HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0451 " ( I i~" ,-' ~' I.',",.' .~ I - ~ . '.'; ...' " c ,,' ' o.':',.1'a~c18e:.. ' ,', ~etloe,of th~f'Pe"o,e"St. tuole ,Qo. "'11e~{tUi~:r~()Or,decl':thI8 ll~' 'aR'''' o~ qrU., 4,.1>. ~1?19 ' , C'( ','CC't) Ot~$~cu')", ",.."C'~~lUQ)i Oierk Oirouit Oou:rt..': .' ....RE~Oli() VERlflED./ .... ....Bt ..' ,?A~~l ..>>.c,.... "1 , ~~"'''-''''-''''''~'''-'''''~--~-------~-f~--'''''-''''''~~-''''''',-----7,~,--h--.....-U..:-----------......-..-:-.....-..--...... ",' A,' " , " , ' " ' L WARRAH~Yl>~. ' '~. , 1'. LCleC)~.Ros" andw1te 'to LouleB. Griffee " 'Rh1ewarran't14eed: of ~onvela:noe. ex~outed this 1st 40.1 of 4Pdl ,in the leor, of our . . - , . . - - - '. . . . .".. .' , , L()rd ~l1e'thous~Dcl"nlne hundrolland nll1et~,en,b':ondbet.een A.'Ge~.aOlie and 'Leonora E. , Rose. hltiWi,t,. 'of tlie. first s,u,tanc1 Louis E. O:rlffee of the 8econdpart. . : .... . ." . ", . -. . . - ,", '.-; '.: ' :.:'. . " . ,.. . . . '. "~"- .,_.. . ; '. ~ . \YITNES$',tH't'h.t~hesa:ldpa:rt1e8,of the ttret parf;' tor,aAd 'in oODsiderat1onof the' --.-' ".-.- '. . '. . -. ' -' - , . '8wD 'ot'TonJ>ollar&& 'other 'Valuable. oonSiderations. lawf'ulmon~1' of the United States of Amerio~!'totho:ti,lJ1','hand XJaid, by the aaiel' part,ot the seoond 'partnt ~r betore the eneeal-l .'" " '.' .' ", "I 'iug anddeliverYQf th~se'pre8ent8, the ~eoeipt ~hereo~ i8 hereb1 ao~owled8ed. by these I .r ..Z:.~t...:!~:l;:;tf:}tt~::::~:~. ::: .~~l:t . :::::~~}.:~~::~.::1:::::r::n::7 t:d ;::~~~ st. Lucio and State of Florl~a. ,described as 'follow8: I I I I i ~~lngth~ South o~eha11oftbe northweBtono ,quarter of the north west one ,quarter ot,the 80\tt~ ,west one' quarter of Section Sevent$en. Townoh 31 souib ~te.nge39East " 'oorit(l~i.t;l~':,fi.e :a~res ,lJlore 'or. loss. ' - . - -. " .' , : I 4sothe'nol'.thono half otthe scuthwest one quarter of the north west one quarter of the southwe8tone~t&:r ot section 'seventeen in 'loWnsh 31 S Range 39 east, oontaining I , " " '. ", " ", , I Ji ~e acr~8: iIlol'e 'orleB~ i" I TOBe~h.er w1th.al1'e.n{ slnglllar t}:le rights &i'tenemen,ts, hereclltamenta and appurtenances I . thereunio belc)n~ln~or In anyN1se nppettalnlng,.and ~he reversion tu,d reversions. re:neinde~ ant\remalnderB, rents. 1seuee'ond profitstbereof;and ~ao all thOGstate.rigl:t. title, I Intere$'t,',bomel:ltead" d~wor and right of do'wer, sepSl'Bte est~te, property, possession.olaim i , ' " I and demand. whatB~e~_Qr, . at law and in equi'ty ,oi ther and both of U.,o said parties of the flr,t part,'o:t. ,in'aJ~to the same nnde''!.ery po.rt and parcd thereofi to hen ::-.nd to' hold the mOle de80r ibedpremlseB,8ach and, every, \ll1totlle eaid party of the s.efc,~nd pert. hIs heire and II 8S8iJ11B, .,in :tee 8i1upl'e'. ~b&oJ.ute'.. indefeasibly forever. . , , ,And the ~idFt1$a of the 1'lrtJt p~t, tor them and their 'holi's, executors cOd ad.. I , minlB~ratorl:l,Jol~:t~rand, several1Yt oovenont t prOmlS8!\nd 'agree to and 'l1tll the said partyl ot th,e:a,~,c, O,D~ I>(t.l"t.,h18h,eir8, ' o~eout,or8' admin,i8trn',tor,~, on"d '115818n8. H,nt the paid pal"ti~1 I . of tb.etl~.~\~.a:rt. atthetlm~ of' tho so(!Unganc1 delivery of thono presente, are lawfully : I' 8elZe~111.toe '.~ltl.tot a BI)q,4" ab801~te, nnd indefeasible estate ot inherl tenco of and in .1 ]' a~,l and,s1r.gul$~ the above descr1b~ !~~1!!18e8, ee,ch e.r.d every, andhnve good r1gh't., full . " I powe:r;:Ma:ie.~:..uthod't1 to convey }thesollje in lllanner nndtorm aforesaid; that the s' 14 pt\rt;:oiih~~~6~J14Port,;, h1B heirs and trs1tD8,' 8hal1and rnn'J at all tir:;e~'hcrenfteX't I ". pe~(l8'b17 nn~' ;q~~~t).,l, hnve/holdlU8~. ~~onjo:r th~ above deeori'bed pre:rtlse8, and ' ever'1poit ~~'p~oel ~},ereof. '\f1'thou.t fUty'l~t-, suit, trouble. mcLetatton, eviction or , , 4,1"tu1"lance;ot'th~ s'''14p,art1fH~ 9f,tllO i'1rst,pnrtt,thei,rhelJ's ,oraaslgna, or of an7 other . ..., ,,'.. ,: .<. . - :-', .... -.,-'-- . ", '. .' '.- . p~r8~n or Jl9J'''OfBi ,1.~~~11~f~~lPg ~,toOli1t~ :~h~'J_;tbe.t'the 8~~. &,1), and _atilgu.. .1u:,a1',~.~r~G."o~e~t.41..obqr$~ae.n4,\U11nc1t1mbere~;, ot,\~4;trol{l:<all tOl'nle:t aQdoth~r t1 \le$, ; '. ,_' :_ ",,-. ' . :, ,.0.._ . _ ,'>_._._. '". ,'--,' '. _,_'_:._ . ..C.l~~~<~~~,ltl~'\~b,r,~()elJ,~t,V1ha.~.lll1t~e~an~,~~lna,,',M~~'~~~J; thAt ,thi .~l~'partfoe.;ot the ftrid'