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fhl.8ind.n~'., _4..e th18tw.ntl';'8~ye~th' lat<<>>f lIu"ll ~~D.191.$1l"tw.en'hanklJ.
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BWlot ten Do11ors'enct 0~ber:Ya1.uab1e ('onald.rat1~~e' ~0,;)j1m 'in hand' 1>I11d ~i' the 8814 part, I
:' ,ot th. eeoond',part. the reoeipt .bore'ot18'her!~7aoknoWle'd884. :hae $1"entecl. bargalnedand !
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sold to the, eaId,partl otibe 'eoond P01't,h~X" h.Ir8,an4 a,88I~B'foreYer. thefol1oWlng I
'deeoribed1an4. looated In8aIdSt.LuOle Oount7. 'lot-ida,to-wit: !
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"Wee,t h$1f of lIortheast ,q1iuterof ,Southweet quai'ter of Southea8t qlW"te~ 0'1 Section I
Ilinet~e~ (19)'OYfD8hi~ThI'tt7;'fITe (35) South. range fort7 (40)ee.st~ o()nta1ning flYe, t6~ I
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aoreo mOre or'leB8.
. This dee4....gIvel1 in fuil satisfaotion of contraot be..Pr~k H. Swan and J.D. Beese.
, :.bl8ncla KoO~ assignee. dkted Uaroh 26. 1016.
,I ' .' ',' , ' . , ' ," _ . ' ,
And the sald part, of the first part: does hereby ~li, .arrant the tl tle to said
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land, exoept ao totUe8 a88e88ed aea1nsttho 'aU.land e1noe Deoember'31. 1916 and will
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defend the same cplnet the "la\f'tQ1' o1.aims of ail persons Wb0!l1808Y~r.
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seal the dat$Jid ,Gar flrstaboye written.
818Iled.tJoe.lod and do11"or.,d,
in preoenoe of: ' ,
HaroldW. Thatoher
J.P. Preeman'
In .,,1 tnees whereof. the ,sald piu'ty of 'the first part has her0l1nto Bet his hand and
hank H. Swan
llannah D. Swan
State of Rhode Ielend. eto.
ProY1denoe, 80.
(6()f:.Jfi Pb~uIA(J)aa~*~
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,1 horeb, oer't!'fy 'that .on tbie dQYl'er80nl111~appe8red be~ore me. and otfioer dul,
. authorized toac1mlnleter oath8 and take aOknowledgnlents. hank 11. swan. to me well known
I to be the persondesorlbedin and who 'exeouted the foregoIng In8trw:aente and he acknowlellt'-e
before me that he e~eouted the Bame treel)' and volunteril, for the purposes therein expressedJ.
$1d I 'further oertif7 that the 8014 Hannah D. Swan, known to me to bo tho wl :-e of
the,s$id P.raulc B.Swan. Oil a 8ep*""ate and,pri'vate examInation taken and made b, and before me~.
8~parate17 and ,ap~t f'rom~er 80.1d' husband" did acknowledge that ,8he exeouted the toregolng
deed ,tor ,the ~08e ofrel1nqule!)ing.aJ.ienatiD8, and' ocmye7Int all her right, tItle and
interest. whotho'rof dO\f&r.home8tead ,or ot eeparate prop;ert7, etatutorJo:requitsble in and:
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to'the 1o.nds'de80:ri'bed thereln. en~ thatebeexeouted'eald deedtree1J cndvoltmtarl1y end
91thout an, cOmpu1.eion.' oonatr,int, apprchenalon oio :teal' o-t or frol'llher' 8aid husbnnd.
I ", 1I1tne~' m,ltllDd. and otficlai sen1 at Pr0T14en~e in th'e 'eouity of .klron~enoe and
State of Rhode', Island. thle day of Mar<:h ....D. 1919-
, (tlotar1 aseal) Harold w. Thatoher
Notary publ10. lly OO~~1~81on
e~~plree June 30,1920
Pl1e~and reoordedthls '21at day ot A~11. AD. 1919
(Ct. at.Sea1l
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P. C. ELDRED,. Clerk OiroultCourt.
. n.e. '
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