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'.'_. . ::...e'.i,::,to. ~~'~reUtlt~att11t~~ ,by ,Obk,tlettLitell e,J)anl~l.' lltl'd1,11y luitho'rl !.ed'at torn~11n'1"act '1' '>':~~_':~.,:~ .,' __._.-...._~-_:. ./:~~::......~~'_;~~ .,#.~._r::'_, _: ":-_' .: ~_'::" ':. ....., ::,' ._', .' ;. " . on' 't;tie, ~ai ...ndY..f 'rrfet' 4l~o,.e~riiten ~, , 'I', ' ,~. '. .... . j . .' .::: .~:" .- ~ . "_ . ~ ' .- ,. .:-". .. . _ ." .. . , T Sl,n~d ,oeaUICl.rtCldelhered 1 n.~tlle pr88ne~, otj., ' ' . - --'.') -""',', . - -. -.' -..', . . .,,' ~ ~,.. '. emus LBSLI1~' DJ.NIBL, JtATJmiUD':BVA tAllIEL , .' ," ,AlmLtA DAllIUo By,' ,CJWUJiS"U'SL!E 'bAllI'" . Mtr.(UOt:\1eyln tac(. Se.l~ B.a1~ S.al ~ ' Beal'. . ,I 'I I. . I Filed, ana. j' , I I · ' B)' ~&:,~ @.a..v ~ I " . i .1 :::::::=:t-t-:-::~:~---~.-~-Ul-;-:.C. ~i A i.u--DEaii-;-.-- .----------~ --~1~-:::~- ~::0~::.1 ~ 'I , l'1t1,B:IND.n~t'lUfmadeth1a 10th d~y ot J'ebl'uasr 19l~, b..twen ~arol1ne Beou" Wl ll.lam S~&cher' lan.l!artluf St...~", hhWi'.. OoorS. St~.ho'" .lnc1. ..... J'.ob Stooh.. ... B..tha St.Oh...! h1e..1t~,~6,~l' Bh()h...,a~d Illa etechel'~ hie wfte, aU ot the oity otDet~oit, countyot 'yay+l' , and8tate ~t ilfchi'gan ,being, the heir'; and deYh,es 1 eXc.ept the wi yea above ~e". .bf LoUh ,. Steoher, ~':;~:l~!l,rt1e8' or t'he ft,r8t P~l't" and 1I1no,le ,E. 8techer, widow or the ea14 j L'Ouie J1.'St~,MJ'~~ho"ot tt.e City Qt DetroH.' party of the IIecond pal"t. I '1.,<"~Tla'J8~TJtt~ct,..,~t~~~r~he~',9tt~e ',tlre'ipart, ,~or ~n,d,,~1"COn$1c1er'Uon ot, the 8W1! or One I ::"IIDo.~~l':.,~n~:~t~~ ,"~~U.b.l.~,~.81derat~on ,to thelD ~f?l8"d ,aid at&n<l bet,orethe fSeallniand 11 . de~1"'lry'ot,th~t\pre8.nt'i'<ther.l).lpf .her~Of \8 'h~rebl aCknowledS,dl, U. .1'811I1'.<1, l'eleaeed , .n. t;....~'l~.t;..l.l~. ..... by th.~.pr.~..to~i"~.. ,'ol~~. ... ..........1'.01&1. unt . ~;~~:;.~~~~~~rrJ~~~~~;~:;::;n7;:;~~~i~!~::tr~~1.;~~CJh:~,;,:~;:;~f..I4t~ ~~,:w~,H',!l~',lp::e,~~.ct~noy.;*~~iJ,,~. t,o. ~~, O~~\~t&1i. and; --~~~~~",th.>~o~i~"ln.c1,.oit".,4'pte,~ ' "t~~!'1~"!f:,4ij'>::.>' ' ,,'" 'f>~ ' . " ;::::".::.-.f~'-';,',~\:'~:".,L'.'/:.;'~""'" ,,' . ',". c :.,-;--< :.:;. _~:;..- . . f I I , I I I .1 'Q1'An' OF; FLOtlIVA, I ,COUNty · o~ ~~~:f~~~B,:, ...'" I : p~r';~nallY.~p.aredb~~0I'e'me'thi8 ,c1ay c}inrieoLeBU.Dai11~1 and Katherine ,Iva .1:an181.. . ~t.o lIewei1.kJjo.~:Be,'~heper80~8Ge.otlbe~ in 'ari.d'tlho executed theforesoing deed. and'they I 4 ~' . , ~', .' .... _.,' ' ' " ' .'. .I;~:i~t::~~:t!;~:~:;ij~::.:.:.:~t:::::::~:::.::'~a;::::.t::.::~:::.:h::.: :::1. I. :I~o~ .~~t.he.~~r~~",Ce8~rlbed 1~tl:le 'tOl'aiQl~gd.ed' 4l~ Attorney In'p~~t tor Ame 11 a Dan1el I ,!.Uld'WhO e~.c'~t.4t."id, oe.ed &8 'CllclAttorhey 1n.1'actfor, ealdJJnella Danhl. and heaCknOWled;e4 10.oto1'e_, thath~ e~ecuted the sarr.. ss 'Atto1'lle)' 1n J'aot tor etlid Amolla Dantel tor the I 'lpurpo~e88~ttorth'. . .",' , ' . , i l.'~, ...:)i" lllSTptQXY~"". I Iia.. h"~U.'. .rrlx.d .... ..... on. .r'lol.1 ...1 .t J....n. I 'lo~t'da'. on ttle 18th daY..O,t :rellJ:'uar,y, 1919 I ., ( F. Y. WILLBS, lfotary ~ubi1c. . I "(Bot~h~y8eai) State f)f,J'lQddliL.' My cO!lWlleelon ~Q j expires Sept. 13. 1920. \1-\<(\ I' '<i~ o ~,.() : <(..~v f . -.' ri-'d'!Jolt'.ber~', ' ",J. l~, 8hln.~a.u.er <11..So ,1. R. 8tamp8 caneelled'.) '" ~"'; I~,', " " recorde~ this 18th day of 'February. A.D. 1919 (Ot. Ct. Seal) ,P. C. ELDRED. Clerk Circuit Court. D.C. 1< "',." ....,..