HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0378 . -,' . ,~. ':~-5"~" ~',. ~\;-..-~--< +;~~/~-?': -.~~<~.~>-::;~:,__~~~!~:>,,::4~_:;,:,~~- ~:_'~}',~:-.-~~~:::~?;?:~r5~~~~ -. ., ~._,:~~::"t#<~ r.~', '-'~~~ ,~~~ !,:"~~~~~{~~->r~n'-;-~:" '~_ :'~,.-}';';__. -'" .". ' '.'~ ., "',-. : - ..' "',' l' ... ,.."" "': '. -. - \ ' " ~. ',' . "~t,~. ..~olll ~,~, ~l.".h.b.. .ui, ~lj~P-.~~:~tbA,t';'i~' ~1' \hiiJ&e 1~' an4 ,a~'~~t "~~4,'~. ~ fob! "':";)'Oll~.~~ · ~.'ha~.. ~Ol.ltO~4~t~;:th.' 'o~4.~(of ~h. Oo;u..~, anI the : ,~ta"tel 'tJl ~Oh,'~,..~' md.e ,~c\,'n9!+.'4~,'" , "'.." , "..' . ,AOa,'tbe<8aiAl_1n.a.ual'.paJ'~le8,'.. ,&tor.~i4, 4oi.t~.'bi-*_t 'the title 'ot 8814 co :.,:'., _ ,-- ". .' ':-.. - ." "'," < ~ . _ _',. ___.', - ",..' .., " " "-" "..... - ," , , . , -, .' " -. . ~ . . land .4 W1111.'f.~ the ,l8IIleaaa1n"t ill Olatiaii'ot all''''r.on',whOllleoe.,el'~ . ~ - .' "'.'. ': ~,' -,:," - , . ': ' -, -- ..', .:, -'; ~ '-.' -, ... '-"',' -.,. '. ' ", .. ,'" '''' ,.' - > ' .I.II~Q~8~J~th~ ..14 ~tl.e ,ottlleflnt,pal't' haT' bel>,unt. I.t their Jwl~ ,an~ .tale onthteaq ,an4 ,ear't1l"8\a'bOTe v1 tten. , ,;. 81sue, , 4~""'~~.a,and , ',,' , ' 'JQIIII,'41 D. DIGBt a.uYtl'" '11lpreleno8 of' .'BLAIIOBl'J>ITTJI.AR , " aue J). ])unbq, ' , " ',', '" Ouar41ana Loloe D.- ~ok.t' , ,Wf.Q", 101, DIftlWl, ' ' ' , BWeD J>It'flWl" ' ' , , 'JOllllt.... J)~DIOllf ',O~OJl B.'DIGB! ,I. ....,.: ~ . . .. I I ! i I ' " ", , ! :aetore IDe, an Ott10'el' authorheel 'to 'tat.., aokllowled81llente, pereonally, appeared Blanohe I . . - ." ....." '" ..' . ". ", . . f Dltt.mat' u~ Jonniey8,D 'D. ~l~ht, ae guar41ane of the eJltate of !tabUll Boo,4 D1ttmar, and I :BeatrloeD1ttilal',' nanohe Dtttiraar. JonnleTanJ). Xnithtanel01U'eJiOe B.Xnlght hel' husband,' I . , ':.' - .! ' 'ud mown to Il~to be'the';lnd1T1dUals"ae80ribec1 in &Ild who' ~xeouted the '~Oregol1184eed of . . .' ' ,.' , ',"'" , ! ' oonyejaDoe and aotD~.19daed that the1exe~uted theforesaint dee4' a8 81181'41an.,anelln41vld_ -I ' , j ual.ly .atore.a1d tor the purpo..e thel'eln' expreeeed. ' , I .l.the ~::~:::h:::::;: ::::':::::;;::~'.::~~t::::::~::o':e~; ::eo~; , , " ' " , , , r before lie, 'e8parately and apart fl'01ll hel'sa14 hueban4', 41,d aokDowle4Be:that all. exeouted the: . . . . >tOI'8I01" >>eea fol' the purPOS8 of l'ellatUi.~, al1enat11l8 (lIl4 00nYeYl~811 her l'ight, tltl.,a.nK'l~"r.et, ..,1i.ther Of 40wer, hoia8ete~d 01' Of eeperatePl"OP8l'ty, 8tatutor, ~l' equit- able, In' and. to'th'~,land8 de80Abe4'there1ll~end that she exeoute4 8al,4 Deeel -r.reel)' and To11intaz.l11 anclw1 thoi1t .~ cOmpulsion, o OIlstralnt , a))preben81 on 01" tear of 01' frOIl her eni4 , , hueban4. . ,': .. .' ' . , I ..1tnee. iij-lwl4ed eft1oi&1 eeal at Port Pieroe, COIUlt;r o~ 8t. Luota _8tat8 of J'lor14a, th1s 9th da, ot KOyembel' A.D.lfl' f::ft J (SIAL ) (8BAt ) (QAL) , (au,) I I i '~ , Sf AD 0)1, ~RlJ)A "\ \ COUllTY 0' 8f. "LUOIJ.' l . >. >, 4 I,..,'~,' . . ~.. .. .- . ~ .~~ f~ ;.~" - ;;,> .i~. '" (.ow, Seal) , SUI' J). "DUlIB..QI . lotar.v PDblio. State of '1or14a , ~oomml.8101l expl~e8 Ap~11 7th, 1921 A.D. 1919 . f~ ;:: " . - , Pl1e4 an4reoorUd tbis Karob 21st. I ..' " ,I (Ot.Ct. Setu) ::i .; , P. C. tLDlUtD, Olerk Oir01l1t Oourt. By ~~ p~ D.C. ,.. ~;.-::- " > ~.: RECO'RO "tft\t=\eo" /: ,- . }~~ ,:. 1.1 ,~, ".~~,:, 4~,";,. ~ ,; It, ,; , . .,--. <:'