HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0413 ~:':~.~~~2~-~~~:-~~;~~-~~~~-::~/:~~~~~;;-~~{~'~~,:t?!~~~~_~ _: ,~, '~,<:, :::;::" r'\}~~'~;D:~};'~~{;S~{ .'.:;; ~'>' -',:~. , ; ":".':' ',1, . '; "~~~~..__'~-'~'I~.~~o~:.., . ~o~.a 'Let. Bl()ke;re.. ~. ':-'.'~.,-.-' . ':: ~:. ,_. ,H( '. . " .' . .' , '. :.:. ',,----,:"':," ,-,~.'..-.", .... .,_....~'_.....,..'--,_.:-.,:'_... """'\" ,'. ""'"'''':'-,''' '. - .: '.., ',' , . - :\'SI8'))BBJ) ~:\.~h.,.'th: ~~ ~t ""ob' 4.%);- ). 919bl .~than.004~ an~ ~~~a, '0048. hie, ~t."ot:tb"oo.~,:',qf:.~~~~()l~, ,~t.ti~~t,I1O~ld., .herel.ner, oallo4'the ~CUl~~.',tO.uO~1 t....~~.r.~,~tth~;~O~t7:'o,t.~. ,~"l. ,: ~tate. of, '~Or1de.,h.~e1natttl"0a.1le'd 'the pantee_ ,'.,' "WlfH!SSETB;, thai. ,iu~'eat481'G.lltor8 ~.. ).0 , Gon.iteration ., ot~. ,Dollar and' other, 'falub , . . .' - '. . ',..' ~, . : -. - . . " . .,' . :" -: "'. ~ .' . -, . - . . ~ .' <<,0~.ldoratton8.'th~,,'r.o.1P~' .h.ro.ot'l~ hereb)T;.01a10Wl.dg~d" do 81ve.. 8~t,' ba~8a1n.', sell, .... --. .. . '... ..... ""..... . '.' '. - :" . - . ' . . &1.ie~, reat.e, re~ta8e~ enteott, OOn~t7 and.- oo~lni wito tb'e ,a'id srantee. and hi8 heirs ~nd " .' - .-~. .....,... ",' ',,: ' '" . '. ~ ',,' . .' . . -, . '. "': ;. ." ", ' . . . ". ae'1$D8. ,:'lil fee s1JDple. 'tbe.llU1d~81~te ~ti, Si. LuoleOountl,8~teot l1~r14a, deso1'11;1e4 as' folloWa:, , sttli3:~;t ~"'" ~ .t. I, , , JlorthBaet 'QAArtel' of the 8outh, Wost Qtl81'ter of'the North Weet . . .. . , .' -'. . .' -- ~arter of';h()tlon 33, T~wn8hi))31.80uth-of,Ran;e 39 last'," I' .',,', < , I I I I I Wltb j 'the Baid gr~t.e arict hie hell'S and, asSlgn8 -m f.esimple, I ~:the, sald sr~to~B, for themeelye'.,,8D4 their he1l'e,and legal roprosentatives, I OO'YeJiant:~tb:8ald Bi-ante~1i'~8 ~eb~8..1e8al,repreBentat1ve8 .snd assigns: !hat Mid lP'antol'tJ I , '. ':" '- '. .- . .... f U'~ Indef,aeibl1 8e,S,..d ~f 8ald l~d In 1'ee Simple; that said grantors ~avo full power and i ., ,. ., . .. ,.,. .' ", , ' ! 1 l:$wtul: right to ~onvei said lanct'~h fee simple ~ a8 aforesaid; tbat1 t shall be lawful tor ! ',.,~ict:'grut.e.:blshelr8, le8~1 r~preBentat1ve8 and, assigns. tt 811 Umes peaoeabl, an4 qUletl~ ~O ~nt,r,~po,n. hold, ocoup, and,enJol saiel land; that said land 18 tru from all enO\UDbranCeBf ' tha~;eald srantorB. thefrhelrs $lld legal representatives. ;fill make Buch further aSSU1"ailoes ! to perteo{t~e 'fe. s1mple' title to said lend ln said grantee, his hell's, legal representat1 ve~ -,.., ~,' '. ' , ;' , I and assi8ll$~. ~s ma,reaso~ab17. be require.4; - and that said gl"an tors do hereb7 ftil.l1'cwarrant I , " ',' , "", I the t1,.t),e ,to 8aldl,~dancl will 'detend. the S8JJ1e against the la~ ola~D1s ot all persons ' This' a.Ged 18 'to oorreot atormerde:.~~jrlv.nb; the same' pa1-tiee of .the : ..,,:;. : -: . . " .; ~ !..,~ ' , . ~,t1e8 ot .the ,seoond pert. - . 'to lL\.lE'Un,'fO HO~' the same, '.' '-::, . " . the e~e beln8 tenQ.ores. Jllor~ or' les8 : first part to the t98etherwith the hereditaments and appurtenanoes, i< ~~, .,. ~ 1JhOBlsoever. - WITlfESfJ th8~e.nd$ and Beaia otsaid g1'~ ntors, the dny- and Tear firefabove written. ! SlgrieA,: s881edanddeilvered. " 1>> the ~esenoeot " ' ,'. . IA'lBAH WOODS (SEAL) '. J. B.JOhnBOn ROSA B.YlOODS (SEAL) , >,.;r,.;,'itCJ.~.<PC>:Ppe,U . I g~~o~'~~~~CIB. . I BEREBYCEBTln 'Th.t on tbls d~ pereonall, appeared befor~ .e':'aIlot:tioer4,ul,aut,hor1~edto aamlnlater ~ath9 end taka aoknowledgments, Batban Woods andl Roea W004".': hJ,8 wite, 'to me ~ell known, and known to me to be the lndl v1d~81s desoribed, in I , ,'.,"- .";. ' , ' " " I i1D4who.'~xeolltedtbe 1'ore80ing deed, and t~e, a~kno.ledged before me that the)' eaetuted the I 88D1e'tr'tt17 ancl~oluiltarh~ for th8purPOseBthe~ein expr~88ed. , ~'l'~ima'CImtln that' the~a14 ROlla WOQ4s..tmoJln to IDe' to be the, wite of the said I , " " '. , '. . , I 'athalr.oods,~na S,ep~at. and ~rlvate. eum1natlon takenan~ made b1 and bet'ore me, separatery an':,apart'fl'olD her eat-a h'l1!)I:l,n4'. 414 aomowledge that she mndc herself a part, 60 said d.'4 ~. '.. ' "', ' , . ' " ~' , , I .~of.th'e,purpo.. of.:~r'fto~plhs. rel1nqu18hlnB an4 con....'lng all her ri8ht,ti tle and interest I . , . wb~th.r'.9( d().er'~ar-~t~~d~r,ot 8~par.teJJ.",oper,t7, .tai;utor, or e~u1table.' In anA to the I :~d8 AesoJ"lbe4 'ther-,l!1~ and' .that ,he ex,oute4 thoeal4. f.4te4 freely an4 Tolun.tar11land . . . . - . - ' " . , w1t)1oit~OoJlp11181on. .coll.trairit..apP1"e~ei18ion or'tear otor tro~ her s814 husband.' . . -' ~ , -' - .' - - , .', .- . I,JIlTJISS rq band and ott1otal.eal:.t'.t:1'1G~o.;OO.ont1 of St. Luo!o.. ~d State of nori _ . '. .' _ - _ - _ c ,:' , .... _' . . .- __.. . _ .' ,. _' _' _ '. . _:.' . . ., ,".'. _ , ~ . ' _ '. _'~ _ , . ',' . :. ' _ ,~~ii'6t~ A~'OfAPtli~'4i.lJ,"~t~, . :; ~ " ,. :",.... ",' "..,',..,', {,""~o:,n:,JiJ.J,,,........~e,,~,~,::..,:, ,81,'" ;,::,),,' ',',",', ", "":",' ..." ,: ,': . ,',.,;, ", . ". ", ' '" I.'ll ::JoBN~lI. Count1" .iuc1ge'~ot, ,St~ - Luo! , '" ' ", ". ,:Cot$tJ'~,l1o:rl~.. ,-',,': '. , , " ,: n"",'1"e"_~,",an",.",,,.,,~,.::r.f)OiQ,"('40!4.'.o~~.',a,'_~~~,'~,;,',".,:'",-,',"o,t",...4tn',,: ",11.,' A.>>.'lt1" .' ", ,,"', " ' " , .. "',!'" ......~,' ", ',i' ."" .f.-C.ELn.~t'OleJ'kOU'OUlt 9,Q1U't;~:. REcp~O VER.FIED' - " ,~:t.~ :'~_" .tI::'^(~,~-,~" ". '. ::'.(' --.;",,,, " ,