HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0381 I: ~ I I I I I i , .-~- , Od88I~J. , ."t- W~,.J)~,. ~, '~ ---. , . .;,. . , o. ". . . .... ,H",~~8,.,I~~~.t~..1;1l1~)l:Yi.~~:~,Of ~"A.D.,191'1. bet..en BOS!QI ~~ORIDA , A~iOOO~'.J~Jn>cOMP~, .aoorpol'at1.0n o:rpni..~ ~d.x1.tli1g '~,er,thelaW8 otihe State ot,l(alll_.: parttot:the <tlr,\ ;~'.dtf.,'lf.~.. .reDkln,,'ot I.. York,' B.Y.part, of the a.oo04 t. . _ . '.' _.,: ',: - '-.. , ..''': ",. ." . :.'.. -- . ," - ',_: _;" ~..~ ~ . '..'.t '. . . ...";., _ .'.; . .. _'. _ . _ "_~:." :.. .. .. .." . _ . _ . ,:'.l'.rna~'tbat' the 8a14 pBit,.0t the, tust port, tOr~(an4 lo'o0l1814eratlon' of the 8Wl ~hUQV'.,~l'tlttl:OO~l~.!.toltln h~d,~141,bT~. 8~1cl put, of ~he 8econd part, the I re~'l~t.l1(\r,eo:t 18hereb~,a~~0wi.'d$'d.~: J1'anteel',~ barga1neel anel ,8~ldt~ 'ihe' ...ld part, ot ii' theleoond 'part" ,hleh'il"' an,ct .88!~etore'9'er.the' ibliOW'1Dgdesoribed land, to,~1f1t: '.. .' " .." ,..'., - - ' ~ the S,~th .~t quarter ot ,the lortheast qurter of the south ea8t quarter of I , " Seot;19il.f111r~e~: 'o.aMp 'thlr'1;,~t1'9'e (3G) South ~tr~Dg~ !hirt,-nIne (39) east, 'I oon~nlq!.n l,lO).~~e.".ore 'qr leBa, all 1n 8t.J~nole OOUDt~" 'loriela. , ". ' · ' " ,', i ,An4the .ald pu.-tr otthe tirstPa:t.t doe8hereb1 tul17 WUTaDt ~he title to su41end~. I .. . . - - . t and 11111 .. eten~. the ~~' ega1n~t the 1a~i ola1liB ot all per80na .ho~eOe'9'er. ' I I,BWI"~88WH1R10' the8&ldpnrty ,o'tthe fIrat ~t haa oanaed theBe preeents to be 1 , Jexe~~te~ ,In' 1 ts nalle and b~halt, bI\r1'''' Jl'e81elent an411ta oorporate seal, attested b, 1 te I 'Is,orewt, t,o be hereto affixed, the 41Q' end ,ear *,t abo'9'e written. I ' BOSTOI AlfD noR:tJ>A .ATLAllTIC;~CO.lST LAND COKPfIY ,,' (Oorp. 8eal) .' J.ttest:, B1 AeU. 8a.,er, Pro81elont~ ' , i 181gne4,' 'aealed an4 4'liTereel bank B. Swan I in PruDoe ot: , :j;" A,~/u~. ,I ' ". ' " Albert . Piper ,...-.... ~ ~p ! , ,...A.8. le" i : ". - .. " . - ~ ~OIIIIOD.~~ th/ot ~8aohus.tta ~ . , " , ! lie ount1 C)t., Sutftn.<' " ,'., , In Boaton, 1n aa14 oount7. on this 12th day of I .~.t'.:::7~fb::::::.~~.:::=.:p~::::.:b::':::Y t:::O:;:4~~ O=~:l::j C~ ...;orlb.a: In. .....4. who ~~ut.i the f~.golDg In.trulaent 10 the ...... ...4 on the behelf of I b. B08tOJ .un PLOIUn.1 ATlWFtIC COAST LA.tID COKPAIfY, and aOknowledged that he exeouted the 88me, ~. the aot.';;4 '.ed ~ tilt .d4 .00rporat1on 1'0< the .... ...4 purpo... ther.ln .xpr....4. I r . , 'Ill wtT,U83 WHEREO', I ha'9'e hereunto Bet my hanel and oft101al 8eo1.at B08ton 'this 12th j fa) of ~};::p:9::~) ALPRKD S. B4~~F Publ10 . I c, ,Jq o<DID1Bsion expires Ho'9'. 9th. liU; ri1.'4 and r~OQr4ed thle, lfarob 21" A.D. 1919 , ' ~Oo I.. . lOt. 0'. S~el). .BJ tJ~PJ::Ol'.l1lt cour\O.'"' "~/t".,~" i .~::-:.~....-._-"..-...._~. .--------.--;~;. ---:-----.-------------------------------------1 f I , ,I: "t ~ ~," Ii'> ',;,. ,f<,::,"" ilt f t : - r .- , Jr~ a.. ,Swan to ... -. -.... - ~ .... .. " '$I$:tIJ)~!~lll".a4.tb18to~t~' de)', otllarohA.D. 1919, between hank Hl Swan ot ; " , lrO~4,:n.o. '1n,>th~,-t.ot'~ot,...:~e1an4. pal't1 9ttbe tirct pert, ~d 0.8. Steele corporat10n~ .C)c.rp~,,~~cn)'.exl~~1'rl~' ~4~~:~~~ ~a,.,o(th' statAl o,t, ~Or1da,part' Of the seoonel part, I Hn~~<~AAt'~h.' .~~4 pigtt, olth. t"'et,' port.,tOl" and in oou1d*atlon of the' I f"" ?t~!I<!~ .....~l1th~r~""'h~~~ll8.1l.r.t.i0li\ to hi" lnb...a: pell"" the .ail per't I. ijf:~~~ji~~t;, .~,~.oe~~;~~.r.~t). hereW aokQow1edged.hae 81"ante4. bar8alnedan4 ..If ~~;.i;~~~t=~.;~=.~i,l;,~1;~.;Z;~"7;::~for.-. the fOJI0.~4"'1 ~,:,;::://,~~;{~;, ' \. ~.; '-.. . -. .::;'~: --.,- ': c', :', I ?';,~X'~,<':):; O.S. Steele Corporation. '.""'".