her '~A:hU.~~4.,. ~:i "'-<-. ~~..':,":,:' ,.'-':':: "':':'-:"':..~~-:_>>'<"_~:-<..,. .' . ,:-'. .'::---: . ~_.' ,: '-.. .....:- . ::. , >'..: :. :'-:~-....'" . ..~v:..,,~~ .,... ottl.llt1 .,.1.tV... Cl....tl .ot$t. ,~j:::4. :it"i.ot~oZ14'~~. ,."~