HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0340 - ..-. ::~~~~;'~"'~~':~:'~:~':~~~--':~_~~'~:'_-:-~"~)~-;~.~.'~!'"~;:~::~~-'~ ~~~~--:~~:' ~- ~~:r..o .' ..' , . ' '''\0 \' ': 0.. t,' ~1;lc1'fln' , , , i:!4s 4~""'lOOG , ..4., tli~ 1.7tb d"'.~Of; "btua'l1", In ;tlle .ye:.1' ot':our':'I.o~on~,thoueand . '.,' . ,.<'-' -';"~J~."" ." ....-::<,. _ '.' ."..,.'.. '.' ~ ,. 'nine 'hund...efand ri1net"en,;~.twe.n,t4.-.i' W.U., a W!dow, of :the ',.w~, of'Orot-on, County,ot ~ . . ~ . .... -~. .>, -'."". . .. ...... '. ' . . - - . . ~ . . . ... - ..- Ue.'Lon4on"and Sta t.e,ofCo.;nllQtlClUt."ot, 'thetlt'lttP6l't. i 01'4 <V '~'Knud.eeJ'l, ot"lrh1t'. Cl tt, 8t. ' .' .-: ,'. . . '.. .." .... .,.' . - '.. . ",'.:..- - '.~. '. .. - . '. '_;.0 ~_'" "0 :... . . . '. '. . .". ; I tuole'06untY, anef ~t.teO{'~lC)~l~a;~'ot :tl;'~ ..6ond'~!'t'~" ' '. ,I' '. 'Wi t,ne'!~,f.""h~.:, ~ha~ 1Il1d part,)', of' the ,that' part, tor.and 'In oonelderat1onot the aum I ~!: One nOll~r 'a~doth~r. ~lU~bl'0on'idcr;,rat1ons",'~aWf~,~ ..on.)" ~t the United' Stat"" or Amerlc~. t~ her In' hand ,~ldb~ the:~ald~l'ty ot the uco~ .,&:rt', at or'betorethe,enetal1ng. and t d.11~ery.~ot,the8e'pree.nt', the 'reoeipt whereot Ie hereby 8cknowled,.d, has sranted, bari81~d' , ! ' 'ao~~. '. aU ened, remls..., released, conveyed and conf'11'111ed ~ and by th~se pr8llenh dOBO grant I t.. f ~rsaln,eeU., a)'hn,~ell1se, tel."e., 'oonye~ .ndo'Onthll \1~to the said pilrty o~~~. eeeo.ld I' ,~r,t. a~~,h1a:~'1J'e,.ndae81gYi"'f'Orner. a,11 thAt"trac~,'lot,' ~rpar~el arland': lying and I '1.l.t1ng In:th~ C(>un~,y'or St.L",ch, aridSta~"at, Pl()l'ld~',and doeeorlbed ':lstollo.-e: ! I 'Lote 11tty.tO'~r'(S:4) al1~:r!t"tt ],lY~(~") aGpelll Sheens'JCap of ~lteCUy, en fUe i '. , '" , ,I f In the, ,pub~io r:e~,ardeot St'.Lucle Cou~t:y, B'O'tlC)n :Vour. (4'> tQwnship _'1'~lrty.e1x (!!6) South Ii "Io~ Range i'a~ty (40) ~a8t. and, oontalnhiS}leuraeen (14) acres lIlore 0'1' le8e. II' . .B.~1ns the s8Dle t1'oO'6 reoeiyed by 'thh grantor; 1*rty oJ' the' tint part,. 88 801e helr.at~la. ar her eon,H.< L~Wel18.' late, at Oroten.ConnecU,cut. deoeased: eald HoL.,Yellsl ',' " ,,',,' '" " ' ! received eald tracttrem H~ B., Heath:.e. deed recO'rded Inboak 14. pa8e 133 In the ~fflce : ' I', O't the CleJk ,et the Circuit' Court' ot,St. ,LuC1~~ 8tateot ),l/)rld~; belngtheeame tract deeder 'to "91d Heath b1theF1Qrlda Coaet LilteCanal and TransPQrtaUort' Co." See Vol. 'I!), page 154 i in sa1 d Coui1,ty Clerke Ott1ce. , , " . ' , 0 "',g' o ~ . . . " '" '. ' t " <l, " r It " '~ ~ ,il Ii J' , <(; r::; Togetherwnil all and singular the r16hte, eaeea;ent8, hnemente, hereditallente .1. ::.:::::::::::.::'::t:.:::::: ::.::. .:::: ::e::::;::a ;h::':~ ;:.::: '~l:~he .etate,riiht'. titi.,lriterut.. dower and right O'f dower, separate utate. ppeperty.poeeeee~on " ! ,claim and'demand whahoever, ae well In law ae In equity or the said party of the tint part!. . .ot. in anuto the ealf.e.,fiInd everY part and parc'elthereotl w1ththe opput"tenanceeo TO 1:Aoa Aim TO'HOLD the a'bI)Ye erl\"\t.ed,bargRined and described pr~mhes', with the j appurtenances unto the eaidparty otthe eecondpC4rt. hie heirs andanlgnis. to thei l' o-.n proper use" bitnet! t and be))()ot forever. ' .And the ea1d:pal'ty ot the tlrst~part rOrherfJe~nd tor her helrlS; executors 81'1" " , ~dlJ'llnhtr8tore, 'doee connant, promlee ahd af'''e. to and with eaid patty'or the second part. bJeheire and alle1gna.tbat the eald party otthe first part, Ida }I. We1h, at the tin:e or the sealing and deJ.hery or thne ~reee"h, 18 lawtully seized In tu ~.ti.,le of a good,<1!',d .1. abeolute a'nd i,nd.r~asibl. eeta~e'..oflnher1t8noe, of and ln, 'a 11 and. singular the above ,,-'. . 0 tranted, b&rialned and deeoribec1,prerAlaee, .1ththe appurtenances and ~It &OOd right, 1Ull pO~l' ~ndlawfbl,'auth;'rH1to ara~\"bargaln. "ell andconve)'the .ame ln manner and torm atore8aid.An4:.tbllh'"4f '-dd part)" or the seoond part. hie heirs and &IIs1sns, 8)1111 and _.-" .. . t -1a t, all, tim". hereatter, peao.tuUy and qui~tly, ',haYt'! ,~I\old ~ ~uee.occupy.., poeeeee and ~nJ~y'~heaboYe grsnteclpremhee, end even' Part an,c1 parae}. thereot; 1I'1~th theappurt",nancee .1t~O~t'~I11,l.t.~Ulh ltoUb~.,'aol..t':Uo''', eiiottoil OJ"dll1~urba!":l""Of the aald party of ,th~ .' ,." ' ',', ',',', ,: < ' , ,',', ' " " " I .tll'et~rt,'hel' he~"oraeelgru,,~l"'of,.~ oJ'thet 'p~reol1 01' per.ono'1a.tul1y c181rntrl~ ot' to! .,---. " . .'. -- .- ' , . . ! ~" 'ol.!.\~. ,falle. ,An4, tha,L.the'G$e8J'~' 'no.tt.. ;:'~,l..l',dll~hlr&ri and Ulliho~b.red ot and i \',' '.;::::;::~~;:~O;:;~:'~:: t::::~:~ra.. :..to',., ~ud....t.. .~..... ........~ to "i ":>:,\r~~t~;>:,>;"'}'::'~tf ;t~".~~'4l, pa~tr'~'O,:t:\h,tsr:,~"~it. deB, on btd L ','. <f,d , , . I ,. 4 '- ~ . . .~ ,', ~, ; , , .