HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0313 """. . . . ~'.' ."-,'--. .' '~',.-; i ~-'.-;' . ':i:':~'~;:.",'-~':-.-<-!. -; \ Ie , ',',' ,- l..;: i .- .. '..- '.- , . ,,;' >,,' ':' " """ .,.. , ,'.-.' "c, ,', ,,', ",'" "",.,'..: ,', ' " 'u' ',II\\bIOrl~,'I",tO'-, tl1.tort801ngtlll"'Il\,._., IU,9h'j..14fmt,.,.nct" U.o~.~arif.lpeoU....l', " , . .QH~."~f~~~'"~t,~t~~..O;;. ,~..~0!rl~~4\11.'"~_lP.4.;..tto1l'..i'.<< ' \II," ,I '..i4"in.!~watil~.'..;.' ~h.'l~' O_ft....'..D4:;.ol~-.jJ.ot,: and' a.':~he tJ!"~"~"~'ol'\Ul1;tu"l:,aot of I ,'.if ti~,".D4:~' ',.iel' 8~Q~.t.~$'- ;41d';'\b~Il~4"h.'~~'ao~owle48"'~ 'l.elu, :\hat h.ha4 '" ~tic'4"'th.~~~O" th~: 'o:o~~~~..eai '~t..i4" B~~ ,to~:'~':- ~'I'~d" p~t'~o..~ 'tl\eretn Set; to~th. " ," ,":'::, '- ,"~" --,,'~...~-..r~. 'H .'",. ." ',', _ , . ,~.:. :, .,' , ~. _ . G1Yttll,'unclel"1q,h&i\d'ant'aotarl&1. s.~i 'tb18 JOu!"'th' 48tof"o.,elDb.r,.A.D.1~18. O,l~,~t,'ua, ~',:,i,:~;"".=t;ir,~t,.~~" it..> " ',....." ',', IItO~".'l:~J:~,'.1:,~r~g:::~f't()"~ItI~,~ 'I-.cot~ O,t~~ea1.),', ,: , , " , ' " , .:.,Ol,~k ot. o'-W ~I-<":<- }v(,IA,rI(hV D.O. " l 0 ' ,_.........-~.._~,--..-..... _....~~..~-_.._.._-~-----_._-..-..._...._-~(- "_."~"--""._-, ......--- - ---.- ---.......- -..,' I'hant..~ ~u~t... b.l~gaJlank']) ::]) · .... . . .' 80; B.Gibbon.. . ~ I TRtS ])Uj)IIad.~thll' ~hlrt1eth dq '~~ Deo~mber!. >>.'1918, by Standa1'd fruit. Sa'Y1nS8 ! .. =:0:t:::-::~~~0::-~;:;ot~r~:::;d:.:0:7b::::::.O~~.1:::70:t :~::'~Of1 ",' , , " " , " I In the ooun~YOf, Oo.ok"an~ state'o:t~tl:J.inoi8~"hereinatt~r.oi1lied tb,e GI'8ntor, to Bo, B. ! I' Gibbons, a baOhe10%, ot: th~ ',OUI Of jJ"'t:r'~f t, oo~t:v ot Wayne, and State ot Jliohisan. berein-I I '" ' " ", ~ I after oalle4' the Grantee; ,~ '_ I I" WiTQSSB!il tha't,th~ saide arutOI':'-ln oon8ici~rat1on '.tthe 8U11 of Ten C'lO~'OO) Dollars ! I l I I - .1 '. I l. ',..' , , . ',I, i" I " , , , , CI1.()() , t,R.-atamp oanoeiled.) !OGBTHBR, ~~ALL' tulD 3I1!GULARthahe:redltament8 ~d appu:rtenanoeBthereunto be10ngl~s i . ,I.. .. -":;- , .,' _ ' "_ " .. . ,j orin ~J.~e a~"rtaln,~ng" aJ'14' ,the ~eTe:r.lon alid, r8"'er~loDB, rema1Dde:r and remainderB, , i I, I'ent,~: 181Uel'8l1el' prOfits thereof, and all the estate, ript, title, lntereBt, ola1m 01' I deru.n!l whatsoe,.eio, ot,ihe said G:ran1ior, either in law 01' ,In equitr, ot, in and to the abo...e I' I 4e8or1'be4pl'.ili~"." with t~8 he~e'h8IHnt. arid ap~w:tenano'8; 'i'O HA'lBA::n i.o HOLD the 8a14 " , , " , , prem1~88abC)Y8 el880rlbed. wl'th' the ,app~teJifl!lO'B, unto the 80.1d, ~l'ty 'of the ",OD'd part, 'hi" hei,l'8audae8181l8. ,forever, ' . - . - ~. , .\jiUia~~t'8a"'1n8. .~1. h.rel>>7 .il~1101'~I'd an4"cllreote4 to, ex. cute 'apcl detl..r'th. AbOTe aQ4,fol'e~ ~~;::~~J~. .'. ',' . .." ~'~~'.,~.'~~'I..o 'l/ 'eneD' " ':"JI_"A~ 01.'11 '(~,,~:. I "I:,' -