HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0416 l' ..r '1!~' ~.' i,. f',:~~~~:;'~~Y~~~~?-;~~':~~'~~~t:'~~~:-~- :~~'-I~,~~~~~-'~?r~-~:~'.f{'.,7f~T~:::'!_"~:~~~~fn~~:'0'Y~::?~~J';:-: -~;FJ_ ,1~~1,~'::~:~~~:'~ ~ . -< . ~ . ,-., . - .' , . iiI~; . ~ '. ;: a II S' :I."J'~'8' 1WH~o'.':'th...:Pai-tl:~t-~K~"tl*~t;~~.'qJ1 'tb~:'~ 'and ".a'~' tt~etabo.e , ):.rl~itn :';h...':~~~8e4':i tj\'I\~~' :t~L be:,'l~:.J,tU1~~ii~~;~'o~p~r.t.; '8..1\t~"~.'.tf~eit~:,'tbee6 ' . . - -' .,' '. ',' ~-. .;- . - ....-: " ,~. -". - , '.' . '.' - ". ',' - . . .' - ~ . " - . ~ .. 'llX'....bte, b~: it. :?i-'8'~4ellt, aud" ~t., 3eo,r.\4rt. -.blob'. otf~O'1'8 'h:.". 'b..~, 4\1;:' .~~OI'{"4 ent. ".~pd~.te~:'\t'~.~ql~~~~~:ot~. '~t1'4"~f:~"ir~c~~oi'.:ot:::'h.':I~4~,~f.~1';'~'n~ Q~.pant:' ~~, 'oi:~he.t1rat':'~th~l'el~"to~xe'o~t;~:~n('~4~1'iYer. thl$ 4.~iL":,'X,,"..... " ',' ' , ': (O~l'PO~.\ei,ai)",' ,', ",:,' ,,' '. ",.'nfi,I~ur~x,td'A1Ul$CO~AHY , , " .., '> - > .",., .' , 1\1 Benae.nJ.'leuobi" " I 81sn~d, .,;.b4 ana. 4eUtered " , ' .,., " " ".' '-It''n'88lc1ent. I 'lnprezeno,ot us: .,.' ,. " Obar18."~OoDf"'" ..',; ':< ," I , " .;, 11'000811" , " ' ' ' ',:', te'l'eQl'eW'. . I '0.,11., ~ohi'~ ' . , " t .lI1ib Jeotii. . cioatraot # th the Indi....al.... ....... O...P8Dt. . . ; 8T~TE O~IO.~,qOt1nt7'oj8oo't-8'. I It~oftio~r ~ui1 auth.:orh~4,t;)'~8 aokn,~Wfedpe~t'todee4', do he~.b1 oertlt)' that ! 'onth1e eta, ,pel'eona~l"app,ared \)tfore'lQe, ilel'lWlJ. Jeuob an4Charlee >>Unoan.' to .e well I ~own as the hes14~nt~4,the8eoreiar1I"8peotlve17~of the',Inal.m,R1Yer'''a:rme:comp&n:r. I the oo~oratlonde80r1b8~:-ln the t~re8CInSaeed,hdth.i aOkn~.ledged,<beto~e~ethaithey I' .ere,dttl~ auth~rhed bi.,8a1clOOrpOl'a~10n' to exaQllt~ 'the ,~ore8,OlJlg'4et'dln:lt~,behalt,and to I 81$Dit8,name and,aff1xlt88eal thereto;'th~t the 88al' affixed t~el'8to i8 the oorp~rate Bealt of said; o orporati on ~ and that 881d4ee4.88 exec~te!l b1' 8atdoo~o:raUon f()1' the: purpoeos I therei~l~xP~e~~ed,~d the, 8Q.,erail,ao~OWledgOd':the exec~tl~nther.~f to be . thdr tree ao~ . ",", " .., , , . . i and ,deed as such Otd,Oei'8, torthe'uS08 ~4 ~poetto t~ere1ri ment1on~d,andth.t tl!e Baid I . :,".; . .' . ~ ..".; ..' - .'~,.,.', 1 inatrumentls the,aot,and deed of 8aidoorporation. ! " " . .,., ,. , " . . , . t .IN. WITHESS wm.au:Q)'. I ha~e herennto affixed i21 name and offioial 'seal, thie 26th clay of i , " I Kar'oh,191'. 'at the~lt;y otD.~enport. Countland State atore"81d, ! " . , Clf~P'.Sea1)' '. " , " ,~aJ,1018 B.l1ath,. ' ': . I , Ct10.00 I.R. ,Stamps oanoelled), lfotarJ Publio in and, tor~co,tt. C'ount;y,lowa ~ . 11., oOIlllD18s1onexpll'ee .lull 4tb,'1921 ' I I I I. I I .' - ,..:,".:, ,- '-' ~. -. ".' ,. fi1.ecl'.md: reoord.~ tb1e '1tb~ da, ot April t 'A.]). 1919 .'1. , (ct..Ct. Seai).' P. Q. ELDRED, Clerk Ciroult Oourt. '. '... . B,OJ4.4,~p (}bAf{.I/1!. D.C. . ; . "FOORD V~ftlP1E,O, , . ,'. c:;;'Y. . , . . . , ,.'~., ..., - :', ! k,' , " "-"""","-- ..--..-....-~:~----- -- ~ ------;AiRA;ti-i>iiD:------ ------------..--- --- ---,- -.....- ----- --- - ---, ~ lath8n ,,,o..oan. wi~e .to . ,'.R. Oopeland' , , THlswAail~V1>E&D ,0'. COHVEYAlICE exeoute~ this 19thda,. ~t llaroh i~the year ot our I Lord one th~u~citilne hwulred anddin~teen >>Y A1ID BE'lWBElI 'lathatiWoode and Kose A. Woods hiJ ."',, .' ., ' " ,.' " " . ' , .'," ,. i wite,otth8'flret'part.and W.R. ,coPelant','Of the' 8e,oon~,partt :. " .., , ,t .~~UEtJ3t'lBthat theealet parties of the fil'st part" for and 1n oonsideration of the i , """,- 'J:':'-~?'':' . . - _,... '.. .. _ _ .. . ~ '_ " 8Wllof 'On.>>-ll~'aDdoth8r '~a1uable coneld8ra~lon8])oilCU'a, laWtnl mono,' of the Vrl1 ted Stat~s of Amerio~,'{~:tbelll1nh~d pa'ld'b,the sald, putT o~'the .eoon~ part, at 01' beto~e the en- i . ' " " ' , ,:' ," " ! sealinge-nd del1yeryottbes8 pl'esents. tbe reoelpt whereof ishereb, aOPo.leaged. bl theee I . ' , , , ,'. " .,., ,', ! 'P1"8sente.glye, grant~barca-ln.~ .'011. alien: enfeoff, tOrAhe.. :1"e18a8e, conye,- and oonfirm untP .._ .'- .:.. '-'. ..,.' .0., _ ._.-_ .'.-...' -.' I th.~aId':pal'~1'0I;tbe8eoond pait'eDd'h~.h'i~S~ that oe~~n pr~pertl',~'. the count, of St. I Luoief.1J1d8ta~8, ot .norl'da.d'8orl~4 .,is 'f~~l0W8:" I' " .' '. ,OO~~I1Oj,n<<" at the 8o\1tbn.-t' oornerot 'lotdesorlbe4 nth. 'or:th'&8t QUart8~ of the I . lorth.~~l;~ter.ot' ~eotlon'~ll~ti.thr.. C.l,fo~~hlpTbll't,-one ts1).,Soutb of Range ThirtJ Jl1~~"18l),''''8t. :@4."nnn1~ Ja8t,.t1io~t~,:(20),i048;'tbenoe, .o~th~lX b~~r.~ Nld. teD, (610) I l-'.~ '\-,~.<-.-,-:'1~:':':;;:i.~'::-~-~.~" _'~- '--'::::,_.--"':~' . i' '",,_: :-,-.' -:'__.'i..: '-:'_' _ _' _ : _{:,'-', -,._-,:<'~ :.-,_.-,~ ":~- ~ . ~::;... _>_'. ", . ~..,t'; ,-,Ji.~,~' .'tI,~"t.'l1ty']~): l'oa8'tc> .eat ltneot sa1~:J.o,t;'tl1.no..~utbti.e hundred an4 . - ,.,. ~ ... - C._ _'~'."_. .,.... ,. - .-. . _ .... .' _. '., . . '. . :,Il, ',Sf, ',t,t,!1,."r,. .."c,'"~,'p,:,.~,r"".~,t~t;io",,., Jloll1t:i~t bePDJlJ.nJ, ~O~ttl1'~lng tf~. ~~.- th~.e ,~t~rs '~o~e8 of 11' , : llor.':()tU..',':'i ' '.' . ", " ,l~"" " _,~;~;ii; ',:" ..~~,{?::,.\~:,;,,\ . - .)\.'.', " ,.', ; ,. .. N"TF"'t.;\.1;:!{r~",j~~"j;}~;;; .... " - ~,- '~:-:t<" ','- ~ ,,-;: " ~ .".. " , I'':' .... 1-.:0;-"" , ',. '"-eo,,,-, :' ~~n :' ;.~ ; ,I .,.- . . . . " , .. ',:,: ,:~:.~ ~:~~iilll~'~I