HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0441 , "".'~'~':'~?;:;;;'~~r::~;:!,:-,,'?::''':~t'\'t'>'::; !P7;~~{Y':'ST'f':;~,~~~~~.r"7f:-:'''T:?0?~';>'~P'D:~:~,..-~1V"f~f7::~~~y,;:C>?~:::''1'>'?'??~;.:',' \ ;:-:7:e" " " ':-:' u I , ,,' ';',0::,:",;,..;, ,." ,",,' ", ".'.., ," , "".';~"", , ,.' '. " " " , . , '.'.'~a~t,:c)~,~4:~,,)~~~~~.t'~~f:t~: ~"~,~,~,~.lfJ~(~~.O~~:~d,.." II.Unok on 80uthi'. sa1d. tra~t: "':,~,Ol\t~b.Jf~~,o'~"~~f~ or,t,~~"8;oihlthi~~:. '.,' ' ,:' " . ' , , ,,' .' '~':';)':~~~Q',' w);~h"ti;1: 'at\~ : .bis1i~~'thet~rieillGrlt$~ h.t~d1teiu'l)t8' and ,appurtenano'o8 thoro,mto ',;,"\~-'-;. "-.:':':'..<_~:'_('>.. ,.-_-_-.:.,-'~.>--:,~.:\- '.l,__,~,/_ ,'-"~'~_'_~,';:~ _', ,>,"_~.'_"-',,' "._,""--,.' ,~._,._<_-- .,' .:'_ ~: ,,' . ,." , ,'b.l~~~i18, :~r, ,1A'~Q~.'apP~,t~.~n~l'l8" n~d.' the,i"everelcm and reversion8. reJlla Ln4er and . . ::r.ln4f)r~';: ~ex\t~'.,188U(t8' ~i1'p~~tlt8' . th~reoti :AlU5AL80d'i the osts tei:r1gh't ,t1 ne', in~.r' at ,::: :"," ." -' - ..::. -~ -.:, - .- .- ~. - . . '-: - - . .,' . - . < - . ~. '. . "'. -;- ~" '. . " .- ,'holl\"t~"d.' dowoJ:' and rts}.t ot 40..1', $eperate eetato, p~pe'.tl, p08sesslQn, 01a1m end,demen ~',,~ha'te~~~e~< ~i i~Tt ~d f1\:,e~U'u.,~ e,~th~r and ~~ih ,of th~"e~ld })~rt1ee of t~e flr8t '()81't, ~ In-,tm~ to.',tbe ~am8 ,&nd, eT~rl ~t a:nd,)lBrool thereof; TO '~W AUD TO HO,LD the above de80rlb cl - " ' , .', ,;... . , - ,,' premises, ee.Qh.ande",etJ, unto the's&.ldpU'tlot the eeookldpart, his hell'S and assign8, in! ", tee~'Ij~Pl~/~b$~l\1t~,' in6.e,~G'aslM'l,for8ver., .. 'f.1 ) And tb'~, ~~dparUe8 o1':'the' tir'e~ 'part, tor themselves and their })oit8, exeoutor;e and I ad.cui~t'~tr.t~r8,."j()lnt17,an~ aeveraiil~' oovemint, promlseandearee to and with the 8aid~ 'I 'par~7,()r'the'~eoonef,~~r,~,'h18beas. exe o,utOl" 8 , '8dndrtietrators ,and aSlJigne: that the Baid I, ",' ..... :.., ....,"..:.cc,...., . '_ ..,. _ .,. "'", _' ." . ,>>~tl..r9~.:t~.tirBt:'part~ atthe~ ~iill\e Qf'the 8eallng and deliver)' of thesopre8entB, were . , ",,"'" ,,' ",,' " "', " ' , 1 :,':i.~w:tul17.~el~~4. #t.e em~le'Qf a'g'c)od~ ,a'brioll'te, a;ndindofeae1ble getit& of' inheri tnnoe of I ,I, anf'1n,ri.'an,a::''''ln~ai ~h~ ,~~T$ de8orlbedp~em1st8, :eaoh and every. ~d hCTe~~dct right, I "i\\l],",.1JOJ1er"lU1d'>i.~ author1tl,to oOhyey,tlle enmein mt!nner and form a,foresalcl, that the snju '" ".,' ',' " ". ,'. ,', ,,' I 'p.rtl' otthe 8eoond1JU"t,:h18lie1r8and OBslgns, shall and mat~t 011 'tilDes hereafter, ! :'. -- "-" . .-"; . ','. '," - .....-. -" . - . . . ( " -. -".. . ~ . . . . .' . -- ~. ,...... - -' ..' . .' .' . . '. - -' . . ; peaoeb1,and 'qu10t17have,hoi~,u$e, , 00 <mpl: II possess-and e~ol the above described premls&,8. ' ",:","'" ", " I ~a'Ter'P.fn"t'and pa:toeltheroot, tr1thout any"let"n1t, ,trouble, molestation, eviotion or i , ", ',' , ",,' , i 'disturbanoe ,0f.'tb,e841d porthe of:the 1'lr8t part. their hell'S or assigns, or of any other ! . ~. . .<.~;-; - ..... . . - - . ' -, ": . - t periJonOl"per~oI1.B:lawfa1l101al.ln~o'''' toolaim the eame;that the seme, all and singular, I , ,.,,' ,,'.,' .,. " ... ",'.,j , ' ! are, tl'~e, ,olear ,c11schnrged ariduninoumbered of and from 011 fe>rInor and other t1 tIes, oloudsj ,', ,',.' ,,;' ~ , -". .> . . . ... .. . . .'.'- -', .' . . .... ! an~1ri(nul\bran.oe8 ''Pfwhilt, nature'an~ kind soevor; that the ~ald porties of the first part, . I I. I D',';'" ~ " i:~:,' ! . I ; I I '1 t I I I " i 'thelr :,he~B, ,.exeoutoreand"adminlstratorB, eooh and ever" shall molee, exeoute and acknowledke ; -. . ' . snohfuther ar.d. othel'" cieeds arid 88euranoesas by counsel loarned in tho law !!lay -'be conrlider~(l .. r&asona'b~"'propel"to effeotuate. the:"u1.1 intent and mellni~g of thit instrument. An4,:the:dS8id pa1;"t1ee of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, the above 4esol"lbed premlee8, and every PaJ.t and parcel 'thereof, Unto the add p~ty o~ t.Jle second par, ! h18he1r8,ahdae8igns, ag$1net the said pnrUee of the fil"et part, and their heirs, and i lag8inet,,811 ,and every peX'sODor per,sonB whomsoever lawfully olaimlng or to olaim the areno. Bh8+-l',ana:.~~' ~ent _d b~ those presents forever defend. Tlt18 a~Unat1onie with 'th,e Joint oonsent of husband and wIfe, wh!3re tllat relation Q%iifte. : 11 WITUESGWH1IBEO' the 8aid partiee of the first part have hereunto set their hands ~d8ea18~80h ,in tbe presenoe 0,1 two eubsor1birig w1tnesses. 1'8~ped ,sealed' andcleli 'Vered . inpree'l1ce'of, U8:' '. ; ,,', hedei'iok' B. .Rlobarda "~ta~ A.. lUcharde State of ,Bew. Jer.881 "as , County of BU8ex .., .. l JURY H. RIClJ-L"IDS EUllA L. RICHARDS LUCY A. RICH~'U)S I ( SElJa) i (SEAL) I (SEAL) I I I . i , , . --. ~4:riUO)' '.&. ' Rich~48~ of'~e.ar~ ,Ui. JerDe,. per80nally known to me to be the intti.. I' ,V1~tUl:i~:4~80~lbed 1n and1lho:~e'0~tedthe ~or.8ol1li! iJ:\s tnunen 1. , and thnt said incl1 Tidua18 I I :th~.;IJ~,4~1 aOira01Jle~ed,~'tor~bat' ,thel e.xoouted sa14 ln8t~wnent~ \11TUE~S QY ha~c1 &nd otfl01pl' ~e~~;.~1l~,"~~.jO~1c:,~,::~)f;!.~~~.r1~'.,A!D~ ~016. _at:J'~k._lnsgij:!~~ti.~c;JfJa. , , ~. ' ' ;:," . ", . '.' " ", . ' , .. Comm1s81oner of deeds tor 'lIe"t Jeree, , ".' ,'" " " . : 'COJlllll1ss10n expires 1922. ";1.04' 8Il4u':.1~~.Uhi:a1,l!,'~,h,~ of ~ru. ,A.D. l;,~OO"~"lJ)",,,-. ,"" 0 011er.,rkk,,'! Qtrout, t Com't. ' (~' >1,' 1JgQ01U>.VERIFJEO:B" 8'~~' D.C. I .' .' , , , aDoftlce~ authorhed to take aoknowledgment., of deede, HEREBY cERTln that J.[ary H.