HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0386 f.." . Ic.IIII,:.~',~.to~.~,. .' .,' _;_' _' -:'.;:-':-' '0...: -. <!<:.:.: <:.:: ; j . .,". . ,~xi,:t~Q1UtiB~-:..~~:~'~i.~e~:i~-.f>i,...l",o2i 1al':.~~~';~'~'O; ,A~'-j~~~ ~i~~:," ei_~., of ':-_.::~,'.";--. ~'" -' :-.--.... '-'.,- '0' ,''-, .';',-'-".-,: 0"'" ..1.;,...~O.7' -.~..<.,:.___,~,~o_.,'~~....... . _..:'_-"~_~ "_;<"..'0 , et. LuOl.'-q,oui1~~< ft~ri4&.'~l'ttO't,tb' 'fboQ\ Pat', Q4'j~...'~'n'Wber., ot ,St.~O,l~,' OO~~(~~~i;l...~t.~oi~otto~~,"~t..,". ..-' ......<,' .... . :' "~~~.~~TU, ~tht"t .t1i~'8'14: ~'t'ot~:'h' 'n:ret, ,~t. to~ _4 In 'oo~'.1~...:~t10n Of, the I .- ,0', ~~:h'()11a~ .11'1':1\_4- pa14 'b,' the 8&14. P6.l't1 'Of ,~he 8eoona' Pet,' the reoe1pt .hereof 18 . h~.blaolcli.wi:'''804, he. -.i\..a, ".1....04 ,,!,l qUi t~.l~t.oa. . ~~ii, \h...p.o...llto 40.. I . re~1.8e, relea8e and ttUl t-01alll- unto the 881d partJ' of' the seoond .part, end his h.elre end 1 a8.,18118 ,lonnr, '~l' the r1sht. '.'t:ltle. lnte~eat.. olatm' end 4e1aana whloh: 'the 8a14 part; ot th t1~8,t part hae, in aild, to the ftlloWing '~e80rlb.d ,lot~ phoe or paroel '~t :1~4, '81iuate. i71n ...i 'b.t~8inth..Ollilt.,.otat. l.1l.t. _8te,t.ot:J1.rl~a,t...1t: . . . . I " B~fJ1tml~, at th~ Ea8t 'bankO,t the InUan Blve~.. 'anc1.'~lDg I . Ba8t33ohalne ~4 30'.1~nU; thenae Korth 6 obal tl 8, _des l1nk8;tbenoe ! ' " . t ., .es't 33 ob'l~. -anel30 :UDk8; ,tbQnoe tJOutb to polnt, ~t beglnnlng;' be1na I ' ',', " " " ',", , ,',' ' ", , ! " the ~outh,8bteen,an40ne..halt, aore.,'ot 'LOtes ~',91Jl8eot1on 36. I Town~1~31~l1tb,'R&nse 3$ Ea~t.tOgeth&r w1tbr~parl&:'n-rlghts. I ' " " " .', ' ", I , , TO'BAVE Alll>, 'TOIOtp' THE SAD, ' togetbe~', 'il1th all and'.~ngtiW theappurtenenoes therei, unto b;longirag or' in, aD1if1se' appertaining ~ ~el all the es ta ~; rigbt ~ t i t1e ; ,i:ntereet anel ! . ~la1ulwh8t8oe.,er'bt~the 8alel'~art".()tthe lU:8tp~t, 'et*her 1nl." 'or'e~lt1~ 'to the on17 I ' ' ',' , " t. pro~r118e .b~n~fit en4~ehoof ot the8ald p~t;v ot'the '8econd part, his heirs anel 8ssigns I " '. I , ,I i !' i I I I j i r i I ! . , OOUlft O:? BERGU. ! ! . .' t, ....tit.... autho1"h.~ to . take -_...n~8 .n.~ao.or4ilig to the 1a.. ot th~ 8tateol'ew Jer881', dul,'qualified anc1~et1n8', B!REBY C~Tlwrt~tbAtG." A. Hamilton. la Blngle: -',.' .. - .". ..' -.' ' .. ! -. . . I 1ItQ1). to ,lIle ~r8qnall1 known this c1q has acknowledged before tile that he exeouted the tore- I ' . , ' , ' ,', , ,', ' , i ,go~, deed. AID' l1URTHxR OIm~IW ~hat'IknOW, thet~dper8onlu~kllJ3 8alel aoknowled8llent to , I l b..,the'1netl"f1~ual 4e8orlbeclin net who exeoute4the 8&.14 deed. , I ~. \fIl'1Q8 Yr1mBBQP. Ibave hei"euntoBet lIl,han,cl anel ot110181 8eal at,Coap Kerritt,' u.ij. ' 'I tht, .2()'.4q' ot K&roh 1919. I ClIot&ry8eal) o. 'L. tAJIBOD I loter;vPubl10'". Stat'e'ot lew Je1:8e, I , X,Oo_1esl01l.xph.. Mar 24, 192! I i i toreTel'. ' , II WU!maSWBEREOP. the sald :p&rttot .tho tlr8t part haehereunt() set bis handana. .eal tbe ,d~anci7e~ ,first above wrl tten. J;Jipd, sealeet and.Ol~ vere4 ' ~. thepresGnoe ot: " , ;' . . , B. W. "in8ton o. L. 'Iamboer o. A.',1waLTOfl(SEAL) STArE 01' QW JBRSEY 'Jllledq4 l'.oor4.ecltbls Karoh 24, A.D. 1919 (Ot. Ct~ 8eal:) >>, i I ! j I " I ' ',,' ,,' , I -------------.-----...-~...._--~~-~~...~..._---_..----....I ~toollo', " I ~ ~o~~. ~/~/~O I I I · c. BLD~ Clerk ~1rOU1t C,oitrt. , . - ~~ '- D.C. ; tI!'--~-...-~,~.~-_.. ___._ -_ ..'. _ _.. __ ___ ___.. _.. _.. _..., q. , -. '" :-' .--.... -.- ,.' .. " .~ . ~ ., "l .. F _-. ,.;,~. , 'I(i";f " "".-',"",', .. " ,l C't , .' .,l . :'"'- J . ',' ,:, //~~~Iff~l{jif$