HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0312 ~ _:. .~ L .' ~ , " ,: ',>7"~'/::~~f1l1;~i\~~} ", ,," BBLPJ)lI.YB.P. , lit, :Co~1'~lo~'~1'1.,8,1>>~~~ },8. 1$21.' , J~~.4':'~:~~~O:I"(.4;\bl.~ ,0 dtq,~t'!~~.'l,~~. '~9~~.' . . , " ":'~;J~~.,"O'~"8'a1) , , ,,' "P.:O.~l)au,'o:iG~t ~'iX'0\11l Oout. ;~""..,'.'.,~',....~. ~.1l.0. , ", " ", .~ - : _0 . ,_ . ~ - ".' . . ' . " , . . -' ,"R~06RbVt!R'F\IO "B7', ~ JJ'" ,7-~"'~"'~"~""~-''''''-~--''~~-''';.'';. .._-~;.,~ ~----- .;_._--~ ........ ~_..._~....;~........ ~ ,~'." ..~"! "~'''~:'~ ~u ~'.. -- --.. -~_..- ~i " ," ,'" ,', , " ' ,D '. B 1> . " ", ' ,', . ~t~ar4 T~Uat.. 8"!~D8' ~8Il~ ' 'to.",' " , ' " ,"''',aal.ph'>~.])90~8'I',~a.'',Bthll,W1t.. fK~~J)D1)' 'mad.thll,fO~~h.,d6J'Of,.OT'~I,f,A.J).i9f8')1"a~elatl ftU.~ Ie aaTilll8 Bank, a.oorporlltlon organlied and ula~ing \Ula.er 8ncl''b7 'Y1l'tu.ot' the'law8 otth. 8tatl,ot . .. . . - ,'.' -. - , '".' --" . -- ,.. .'.- - . . . - ' - . "1111n'oll, 1U141U1Tl~ U8 oftloe and'pr1no1~' 1'180. ot,l)~~111~.81n'th. 011;1 of qhioago, ill ' th'5'ount1otooC?kancl8tate otl11:1n011, here1nat:tl~ oalled 'th.~rantor;to ~Ra1Ph'U. Dook88,1 ".,nd .th.l,~. ~oOk~eib1e~ite,. 'otth. Oit" cot ,JaO~.on~a. 'Stateot ~0h18~, heleinaf'ter I , 'oaliea. the ,Granteea; , ' ' " I ;'1fl:lUIi3SK'lHtbat tbe' sald Gl'antor ,in oOn81del'atlo~ of '1.,., ,( 16.(0) J)011US and other ."al~':~ ,00nS~de1'~tlon, i~e reoe1Ft ,whereof Is her.b, aolmoWl~'d8ed, cloes give, grant~ bUgaint ' "ll,&,nd oo.nTe7unto the adel Qrantee8,th.lr he1rsatleldalil81gnafo:re.er, not In tlnarto1 in i oOJlllon':~htlil '301ntt.n~0I,' tb~la~lt\S,.l tua~e1n~,St.LUOle count,.st~t. of 'Florlda. 'desoribfd .. '~o11oW';" ' ,,' ' ' I I i I : i j i ?OGB~~ WItH ALL 4UDSIHGU44R tb~ hereditaments and appurtenanoes thereunto beloDgt , ' , ' ' l. lng, Or i,n' ~~8eapperta1ning, an4tbe rev.rs1o~ and reversions, re~l~del" anel rElD181nellrs, I , I rent., 18s11e. andprotits thereof, and ,all the e8tate~ right.~Ul', lnterest"ola1m. or I " I 4e~d ,.hatsoever "otthe ~ald Grantor, 81 th.r 1n1&. or'1rt . qui t)'~ of.. In and to the above I I +"', , th. ii, .1, .t ,.~e,'i1 (10) -"rea, ottheKaat, "t,,"', D,t7 <2,0) a,ol'T8,' ot Tract' eleven , .. 1,1) seottone1gbt., e~ (1,8), 'OWDehiP,' ,thlrtJ-twO,( ~,', 2, SO,U, ,th,., B,$Dge Wr~.ft1ne (39J Baat. a8 de81gnat~d,on ,the, platQt Lands, ot the Xn,dlan BITer ,J~s 00lOP8DI' tUeel In, the oitto. o:tth' ,Olerk of thl 01r,ou1~ ,Oourtof 8tiLld09unt1. " " " i " ,'- d,'80~lb..d prlmiseS,' wUhth, he:red,1taDumt8 and Ilppurtenanoes:ro aAVB .AUD T<fHOLD the sa14 t I ! , i the~r I i I I , AlfDTHB ~lD Gl'antor, 'tor Itself,' its 8UOOBSS01'8 and assigns, 'do"hlr~~l oovenant i , .',' " , I and agree, to anclwlth.sald Grantee8, their h81rsan4,_ssigQs, that 1t has not doni, ! . ',. ," . _ --, '" -" ___-_ "',,' . ,:.' " . i 0" 8uttered'tob.~don'. ~t~tns Whlreb1 the lIa14 preJD18f)8 he1'801grant,elare. or ma7 be, in I , ," " ' '.' ' , , " '," I , ,azi7iaann.'%: 'noumbel'ec1~ 01' ol1ugea.;and' that the.aldpre1D1S8s, against 8il'pe:r80DS la'dull, " , " , ,',' , ',',' , " ',,' " ' ,,' " ' ' ,', ,.,' '.. ,. ! Olalm1ng, ,or tooJ.~1Il t~e88IH ,'b1, , tbJ'~ugh Qr under'! t'1t1~l wa.nant ~to~er~,,~ef.nd. I '. '," IU f!If-B~S Jt1~BBlQI'.' the. Gr$lltorhas oausld th.S~, }ll'esente to '....lgn.a 'b11t8 I lie81'~llt,'~a. ..ttl.Ud 'by fl. Se.Ol'eAq '.' and it, oorporah Slat to blhB~.toaft1xed. on ,I 'the' .~,' :cUt4;'~- th.,7.~ai' first above wr1 tten.. ' . , ,I i'oo:rporate 8~al) 3'.\BDAlW'.tJ8~' .S:lVJlIGS B.UX. I ~ ,'< I BI'e). 8.' o..t~., h.eldent. i i I I I I I i i I , I _, prelD1ses a'b.9..4'8~l'ib.d'; wi,th the' appurtenanoes, unto the 8a1d put1 ot the 8eooJid pal't, ~dJ'. anI 8881p8,forever. ".... ,~~..:-. W. Hawkin8,,' ',.' . S.oret,",,_ , _"J,. :.-. '~'. - at,aiil;:4!i'ut:. 8..1_. B_ . .tf',h..l'ebl,e.utllO~"~.lt\D4, 41~.o~.d " ,to'...oute U14,d'1.i"l~th. abOY'. , )a;~~Cl~,:~e~!d. <,JI.~ i. 'a'uGh. ::~j:-~,;.;;{.e41'J G.~.".<. " , Z?t'~,:->":-' lo~Q'. Id..' ' -.afi~o~:;itii'O~~;):~,~ ' ' ,o~tJlI,fl,',"Q~_,;,c,' ",. ' " },.(i'X'i.~ ~*~,~',i~"o,Ui4~i,.~:,J(ot."P11'bl.~o, in' .I)d~ol' '.1tt q'~unt"lJJ~h. 8tfl te .tOI'88>>4,dO ";'-'~"'...~>,~'-:--~c.---:\"::-J:'.'-,,>'-.~:~ '.-_-:.>- _~:...:~.'-:~':-~.,""_.,'..~-.'-.-:::-;<,'>::,.-'--~-.:-":, _' ".~ '"-:' _ -,- .'. "'-:- ,.' -<'.'-~',:'.~;~>'~~"::':':,- ", ,:~;~.~,,-,-- ~'-:..-.... ->: " ,her.W" :o.:rtlfi~".~ q.:, ..;.Q~~l..:'~..~d.nt, of. 'thI8~.""fA;'~Q., "Sa'lJ)ga~~. and H, W., >-_ ~..' ~~: .... -:_ _: ~~~~<.~ :;' ~_, _~-< ,{. -, . ,,~. -: .:.~. ":~-',:_t' ,..:~.,:.:: ~;~~:~,:~~:;~~_.-';:,' _~ -.<< .:-:4. - - - :'~ ~-':,,,, '.;' "':,~\ .;.~.- , 'c-: _' _,;' '; _, ' -. _ -.'" ':'_ :~,,:j, -.-; ",,!,_: c ~. .~:c- .' .:' -,' '1uk~.\:~P%.~0(.,~4"~<~,"~,'onaJ.li, kJlO~:'~O ,,"'to',:M :~..._~J:.9n. ,~bo"',D&ID88 '. , "-'- . .', .~~-~ - ,..--r>;,';~~~,',: :~"~U>~~~-~~~:-:~~,:-:.~~:~"~- ", '-.~ - . '-' ". -- --- -.', -'.'-' -. --": ' ;:'(~ " . :- 7. ~, ~""-_:'~",.:_.,,;:-'::.- '~:;'1,..~ ';.):..:-,;." (~.60,X,.B'- Staavs oanollled) .' .' ~ .' . !', . I r >} f t :[ ! :I f f ! f ~. " . .-; ..! 'D,,' ~"':'~,: : l"'~ ! : . ::. ....:! j > .s ,of, ,- .. ~ i I . , i ! I i f s '! ,1 1 :i ,I 11, ..J 1 j ; , ;. "I'; , .t ;q ,..,<: , ',',',,' .. -. - f . ~ . -. . _. to. : I , , 1: