HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0349 'I.':;. . t :f ",."" E ,~~, ,~~ , '.,' --.' ~.~r"'- ~ ~ ~ ~"';-.~." ~:":'.:~: '; .-- -~: -.' '~"," ~,.-. .~~ ~~'~~~~~~-...;~'~~~~~'~ . - ":-""~ ,~:,/~'." '~*U 11.4_ ~..ora'4tb,.. ,12th ".1 ot.lIQohA.n.'l$1f' " " , CO_'~:'(,t~-'S'~)" ' ," "'.'1" >'a~~~lmJ)::'dl"~~ 01~~u1t Oou'. ' t. lIeCOROVEIlIFI~O~ \ ~ P~Ji~O; . .. ., I--"'~'.~~":"'~~-"-~-;'::::::;;:;:::.~'-~'-'::~-'-;-----~---_..~._..~.--.......__..._-_... I ~ ~~, ,I. kirobhott ',' ,'to.' .' 'J~."B~.)One'. . I ~... '1.. . . ~'~IIDl;~: ~o n~.~ 'X' 4tq ot ~op~: 1918: b,y "'O.t~"'; i_.t B. n;~~ff.1 . +011170. ltlrci\o.tt _ il1~1"" H. lt~rolJlift. 'huton. of .rlllldlD.'1'art. b .thIoQOllllt7 of cook. .... 'lt~t.'ot:~111nol."p~t~.8 ot'the fi'.r81i 'Pal't and 38M. ,H. Loret!' ot -fol'on'o. 'Ont~io, O$b&4a ! , I pU~ of the IIOO~Mfpt. '" ' , ',.' " . , , . . I I ,,' '. " , ' I 'II'" 'WI'~NlSSBTJI'hat the,.aid ra1'Uee,ot the tiret put tor' au4 ,1n oOn8iteration ot the i f;i ~~: Of"rO'~"Bun~r~~,i])~11a~e, 'to them Ul haitd 'P&id,the'r80el~t 'irher,.of 18' hereby a~knOW10d-j l.' , " , ' , ' ' ',',' , ' ' ' , ' ! ',se4"ha.'~81'ant,~4,b~~a1n.d,801d and tran8terrttd ~el by theae present. ~o ,ran', ,bargaln, I \..l1,6I1d ,tranater unto~h. 8aiel part~ ~:t ,th~ .8eoon4 par~ and, hili heire and aIl81P8:t0l'eV,r.' ., ! a11th,~t oe~talnParoelot 1and,,1~in.g ~.i, being in the oount, of st. Luoio, anel3tato of I 1~10rlaa"JDOro,pal'U~ul~~11 4esoribed a8 :follows, to-W1,t: '," ",! I o.ut.. lD TO:;1::Y:::::;D~7n::~;::t=u:.,S::1::'::D::.:::8 ;:h::;~:l:o::1 18t. Luolo Oount, a. ,per 081'ter 8un8' and Berr)'. SulKU"181on ot aald !lune, as per plate of i I ~~~O1'4 in 01,4 oOW1t7. exoept .twent)' t..~ttl'om ~heno~th .eBteri)' ond' 'ot 8~it-- 10t8 an4 ~wentl1 Iteet :tl'ODlthe 80uth we~terl' end ot1ot '8ovent)'-one and tVienty teetfl'om the no~th eaeteri)'! l.nd ot 1~' 8~v.nt~~t,~~ ,tor ,private or publ10 roadwq. j i "', , ',,' ' '" " j 1'OGB~H&R WITH AtL ,the tenements, he1'Od1 taments anel apr-urtenanoes ....,lth ever, , .' " ' , Ipl'l"ilop.,rigbt, title, 1~t<<t1'08tam\ estate, dower a.nd right tt dower, reversion. remainder I '. " ' ~~ easement ~b.ereto belonging Or in anywi8e appertaining; 1'0 HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD THE S.Ai.{g IN 1~~.~'l~P1e ~oreTer., I AiD T~ SlID parties of the :tir8t part do oo.enant w1th the sald parties ot the I ' .- ' , ' ',' ' , '. ",' ' ' " , ' i 8eoond partl-...that they are 1aw1'ul1, .81..d of the saId premises and thol are :free :trOll all !lnoUlllbranoe8. eubjeot to t'axel' and :that the)'have good right and lawful author 1 10)' to 8811 I the' eam., and tha~' th8' 1JiU WABRAJf! A1ID DXFUD the 8ame again8t the law..:.'l1l. olaiJu o:f all I ' ,per80ne. I L ' IN WIfHE33 WBKRBOP, the 8ald partlos o~ the tlf.~ part ba.e hereunto .ot the1r Ie, ' , . ,:. " I h~e ,an4 ..a18' the .ct8J aM "year above wrItten. I ' ."" , " , t' 81pe4. ~Oale, 4'8D,el. 4.11.81'1' ' 1n OiU' pre.enoe ' . I , ", AI'tl1~ t. 'et~J''' I " " , ' ' ,Bob." II. c:J&DIlIU i st~' or. m. ,~' ' , , ! ooum 0: OQOlf' . , ' " ' '. . i I I IlimB. O~!In. that on thi8 d8)' personal1l appeared betore me, an, offioer dull author-: i ',.,'" " ~, . ,', , ' ' ! , thect, ioa4ll1niater o&thJ and _. aoJmowl,eas-n'., ,Ulpe' .. nrobhoft, Belli" O. Eirobhotf ' ! .1 Wll.ll....H;Jt1~~""Oft. .t~ .. ~]J.lalo... 110 100 tho pen_ 40..d1004 1ft ..... who u,00ute4 n.J4,....:". I u4,f4Jmowl.4.g,d' that the, exeoutedtbe aame frlol, an4 Yol1iJltar111'fo~ the uses and purpo..a1 I "hel'fJ~, express.d. WI 2lfB,)~ ,'" :,han.4 and 'Otf10181 8eal at J'l'aUlln Puk 1n the ol)untl ot Oook ! .' " '" ," '" ',", , " , . _ I f &n4sta~ of' Ill, thi.9th 4&7 ot 8eptember A.D.' 191e", ' ' I '" ftOKU B. 'lSID:.Ja.UJ lotu)' PIlb110., ", ,,( '0~8I'18'al) " Jq 00l\ll1..10a. ex 'Plr., 1.111. 86, 1919 '11e4 an4' ,.OO~.. '~h1. 'I 4.., of iCaroh, '" '. . 4'.j)..1t19,.......;',,~: <',' '. ' ," " ,,' '~to,t:"O,..,.a3.t ,." 'P.o", IJ.WiJQ). Ol:erk'Oll'out Oout. .'AA<i?RO~E.RI'IU. ~ .p p~.. 11.0. " AUGJS~ B. JOmOHBOFJI om Q. nROHROR WILLUII B~ naoBllOPP ( SlW.) , (SEAL) ( SEAL) ~I. .. {,...... ~ " , 1: ,-!: f