HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0437 I','. ~~ -'i O~,'" ~. ~ I,'" i -.' " c , , , aTAu ~,,~rumlDi:.', ..' , 'OO11.!lft "O~' qt.'. X.UOB. . :,,,,; < "'.' . , , :"'::;:'>"""','';- : ,;",;:.::,' ,',," . ",,':"<.- " " .:,', .:' 'i!' ',::,<< <.':~i:,$f.8t o,.'l'i~"'~~~:otlt~iQc16t';>>er.~~nail1' apP~~"d''betor.~me,''e.n'. otticor dU17 ailthorl ed " ",/".-~ ~-,;"~.~-"-"~~,~:,.,,:>~;:,~',,-',;<.""":-,-'::'~~.,~,~'-~,,::'~'<:~_.':-'- ~.('-"'"'~' .::,~,.-.~~( ~,-'-".'; :..,,.',<, .," ",-.,.', - ,'- ',', ;-.-'" - "'. ".". '-".'. '. 't~" ~_1Pt.te~~,o,e:.t1t~::~~~ta~;(~OJot~"ied~$nt8',' '~li11\~e '11 "li~tt.te14~d Oeorg~ ,ll~tt1eld. her " hue~~~: ::\o':~~~::1i~ii'~o.ii.n~ ,kX.O~'\~lDe..to''b~t~e,'' ~rtdl*id~~l. desorlbed in 'and who exeou ted ;, ;:,:><'-, c,,: ',' ,,"',''-,,',,' ",' '::', ,'. ':,' ,', .':,': , ,,'" .-" ' ',", " ",' " :. th~;~o~~6oI,~," 4~~d:..:anclthe;' 80~:()Wl"Bea,before ino tlla,t theJ exeouted the en;ne f'reel,and' T01#~.ilt::tC)~'~\h~'PurlloBo8t~er~'il1: OxPr~~~ed."" , , . ,..uiDi"l'Ua~HEa::CF.n~in, th~t'~he:,~a.id ,,1~'e,'J!. 'llar'tfielef, known tome to:be the wi-fe of ~t~'~l~~!'~r~e, l(~t4.1~,~i~.p","at~ .'.i;~':'prl ~t~ ~~a Uoatakeaand Dlad:b1 and ba~.r.1 , lila, -8e~,a~el~: ~~,apart,'.~f'h ,her :sa~4hU8~,~d" tU.4Cl,oknowledge that she I1l8de herself a party I '. tO~~l~,de~d;'to,r'~hep.urpo,Beof'renounolng.:r,e1inqUishtng lij}d ~on"eylng 011 her right. t1 tlo, I . '--"-. ".- '- - " . '. , ~~l~te:'~,t,' whether of d(),"r_bo~.8tea!l0~~f sellAr,aie propert~, ptatutor;y or equltable.bi I ~~-,~thelap48 dElUorlbe~ there1n; andtb8t~e exe~uted the 8a1~ deed freelJ and"oluntarll~ - ana 1r1't'hU\t'~ '~ oOirpul~ion. con'~tra~t.;app~ehensl0nor fear of or hom her said husband. I ,," '- " -" - . '-.--., .' ." ,. .' - . - f " , .\nT~ES$ mihand and offlolal seal at Vero. COUnt~ of St~ Luo1e.and Stnt~ of, Plor1d~. th~s . . . .". ,'. - " ." . . I ,218t4A~()f.,Jan~r1"A.J).i9i9 llELEUDAty I -, " (1C~P. Seal) , j,(J ooDllll1ssion expires Sept. 15. 1921. I , " , , I , ril.ed.$n4reoordecl' thla ilt~ day otApril. J.'-tD. 1919 ! ' '1 -'CCt. ct. 8e~), , \:, '~. C. .eLDRED. Clerk Cirouit Court. I ' ',y" ~' " ' :,f', , Oa---rlf""../.-; ! I ", :', ,IIEC6'RO VEft'FIED "j~ --71 D.C. ! --------____~~-------h-~__~________~~~~~~.--------------------------------------------1, ~ C.'Woge~anc1 ~fe ' to':'" li'. Ii. Teets. I I I". ." 'mlSlHDEH~URE, 'lJ18de t~1e 24th dnyot l:P.roh A..D. 1919 DE'rilEEU J.t. wagen-~d hederlCk1 ' W~!n.' 'h18"if~, otthe conntf: of ~alm. Benoh In the state of norida. parties of the ~lrBt ' P81~t~"ana..W. Teets of,the o'tJ<>t Ji'o:t't Pierce of the oounty of St. Lucie in the otate of I -. -. I i1:or~da.>'petl o-t ~the<seconc1 port, i - " . ',.' , - . I VlITDSS;U:flI, ,that tbe ,aid parties ottheflrst part, for and in oonslderation ,of Ule s$ , '",', ',' . . , f . otfwo~oue~d l'iV8 BUilc1re'd aI\d 00/100 (.2600.00)' Dollars, to them in hand paid by the saId! Ipar'tlo~~the ee~on4 part,: the reoeipt whereof 18 hex:ebJ acknowledged. have granted, bargainedl, , " , ~:,'"'' , " ' , " , . , " I ,anclsoid to'the said P~t10t the secon,d pert, hiB heirs and aS8igns forever, the following ! ~ . . . ~ doeo~,i~ed. ,1,~d. ,Sl~u::t"lJ.Wnl and be~ng 1~ the oounty of St. Lucie, State 0 f F~orldn. to-Wir: , ~e8~~lng tU.xtY-~i,:z"'eet !forth of the 80~then8t oorner 'of lot :Fourteen C14) in Block ! . .. ! "iU,neteen(19l of" .A.,q: :D1ttll1ars. .8ub-diYi$10n of Block Fifteen (15) and Block "0" of I . "'" ' -'~,~', .: ' , " ., . I th.eottlolalWlP.of't!,:r1etoe;~o..andrunnlng South 60 the South-east corner of Block ! B~~tee~'l(~~~~~.8~re~~' arid' ~em1nole .4."enue. thenoe rlUl Westerly, along th'e Borth line I ' , " , '~:"';", , " ,., --' "c,." , " " , '.,. I of e:8ia.-8ftdnol.~6~nu. 'to the 8outh..weet ,oorner of sdd Block lUn'etoen(19) ; thence Nortb :;",.,,>,'".,;:;,,:.,' . "','" , ,"~ "':, , ",' ,', ,..' . ~ . 1:.1t~~~:~Z!~t:(~!~::~l~o~.~l~.t..a .li9) 00. H:~::d ~lrt1-.1ghW130l: theno. ran . . ,~~1".~e~~1'-[.~:~6',:B11bJea~:.t~,'a lnol;tgQge of fift~en~oilare (116,00.00) exeou,ted by the ~$;l1t~r,b~~~lK'?~ ibe 2:~th, ~Q1 ot !Jay, ~918 and recorded in J&ortgaee Book #1~. page 229 of . ",: ,',..."'.', ,," '" . ,', " ,,' I ther~ool'~&Of s~1400untl..w~c~ea,~41D()rt8agetbe, grf.Ultee berQin o.SBUlIl8S and agrees to pay., ' ,,' ',"', ., " I .' '. '. .", ,..:'.('2..6QI~a.".~~P80enoellea)', I , ~it,tt.e ,,&ldpertie,: ottl:1et'llst p~t: ~o hereby 'Mli wsrrant the tl tIe to ~id land and w11i '. ,>', ';:'::, ,"'~,' . . ,.', : "" '." " '. " . I '..14tn4.tha.lIam'~/lt;;~.ll!WfnlOlo1m. ot all per.oae who..ov~. I '.~~ 'l'-:- .'