HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0394 l f' " ' ,. ,- ~...K' " , .,...... ':~'?~?:"~ :;'-:_<:7"-"-"~:C?'7:'':?'700''?!F~7'~7:?''''' ;~'TT;;7 " :",v'~';~~,~;":';}?': ... ~.ta',., tAlh~.e~.~~'o'.nt' '''U:~,.*i4bt,:~ UMl.tO\he ,'1ql' a..~l be' 1u ,,~ci _48,84,'. ano. ~at "-'-~.,>':c"'_ "'.,~_ :~:-"'\..~~'" ___'~;,;;-,'-:~"":_-'.):",'.~.~ ::,~_:-:". ;:L._,:.:,:,. :'_1'~:.:'';~~_'''"~:!':-'t "-;~"",.;.:: "<~,,,'_',;' ,'- -:r. '"",_',:..~ . -.;" '.- ~ ,~, ':lI:~0\l~t'~f,.~~#'~11~~':~O~~;~p.tW?,~bOll~ ,'e;~ OQ"'!I~~llt,r _ pl'..~.Ji.10~ t,&1', 01' , ,,::'09:Qu181q.Jl'~f.-,OJ.'~~~'~~;;';~~,~~.l)'tP,i~;_,' ,",:"'" ;~,~';, i ,...,: ,:, . :>: ,", ", ' ~'_"'~.~.'., ::~_.<:,:>_'.-o_:.~:.:_.:,'_..~_-__,"', :_:.:..~:;~ ~_.:_::._;._~._. ;_.-:~__- -",., ,;_. '," ".' .0"., '_. ~.".. . ; 'i'1...?;t~;r:~I:7:~t4~~'~~~~ at~.t~ ~=~:.:::~u . . 4apf ~oh'.1 , . 10_7 Pu~11o,.:ti.", ot ~orl I ; '." ~ C)o.esio,n, eXJt1r'. ..~e 12, I 4.]). i91t ' ,"" I! Ot. s,ai,). ' l. c. ~rol1).' '" ' '..' , Ri:'C~ 0 '. ' '~ 'Oltrt 01~oul t Co~t. j. , . ,... RD VEftfFfED ;' n ~ ' I: , B, ~ ro--- D.C. , I, ' " " I ~', -------~-------------------------~------------- ----~------~----------_._-------~~---:-.~-! (l/ ' 1URRAHft DuD. i Gospel' B. tuoker-to:- . BoUd ot OOuD1ealonsrs of Port i Pleroelnlet >>lstriqt~ I . .. I THIB I HDENTUlUI,' MaD nil 11th 'bJ or Karoh. 1919 'b1' Gospel' 8. hokeI', (baohelor) i . ,'I '~~~of :fort Plerae,l1orlda. 'pUij of the fJ.2.et pat-t. to the:Boar4 of OODllllssiol)ers 'of ;ort' ! ,'-;.' .~ ". ..... . ". . '.' - . . '. t P1ero~ Inlet Diatrlbt ~ part;r ot thee8cond part. .. I , WUOPSSlTB that 'the eaidpart,otthe tl~t:purt,for and In oonaideration of the 'I , ' , ",,' " ' , ,I I .~ ,ot On.-Dollar. lawtulllonei ot the United States, to hill tn hailllpa1d.bY the sald Part1j , " ,",,',', ' " " ' ' I ot tbe eeoondpaJot~ at orb,fOl'G 'the en sealing anel 4elhe17 oftbese presellts, the reoeipt I , whereot'le herb1aOknow104ged,'' hail 8l'ant.ed.buga1ne4, sold.:' r8'1e88ed, oonY81eci and confirm.d . ~ ". .' '.' . . -' _' I ~4 'b7 these presents' 40es hereb, gant, 'b8l'ga1n, S~ll ~el&88., oonYe1aDc\ oonfirm unto the! . ". '" '" ' , ' , "',.' , " " ! said P&Z't)' of the s,cond P8l't an4 ita B'UGoessoraand assign8. 1n tee ample aU that piece, ! - ~.. I , p8l'0el or 'io~ of land. ,81 tuatedin St. 1m.oh OOlUit)-, Pl~rl4a, mo1ni and d.~8or1beel as t0110-+: I OOlllllenoeat a 1l0D'WIent. ~J1 the TOwnsblpline 'dirtUng !own8h1P8 '!hlrt)'-four (34) i ana fhirt7~~iTe: (3IHS01lth; said monument being 341 te.~1a8tot,tbe lnterseOUoD ot waters I " " ' , . ,,', , I , edge .ot Tuokers 'COV. an4 salcl,10wnship 11ne; thencer~Itorth 460. feot'tobeg1nn1ns oo;rner 1 ot'traot ~onTere4; thence run Ba8t4~2.2teet: thence Borth '~O de81'e~s 36 minutes ket . :1226 teet more or'le88 to 'the waters edge ot the Atlantio 'OO'a1i; theX1o~ along waters edge ; ot '.atlantio 'Ooean !forth 21clegrees West 408,_1 feet: thenae Bouth'QO deereos 36 minutes; West 1462 'teet more or iesaJ.to waters ed@'8ofTu~kers OOTe; .thence Sonther17 aloDg---wstore edge ot i'fuok,ereOOTe366 teet more or 1e881;0 point ot bee1nnlng of traot oonTe7eel'. . . - ~. - 'tbe,traot GOnVe,eet being a part 01' GOTeniment Lote";l'o\U' (,,) ana. Pive '(6) of ~.o~lon 'lblrt7-s1x,c36)" '1'~wn8blp. ~irt1-four (34) South. Banke 'or~( 40) East. 8nd con- " , t~lnlng 14 2/10 80rell, , JIlO1'eor less.; (j' " ..., .-.' l I 1/ II It I' I ~ I I i ~ ~ ~ ;; I ,I . , ,.- together' with all nbm,!ged1Cnds and riparian rights ,embraoed; within ,the Horth and 80utb ~lnes o:fthe'traot abOY. 0 cnve)'ed &S extended Into thewa~r8 e'Tuoker. Oove and Atlan~io Ooeen.. or' tJ1e , . , 'Ille, traothtl'8b, 4es9.J:'lbod ano. 00DY8,ed 18 &Ooarding to Plat showing n1ght, of Wa, ot j , ",' " ' " " " , ''-", " I ,,' ,,':'1' .,1'1'"., ',~"~.,4"c,.,,,,~,,',.,.,/," .",O,k, ., r.,'",~~, T"e",~,., 00" ',., $D. .., .",8 b,'"",JI1, 1, u,'"r Hal,', 1, .,'..."",8""".,~,,',., ~Il..r' f1le4 _,eh 10, 191t .,' ,r4tOOrdecl~:'J.at,~()0~3,atP8C. ~,&.. at. LUOie, Oo~t~r.oo~:~. I, .. " TO BA,VlAJfl)~:!O HOLD," U.....togeth81'" wi tb 811 ....IIl.te ~ 1iaproy._te ,b.-e4l tamenta ",~-'_ '- ',' " '~'-:_-~'" - ", , '~" --.-.:~__' ", "'~-. ~~.', '__~'~'_-"~O ,,""_<;:"'-;'>" _':'_- .:--.;-:' ';',--.- .-' :-".'.,,'-' , '. . 8.114: a'Ft.l1N1o'."tb~J.'e1Ulto beloD81D8 ,'QDt~ the, 881~ :~tl,' ot"t~",~GOn4.' ~'~!' and its , ~o~"lJot',~a~..,lP8:1..'t~. 'lap1etol"~T';' ' '., ':' '.,' " ' ,:' '.:',~4' thjJI~.:~rt1'ot ~~,:tUet p~t' ~~~1raa.1i.'~ll1811~1~8.1e~ ..preeentfltlyes an4 ! --. "';" .;; ,.,- ; ~. . lo-.,: ,.," ,,','.".'..','.'.... . ",' _.~. ~ '~'. ;'.. '" '.... r . ".,1"",..... , .. ..' '. -4 -~. , 1\,,"'.',..,=. . &.~ r. ~:- .,. .. :..' .~ ~ - .