HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0459 I ~.:: : . : :"??!" .;::f.;~?lr~;zt'('-?~~?:~"'''?J.'7'8~'5;'?:7:';;",,~:';:r'',':Y:""';~./ .:- :"'~:" N>~~',;';;~ :><;}", '. ;= ,*4.i , ..., Hml:* ~ , '.' JCn theririt'1f'~ Deason'. .~ '" - .'_:'.'-, '. .' :'.<'TT1t:Is~iJ])Ell'l'Tms.'m~~t>',~h18 a6t~'cWri~~~,,6~'~919, ~1JtQOsi:ER ~TiC()llPJJlY~a oo,rporat on ot~~'..s~t,$'of'jiot~c1a','>haYlnlrlt8'P.~~~nQ1Pi\1oft1Oe,,an~'Pl~Qe'of.bU&1U08~ ~t 'Vero" ST, Lhol ':oo~tt, :~iO~~dt1, 1l~t7ofthe, fIrat' Pt\1",:t.arid,:~th~rine N. })~a~on,~' ot,'Vno, ~t.' Luoie, CO\U\t1~ Plo:r!d.n,part of,theeeoo.ndpart. '. .'. .,' '. ' '., , ..1 I" !!,,' ~ , , , ,..;'},\1tT~~sE~ tha,tth(fJ'aldPar.t~Of.' th~nrot '~ft.fO~ cnd in con$iderat10~ o~ the sum . . :1~~~t:~rt:t::.:l;~~:':h~.:::::'::;:;' .~.:'~c;:::t;::::.::~::d .::.:::~ ~:1 i:t ial th~.~~~.o"ta. .ther~o.il't wi..root 1. herc~t .O.",,;Wlodg.d . do" hmbl gr on t. bars. in . ..11 r.~tUl.',;COnyq1 and o-onf~rmunto 'the Qaid"party of the 8eo~nd p.art~e.nd' h$rheirs ond aSBignb l~,:te~~irnpie,'8.ll',tl~atiand 81tl1nted"lnJ~t.LtlohOount1, i'lorlclti. kn?Wl1 and d'e8crib~d 88 ! ' " " ' ,., ',' ", "~' , " -,' ',' , , I f911ows: I LOts' Five UOSl:x ,CG)and s'eve.tol) :In BlOOkEle~en (11'). ! I i j ! i I I I and- herl , f , , ' " , ", , I ,helrb 8l\da&~i8nQln foe 81lnp!Eiforever.,' . i .. . ," "~d'.he Qald party ot the :f'h'st, pnrt.'for ltseli, ita successors, legnl ropresentat1~e8 '. I, and':U$~i.gntl" ~oes ,herObrOovenLU1~ wJ.thsaid party of the seconJ pnrt. hol' belt's, legal' ! I tepres81ite.tl'vee and 'as81gnoi that it io iJ,1defeas1bly I3d."d of13a1d land in' fee ample; tha ~ ," . . . " . ' I 1ihtUlh1.1 p(lwer'ancl'laWtnl right to cQnvcy &!id l!tl1d' in foe siMple;' os a:f'oresaid, that 1 t I I . " " ' ,,', " , , j !8ballbel~wf'1il' tor stUd partY',." the" ~eoond part, her heirs, legal rcpresc!itati ves and 1 t '~881SWJ .cit 'alli tlmespe,aceably ancl':qlllei17 to e'nter \1pon, 110).6., oocupy and enjoy said land;! Itbt .'s,ld'lnnd, b(fr~etrorn atl encumb~anoe8 ,and tta tit d08S hei'eby tully \Tarrant th6 t a~~ l-- " ' " -" , "', ,', , t j to said.1,nndend will defend 'th.e' some against the lewtb.l claIms of all persons who:csoever. ! I f I III mTU:;;8S,'.'il~EOPthe PJ).rtl of the first ptrt hes h.-,ro1ulto affixed its nOlO and : I I I seal on>the dti;y '~year .tirst ebove wrItten. · HOOSIER REALTY COarAUY i' . (Corp. 8ea~) By W.K. Williams, President. I Signed, s9aljd.ond doli "{ared '/,' " in the 'presenoe of: ' , (One Dollar hr,. St&;,l!l oancelled) " , " William Atkin . Battie Jlorndt" I. stew' ~fPlo:tlda, 'I' 'O~Wl-tY01'st.M1cle. '. . . P<>r..naU, ..l$e....d b..tor. ...thlednl ~.R. WilU..... to "'0 well 1mo,", os tho I .,' . , ,. . , I he81d~~totthe llooafer Rot\lt1Coc)p~nl. a corllorat1'On of the State of Floride., and as the I ::::::nJ::.~:e:t~;x~~::: :;O::::d c::~:::::l: ~:: ::2t:::n::1::0:.:;a :..::or-I ! ,- " -,' . .,., ;,-: " , '. ' '.. , ' .',,' , I I ,iBed~he~8AA~ob1 th,a Board of ~lrectors ot said C,orporetlon and that said dead is the aot i 1 ,~and 4&0'd 9f'281doofPoratlo~t'Ol'the Wl'Posea se,t forth. I l. .i,<In ;.itn..,~"'.r"ot i~~.,. hor.unto attixod.q nM. ;"d o!!loiol eO'l M V.ro. '4. ,'this 29tt> , da.l, ot,lla:roh .1919\l11Uom Atkin . fiota17 Publio; Jtate o:t 'lor Ida {!Jotary3eal)"J17 ooo;n1ee1on expire8 .Aug. 14. 1922 '1~e(\ andl'eoorc1ed:tble.21et d01.0f.4p1"11"A.D. l'~'P - -. "". -,-. _' -' .- ',_ . - - f. ,_ _'. _ . ;.....;'_._ '(Ct~' ct. 8eal) P~O.UiO~,OlerkQL()u1tConrt. ~~ODAOV~IlJI'Je;' il, '8~(?ti:N1P-11r D.C. ~ '. : - ' " , , , ' otEdgewoo!i Add! tionto Vero ",'lOl"1da, aocording ',2ot th~ reoorda '~f St.>1:uote Oounty, Florida. : ,'. '., " ~ .- --. '~O"JiAVE AIm T01tOLD 'TlIES~, ' tOf~~the:r to plat recorded on ~affe 20 of Plat Book I ' I I ,I with all easements, tmprovem~nt~, heredita- ~o~is,.artd.ap~\)rte~anoe8 thereunt:obolonfln8~ unto the said Port7 0"1 ~he pecond part. ~,." ~