HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0374 'c~'r \""?~~'"'-:': '?':~~"5':'I';~!?~~;c;~':'1~T;':';>'s'2;'i'rr~""'''''''7''''~~;;'!'':'\{':;':"/'~!\;-P''~"'F''':'?''"''~~''~' r''.:'~:~?,'''' '," '\'':'''f,~?,,:i!ff\:::'''';';''T''!': '~;7'::~' ' ~"':,?r-' , . . ~: _ '.- _ t : . I-'~ . .-"->... , " '. , - :', .IYf.,.',' ~.oi1Jl!"~~~.\~~'~~~:",\,;,; . , ,'0.: "~9-0',,,:'.i , <""~:, ", " ". "~"~:I~;t(':if 1,))'.'....;1::1,1 0" ,AM .,1' i 04l!.., .' , <...". ,~>'.:.-;~, '" .',; _ -:_~':,~ ',-., . ",- ,': 3.~ >- ," _~ ,. '.' ~-... - ~.~-_ : -">.: -'~ -": _ ,-~ ~'.' '-', ~ ,- ,. .,)~ _. .';~: , :, to'.u.r, '"olBoll' !uBl'PuWTS 6wJ, COld q ,<~ ' ' , , GBDltICH.,.".' - ',,' ~ " , " " _.8.'..:Q.:rtl~1oat. 'ot\)le~'1:81ei~~"Of'..th" J.an40'tfioe at G~1ne8Y111..:Piorhta.' ha~ 'b.en"de~Q.ltea-:~I/'i1i~:,ferier8,l ~%tfio....er'b1'1 ~'a~"~8 ,that ~1'papaerit haa been I '1U.~~.tbe:ol:a~taa.er'.~"LaW, aoo~rUD~ ~,tOth"~0\'1,.10D.~ ~i-th': ..~~ ot:concre..,ot t :I~~;,~:eo~::;; .:.;:o1~"'Z:::.::~o:o:r o:~:::nO~::v~:I~n~::: i 'h1p ~thlftf~t1rO "'outh - o.'t'1len8e'f6rl7 ".e..J'Gf -tb'.~811ahae8'8. 1I.1"1cUaJ1~' ~'f16i'1c18, oOIita1nlng' ! . ',:', ,: ..' " - . ~ - -.' \,:'~~., ~- . .' . ~" -, - ' - '- . - I ' S;'Tent;-tbr.e;and,'elght~h1Ulc1redth8 .~~...epOOrellng'to, tl1e ~~tt101.1 Plat~ of the eurTe7 ot I , , the' .a14 land, 2:'.8~~8~ to :th.G~QaAt LAibORICB b7tbe 8\U'Telol'-tl'I1~rai: , , I , '0' DOWn, ~t the VlfIm, 8TADSO' AllDIOA,' ~n'.oone14eratlol1 of ' the premise.. an4 i '. : ," -~- ~.~, . " ,"_."" _ ." ,'..~;- _. ..";_'--_"t " ' "_ ,_, '_, ,! In oonfoi'1a1 tJ- with theiie'YeralAot. of, CC)ng.r"8 ln ,'noh" oaee. _e '~' proY14e4.' BAS GlVU I 1m 'GBAI'lI>>~ an4'b7'thee8'p1"8eent8D'OIS olu'm GWT,/unto th~ -..l4 'ola1mailt and,to'th$ heir, : . . 0' - ,- . '." '__ _ 1 ot the' laiel olaim'an.. the !rut abOTe desot1 bed: TO BAft All)' TO BOLl) tUB S.AIIB.' together wIth ! . . . '. -.'. . ...,'" . . . - ~. ,&u,the r18ht8 .Jri"1 Vil.ges~ : 1l11DUJ11 ties. anelti,ppurtenano.., of whatloeTer. nat11%'e' tbere1lDto . . . '. .. . . . belonging, ' 1Ul~0 'the saU Olaimant' and 'to: . th'e helr8 and 8..1$D80t, 8aiel (llaiiW1t forever. ,II TESTIMOn 1rBBRBO.. 1'~' '0041'0. '118'011, Pre.14ent '~"tbe United St&t,s Of' Amerioa. , , I haTe, oaUl, ,eel't,','h,.,',.~ 16tto~8 t.o.~._ao Pt\t.nt. 8Il4tho _8881,' of the".. lIen8r81,.L0n4 Oftl08 to ~. he:tQuto aftixed." ."",, ,,_' " :' I ' GlvU~de:t, ID7 ;hand.- at the 01 t,' of .~hlD8tOIl. '~h" .inth, dq, of August in the 7ear ot our' Lord oue ,thoueanel 'nine hunclrell and' elgbteenan4 'of the lndependenoe ot ,the Uni teel , '1l:' '.' ;- '~__.:._ ,State. the on. hundr.d' and' .orty':thlrel. ,'\ ' '\' ':t (8JW,') ", D;v'the President: WOODROW wtLSOI D7 II. 'P. L.Rol. Seo:tetu,. L~~ o. Lemar.",' , Reo,rd.r of the General Land Otf1ce :'1 UCO:aDBD: latent I11mbel' 643828 .. .n.oI. 8Il4 r..or404 tll18 lInroh eo, I (Ot. Ot. 8eal) I I .A..D. 1919 ~ J11!t ' P. C. BL1>~, Olerk Oirouit C011%'t. Ooft!> l'" ' E ~. l.,.. ~. - c:."lkJ' , , D ~ 'D 0 ' ' CD ' , ., ,. · '. 1 ---~-~._----------------~------------- ---------------_.~--------------~._------------------; Suaer C. Law and _it. Jalla II. 'a,lor ,. ". . , TBt8.imID,uae ,t~e 23rd'claJ of .A.1l8Uet .A"D. -1918 'b7 r-er o.'Law aIId hie wife liar., ~l. :.~:8~:::V.::~:~~t:;.:: :::~~~I:~:=~:t::~:1:8 ~:::~.~ Jull8 WI'tJB88B'lB'. thatth. uid g1"antol's. ,ill, oOU14,erat1.oD.,q't On.H~4red (noo.) Dollar8. ,"' "'. . .~~. . the reoeipt .,reol i8here'b,aolmOWled~ed, do glYe.-8raut..\~~D.' 8el1, alien, rem1ee, 'I}.~e...e, eD~eoft. o(llyeT,e.na: oonf11"1111J1to, th.,:8al,4 ,~8.Qteean4 h.rb.lre and auelsus. in fee 1',~~,~W>>1..' the lande .itu&"".,te,., In-',,8~.,, LuOieOO, Ui1tT',8ta~,' ,of ,,"o:tida. ,4G80rtbed ~ ,tol10n: ,c'" . , ' . .'0I"1gi.JI4l,l'LOte'0.1 ,and .,.1n a~ot1on 32,t.,...hlp 32, South, Range 40 ,''I" ...tpt'flll~... Ker14i8ll" oontalniol 8''''nt'''''lgbtaor.~; be the 8811e J ' , .01" or l~'.s,~'!t . .<,' ' :, .- ,t ' , >~'(t3..00 I.R~ 'Stamps oQO~U.e4) , , . '~ :-:_:~.- ~, ,', . . _', ~, '. '-,' ~ .-' . - ~ -'-- ,.._-, _ .' " ,.', ".. _ >.1t .....~ , ',~ ~. -, ,,_.' _.. ," p },/:' ,'9' .."."..lO.,AfO.!lOf.l),~.8.....:t()8.th.r W1~lrt!J.'h.;r.41~ta...AaJtpuiet.~oe8, uto ': ' ...~~,~<~?~,-_:(.~;._:>- -:,;~,'-~-_:'---. .,~.,.:,~:.."'-:-:":, '-'-'--'-"~--'-- ",.., \.~ -:-,': ".;: ,- " - - '~-"--:;., ,. --,~:'~-:~...,.' -.", -,.'~~'~~( Jr8ll~;~'J1,~l'hell'.i.~ ...lgD1iJte'~~le. . '- .. "0, " ~- "'""-; -. .-: ''"'- ~ ~ '-,,-~~;;- . -. _.._-:::>~:~~~. ',> .<- : -.-. ~.~;-'. t.,,:tl, . ,-,_ !~, ~,:'_---~r.: -~~.. ~.: :)':',; ::-~' . I"'...',',.. I.. .' ..... :;.: ~ . A' .1'0' T: ". ",.I.,,~> "; l: . _~f;, , , ~;.. ~ ~ . . , .':. I