HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0446 -/~~~\~:~~~7~~i {P'.{~'"Ffc~'~~~~?~:~T~~,~':~~~~?ry:?:~:.~'~:\7~~:'~~:;?;Y~~;;0~~7~:T~~.~;>/~f.~.!~~.~~~-~1;rl~ ".~"? ~,~.~, '!.~7 <~r~~~~?~:?~ ~ -,:",,- '. . . " "'.~'" :t :,:~l~i~ f~"Ant!~'8')\c\~wctr'-~~,'r~.~t'J),t"A~.~< ~'~~~"o" ~.t~t~;:~,:~~P'1't.~1)9,ij~e,~~9~~' ,~lall1lan,d' ;:, ; "d.~l\~:1fl1U80'''ct~~',.Q~ ,,~:q' 11\:1'.. :8':'~ 1n .q~~t~,~~:~~:$n1cl,;p~~i~8 ',",ot,~~'~t~~~t,))M't. 'ot ~'~ . <" ., :.dt~: 'tb~' ",~OIit~.':.~~~"'Gr,", PAl'~~ci~:~oei-<,th~~eo* '1!~th>th~,':ap~U1'~&ne.n~e"\'l?,~AVJi 'in!> TO,. I !l()LIic'tile"abo'Ve, IJrartt~d, b~g#riec1ai1d4e~Orlltoc.\pr~inlQ'e8~' w1th'theap~:t.~.C)~B, 'unto the I ' a,ail, Pal't1:'~t.~~8eoonc1: p~t" hl,G~el re ~nda~Glgn8,tohtao-' :()ro~r:u8o, beneti t and , 'be1Joot,fore'Vor'. ", I . . An~ ihe,~a1d partiee ~tthe f1r8t~t u.e. Gt.~n and' BOBa' Gre.en, tor: theil-heirs, exeo..1 1!~~.' anA _~{Dl.t..tO~~LAOoo".~.nt. WOOliao.ndoU.. to8D<l with ~"lAP""tT o~ .the ..004 part, b18'h~urs and, a881snB..~at'theQa..et 'put1es ot tho tlrot PCU't'afc>re8nJ.~,at:.thfr time 0' the .enl1ng'and dellvertot the8e'p~esent~, are lawful1, BGlaed 1ntee8imple ofa 1004, ! a~'Go~tlte ail~'1ndetealSlble' Getateot'lnherttanoe'" ot, an'~ In,'alland' 81ngularthe above 81'ant~d, ., ,'. , .', , " ',' ,',. " ' .. . ", ,,' " I , barsa1J1ed and d.soribed 'premi8eS, w1 tl( t~eappUrtenanqe8 and bave, gooct r1Sht, tufl power and r rl_wru.laut~orlt;y'tOgrantt bar~ain, ,Bell SlUt qO~V~1 the eemeln~~ and form 'atoresBid.! And 'that the", aid part)" of the ~ooondllnrt', hi,s' heirB and aBS1sns ,,,anet ms;yat alltilnes , ., , , ' , " . .'., I ',here~fter peaoetli11i and qui,ot11 bave, hold,UB,c, OCOUPY" ,pos~e88' ~d 'e,njo;y*he ab.ve grantef pre1ll18,eS arid every part<.,~ paroel'tbere'of, with the appurtenance8, 'without any. let, 8ui t, , , '.- . 'trouble" molestation .ev1o'~10n ox: d18turb~oe, 'of the' said parties otthe ,first part, their heirs, or ass1gns 0'1 of any o'ther person or persona iaWtUl.li ola1mingor to oldm the same. , , ' , , t And that' the e!Une are no. tree , olear, disoharge4 end uninoun1beredof. and from all former anA what'hail11'8 .md k1nd soever. otb8rgrant~ 'titles, chargee, e.tates, jUdsments, taxee,3sseesments end incumbrnrices of \' ~ An~ ,the, ea1dpart18s of the first part I for themsf)l ves and 'their. he irs, tho above dOBor1 ~ed I, '".",." ~J .i ;:. .~ .; c~_; " ...~ . ....' , , !:nd herebi granted and 'released' premises and every part 'and paroel thereof, ,with the sppur-!, ten8nces, unto the said part)' of the seoond p!lrt, hiS heirs and sssigns,,lgcinsttho said I parties of the :f'lrs,tpart, end their hoirs, ,and, against ell andevex:y pa1"son pr person8 irhomsoever, , lawtullyolalminf; 01: to olaim the S8~ ~ shall Qnd will warrant BIldby these presents forev~rAefend. , 1 I ~ea18 the a~jnndye~ tirstabove written. I 18fgneCl.~ sealed and 4e11 vored I 1n ,presenoe ot: U8; I ' P. lh Clevelnnd ,i Vj,rgll n.JuC1son '.I:,g::ttC)~l~~:l~:~le , t'Wife' otthe above named M.C. <;}reen, do by these presents, %!lade and exeo'~ted b1 me, Be})4;t"nte f' , ' . . j and apart :trom,m;y Bald hllsband, and. in the presenco ot J. E. Pultz, a Clerk Circuit COl11't, ill WITnESS, WHE.llEQP, the B8id parties of the first r-art have hereunto set their hande snd! , K. C. GRL~. ROSA GREE:tl (SEAL) (SEAL ) I' XU0i111 ALL :.nill BY 'IllESt: PRl:3:::UT8,. TEAT I, Rosn Green ~ of tlie'state of flo1'i4a, QcknoVlledge Qnd deolare thn~ I did mnJ.:e myself n party to and. , exeoute4. tbefol'egclng Dee4 of Conveyanoe, tor the pm'poseof reloasing and relinquishing , , Il11 dower X'1ghtsin arid' to the Unde in said oonveyanoe &hel'ein desoribed Qad grented. and ;'1 ,1 , I , , tha~ 141d the 8ame trealy and voluntar1ly and withQUt any compulsion, oonstraint, nppre- hensl~nor fea.r or ~ trom my said ,11usband. . . IN WIT~SSWHF~to', I l1~reunto sUPs~~lb6 my name cr.d n~~lx jay scnl tb18~2ndda1_of " "( . September A.D. o~o -thous~nlnehundred,and sixteen. . Rosa Green (Seal) State otFlorl4a, O~~t,7 ~f at. LuCh, " ,.,.. ..1:0,AL~, 'h1!oa ITlJ,J.Yc,onc&.~: Bt) 1 t known thot on tHs :'nd 40'. ota8p:teJllbe~~.lh, ;L~1~,per8on&1tl.11PG8ffIl1betoro Dle.'Olel'k cirouit Court. ot tr,e ate:i;e;~in6rl4f ;'tl1e .bC)ve'n4lJ1~dR~'. '~l'e~m: to 'm~ '~eil~_aB the mfe of.J.1.' o. Green, ':'. "" .~~',:.~}._>,: ~~;~....._-.-~,' . "~:'.>-' '.-"~::,-'~-~:-~ --.'~. _.., '-'. -....-: '. . . -. .' - - ~.-,,'.'" - '. c.. .' -' _ . ... .',,~~. ~)~~.:~tth. perlon" 4e~'#})e~,~na,ua ,who 4xoouteA tho tor ogo Ins Deed otCo~v8:ftl.nce, ~.-.'-- :'..~;'--'-";;--." ", -',.."__ ' --'.--: .-~.~.~.. .":__ ....... ''-0 "....".. .. < ,