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'01eai, ell... ~h~~d'~d:~,lu~_~.',~~"ot;.~_:~o~~f fo~r.lUl~ othor '8%.,..'uu... 'ob~88~' oat:atea~ ''._,i.:',~",_,_,-.",:::\:,:-,-<<...,_~;-:,:.:_,_:,_~,:-",'-.':,',._--.:.'._ ';',,"__"~'_"'.'~;:_-.-:'::", .c,_ ....-..-.. "'-',:-.'."'_:- .~.\~,~:'..-;.". -. _:_. '"." .' -. - " ~p'~'..'.,~e..,~~~,a8\11$n~,'~;,i1\~\1Il~~~oo.,o~ ~Ilt ~.t~~ .4,kin4 .oeyer., I ' "{','~" ,c,"',,',',',' ,'.' ,.... ',", ',.'<',.- ,.,...-- , :'" __ " I , Mad .the, .~t pp",1ee of the ,iire' ~t, tor theuoly'-" mel.tb61r' helr~.. ~e abo'Ye ,4e.~ 1 ~r1b~~ ~el'.her8b~ ~~~8d ~,~'~,1~'~~4,'~~ml~e'~-.: ~~ ~.;~" PI'l"t U4puo.;1 'he~eot,W1tb the I 'apputen~OCl.i,~tO: t~',.aJ.4',>>Nt~.o~' t)i~' Ito,o~ ~l" il18 heu~ ahd ".lgna, 88&1n.t the .it "par.ti~..:ottht;' 'tl~e~,_t'~~.:thelr he'1ra an~asall11lt~l ~n4~Tf)r;v: "~80n, or persona Who. - I , "c,"', "" ','; ,',' "." " , ," "" " '!, 'oe~er,' la~l;v o~at:~llg ~rto, ola~~' tlie 8811l" 8h&l1 and will, warrant, an4 b;V thelle presental . , , I t'QreTeit, 40te1\4... '. ,I . i :t1rt.~thaTe he:reuntc;> aet tl1elr h~4',an4 I I i I ',IlfWJ~Jf~8~, .;m;o,., theaaid ~~~e. ot~be' - .."... ." --.' ,. ',. '. . '.'.,' . , ,~eai..'the4."anel7e&f flr~t ."ive "'1ttOIl, , .. Staned, .e81ed ~d'4el1vere4 , ~npreeenoo ot us: ' ,', , " ,', ',5,..11. .1117' G..-o. B. Alba.n R. B. BULLIHGfOIf ,(St;'u') SALLIE A. BUttIBGTOU (SEAL) S!AU 0' UliHSSSE , ' ' , " , " 'OO\J1fnOI' S~BY" ' ~O' ~ KSltBY THf:5i P!li3:1fTS. tHAT I, Sallie A. B1lll1ngton. l'~i:te, 'o~:'t~o:.a~T.' named R1oh~4.B~ BulUngton, do, b~the8epre'.en:t8, ,made anel exeou~d b;V 'j' :;'1'.' .e~.te ~da~t tromrqlla~~,hu8b~d',an41n,the prlJaeno6'0~:a~ofthe State of !' , l~enne.aee.'ao1cDowledge'-.n4' doolare, that I 4id make 11178el:t apart)' to, and exeoy.ted thefore-j , Coing Deed otOome7anoe for tho purpose ot' roleasin" rellnqu18hlng Iq'down ,right of , ' 40wer-'.lIDd 8.parate .ekh. ,1n ;a4 tQthe lan4. 1n 8a1doo~ve,anoe thare1nde80ribed and i i gr~ted.8D4~hat I d14thu S8mO h..l;V-.a4 .,oltmtarU;v IIDd w1'thou' ~'oOIlPul.slon, oon8tr~t. . { .app~ehen81on or, tear. ot' or trolll rq aaid hU8bsn4. , , . , , tu, WI'l.BESSJHJIRI<<ll. I hereunto_u.b80tlbe my n_ andafflx rq .oal thi. 7th dq ot . ' 'ebruar.rA.~. orte thoueand nlna hUndre4 an4 thirteen. SALLIS A. BULLI"GfOB(S~AL) '11 I..te at ,.mi....e ' OOuDt)' o:t Shelb;v. ' 1'0 ALL WBOlt IT WAY CONO~: Be It known that ~n thie, 19 dlQl ot 'I MUoh A~D..19,18,pereo~all;V appe8r~d betor. ,~ ,~Jlotar, Publio o~the. State ot'Tenn888ee. th~ aboYe IUUlled Sallie A. Bullin,tonw lilt ...lllmown aa the wit., ot RiobU4 E.BQ.1.11ngton and .. , tona : of tljeP9r8~ne 4e.orl ~ed in and whO' ,e;eou~4 the t'~regOll1gDted, 0: QOrrYoJo.noe, who be in81 " , " ,'. ",', ," ", ' , "" I 'at tbe t,__'-..._te' and ape.r.t'trom her h11.8band, tho .ald 1Ia11-i~A.' Bati.:lIi8to1l, 4id then j , " , " . . . ' '. . ~ ( . '.4t1181'8" 1II&k.:'u4.X~oute the t'0~C?801ng' ~kJaO~edgmeP't h.J'.n~"'tbel~w1th ,her own hand .. . :-:" ~", : :.; .'. ' , -..' ".: , ~ '.; .' . , .. '.. ~." , 4,aotib.4 and hel' ~oa1 att1Xe4~n ~ preee~oo. WI!"~88JJ,J,.Iul_an4.eai. at Jle,JDphla tbe c1~ and Jear ,ab~~ ~1 t~n. ( lIo~a1';V 80-.1) A. P. GAItlIBIl- ' ,( Sl::.tL) Jotar, 'FUb110. State ot Tenn....e " ,) OQJ1D~Y: ot', .8h~1~,.... ' 01'-' flIIS ~pe~t1Qnal;lJ appearea ~e:tore ..aloud ~. Ballln~on I i w.. .!J.~ kDQ~, u\he per8on,4eaori~.d ~_ $0. exeouteel ~h. t'oregolll8 he4 ot OOllvef8.l1o~. q ~r;;~~.OWl~d8\td.~t,b.e;u'o~te4,~e.~ tor ~ho pal'POae,tJi~~e1n8XP~e88e4;~.h.~eupon It I . ... '. ~ ..' - . . . ~ Ii, P'~e4 ~ t ttl. ... iIq be J:e,oo~ed. ! -.-~ .~.. ' .. . '. . .. , -. t. ;~t..j..t;I~',.1 iaaYehereQ,n'Q ~f1aed rq ~ ~~.a1"tbl. 19" ,4" of Maroh ,,---...,- '_~c;'>~.,.- ....,...'......,_..:- - "'",_" -'. - .-,. -" - ". .-.;_,' ~., .-...... - .-' ..>>.1,913. <'. , A. J. QUmIB.' _, (SJ';l.L) ,:':"',J~~~t~:~L'--::, '- . ',..' ' . .ot..:rJ ~\t3.<i.. " .,:711"'~""4:rei"'tt';,~'''Oh,.,~.At])~ l~~v, ,'. ;if';;!!~ii;~~ii'~t\l'):,~~~~~,;,.~ .'. . '." .,~. ~~ ~~P:u::.::ou.\.o. ":"RE-o.,, ''', , , . ~ ~ , '.- '.J;-.:;~.~;....-~~;;~~, " . I; III !~ 'I' ., '! ~t ..<:' .~I,: ~~ I I I, j I i I . I I