HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0443 .- ~ ,~.-- .-.~ ~r7:~f~~~,_~7~_~'~:",~,~-:~~,,;,, ,-"":,!-:~-:;"~.t. .~_.-.~ ~;-~'f~ ~~~:::-:{~~1~~~..~'~~::;~t~~~~~ '.~~, ~~ :!-: ~~;~:"'~~.~.~~;~:~ <: :~i:::'~' ::~'.:' rc::;.. . 'I::;, ;:0- '0 ~" f," ~>, JJ>, { '.. >, I I I I ~ , , QOw.u~SIOBB1l.. ~UD. . ,,' ,~,' ., John' >>. 8torman , R. ,I.,JeDld.nst ~OftJ'4. 1to~~on: and' j.!f.::'ti..k' ':'i;_> _ , , , ""''lBltf'IRnlWTlJRB., .de"';~~'lO'th day\,t.lpl'll't' ".ll~':191~' b'etweol\ R. 'L. 'Je~lh.~ ~d Bowar . _,' ',' .. -:.' :j", ""'" ',~"', _ '. ''''' <._ ~:..-- -",; 't'O:.' "-' "', .-~ " '..:. ",'. :", _" ~. . , . 1Ior~o,Ji:en~J, '.l'.~,L,18k,88 :~ornnii8eloJ16rs~ ln~'tul;Ol\~ ,ParU~'e Ofth,etl~,st" pUt, and John, ~.' ~torQan "of~the'oo~ti:otSt. 1.U91e, $~8te: ot'J1.ol"lcb., Pal't1 ,ottlte seoond part: I , ,.~M" the~lro\l1tco~tot t~tf tltte,o,nth ;~d101al"Clr0t11 ~ ot~he8ttlteot JIlor1c1a; ,I 11i1',and',totthe'-c:oU!it1of SteLUOl$, In,c~anoo.r1'0~)h~ ,4th, d~tot J.loXoh A.D. 1~19,' ,8IJl~ng ': oiher, things 'ox-a.erQd.'na,-3U4ged, and 'deoreed'ln aoet"tainoanStthel1 pending'in the ea1~ oourt ' ", . ." -.' . "--'. . - '., .'" ,,' 'bet~een 'John B.' Sto~~,~eqo'mpl~i~~t. and Ro)'Hall: ~dtoe Bail:o.nd'L~o"ll~ Ral1. as , I detencla1itf;1~that' 1;bOi>r'~'18e8 mentt'oned '1n' said deore~.,artd"bereafter parUo~l~l' descl'ib~d I ' " '~ereth~n' Ownecl 'l,n 'te'esllbPle ~s~entmt~:d1n0f)lM10h':b1' the 'ealA John B. Storman and by tbe,saAd " ',." , , ' " ','.'" ' " ' .", , " " I detefularito Boy Hal.l, 1.eellti1l and Luo111&lJall,'snid decree tlxlng the respeotive interestS I , '" "'" ' ': . , " I ' 10f ,sa1.dov.nero' ltt: and ~o 8~~d,land,'and wh~rea8,the8ai,d oout:'t, o~ the6'thdayof )laroh A.D. I 19i9' smOn8' other"thinB80rde~ed, adjudged and cleoreed said, partios ot the' flrstpart as com- ! ' mi881~mer8 to 8>8'11 said propert, at PUblic 'auc~>ionto the highest bidder and tllat ea1'll 8alO I lb~"'repotited'~o>the oourt ancttn~t ,anotlo~of ~id S~le be publishod for a oortaintbe, and I ,I.hereas.,: i~e ea19- oomm1seionere, the parUesof the firot part to the8e prosen,t8,ln Pttrsuano~ ,', , ' , , , , 1 of,th~~~d:O~d&~'anddeoie., of the said oourt ln~hanoery cUd on the 7th day of April A.>>'. i. 11.919, ltel1at.:itQ.'b1"io.> ay.otlon the' ~p1dP1"~m1ees :lereiliafter part1cularly deeoribed, hs:V1rig I 1 fi~at, gi~n,pr&V~~\1B',nOt1oe ~fth~"t1m& and plaQ8 (>f sale with a desoription . of' the' said I ..1 ~~:::1r:::~i\:dt::r:~:1:r::r:,:o::i:~: ~i::::~:on:.; d f:~::.:~h::.~::fi.rl ,IHtlndr~~';;~Ilt.j~t?i~"ct625.00) Dollars, that'be1nrr ,the hlg110et sumlid>den for tlH,; same, and I I Where~e, ',t~,~~)e~r"oourt by an ol'der made on the 10th dny of April, 'A.D. 1919 and entered in I " I the Ohanoer~t.~,~r' book of sal4. ,court did cQnfinn said sale and direot the exocution of this I ' I d~bd. .. I i ; I BOWi'1lEREPORETHIS IUlJElittTrlE j11TIlESStTH, Uet entd oommianionere in order ,to carry into l 1 I effect thesald a81e 8()~~e, 88 afore~aldin, p~euance o~ the said deor~e of the said court of !Cl-,ancery, incc.'lld4.er4'tfon of'thepremiBea. and of the said eumofSix HundredTY1enty-five I I ,', ,>",",<' ',", , " . I Ct626.(0).Dol1a:te, paid' at 'or'beto:re the exeoution hereof. by the 8a1d party of the seoond t ... . _:' .. . . /" ,.., t jpartito,the 8a14.Comd.saloner8 t ($125.00 of 88ClO havinti been. deposited in the registry of th~ I ", " , " '" , i oourt) ,'tb~ reoolJ)t'wh~r~ofthe7do horeby aoknowledge t ,hil~e granted, bargaltlod and 801d t ! ,1 al1ened',relef1eed, oonvoyed and, oonfirm and by theee, presentBdo grant, bargain, and 8oil, '! I alien.' rele~8e ,o'onv!'t ana contlrm unto' the said part10fthe seoond part, ~d unt6 hie ~.e 1r~! I , ',', ' ; " , , ! ,tland ...iglio. f9r.~. the ~.~ta1n .P~C810f land 1n tho co""t;y of 8t. Luei. .nd 8tateof >'lorita , de80d bed as follows:, '" . I' , , , . !Lots ,One C-il'~r2Land Ilhree (3) in Blo~k,nve(6) of Keenes Subdivision of the East i lone"b81f 'Jt) ot the We8t one-halt (If) of ~he 1I0~th ~t1..seven (2'1) aores of the lforthw88t! I fI11!'ft~r IntI .of tho 8out\>.a.tquarter Ia&tJ of. Seotlo~. Bin. (9) in fown8h1p;Thirt;y-t1... eOll~. I C3,O) Bange 'arty Bast (R4OB) uld Xeene"a subdiVisIon b,eing Keene's addition to tho oh,1 of I I~t Pi..... .P1oridO. aec.rding to th~plat"tlled in.th;~ftl0.0f thc ol.rk of the Circuit I Oourt. of S't..1~ucle 'Count7;'Ploridl1a ..', . ,'. . , I .1::':~:.:~t!.i~:::;:l:/:~:i:;::=:' pr1Tll.go.. h.~41temoni. and appuri.nant I ..fQ>IIA,. AIlp.. T9}I?ui 1111 and.i~aftM ..id !>r~1.'.. a~... ...~t19n.d end ,.or..d. . hetobf,~~te4:tu1cl~~.,elecl't)1' l~~~n~,';d",~i~ 'be,:~th.th~ :,.j)p1U'te~~oe8~wito..~h$ e.l4.part7 ~ Of, the, ,aoon4. Pa>>), 1U.;h61rs >'.nc\a'81~rt-~ :)O:;~h.on11Ptoper,U88, 1>>,netl \"~ ~'hoot'ot"th."; " ,." ",.. ;-> '; ,"", ' , ,,', . ."'," " " ',' "..' '. ' , . '.,' ' '. .' " '~,' " ".., .' . ~a1c\ ":~tt>t:thct .'9~n4 . :pa.totf' It,lehelra 'anaas~lsn~ ' , ,tt6f;>' ",<>',', . ' -,~ ,~ > '" : ' ,", '" :~ :~~~~}l~'~ft~1k.ft~!