HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0474 -, r :~~.~~._:_":~-:.~.":;"':-7~~{.~"-~'~~~.~~~.~ '.~~~ '~~,~:,~~.. "<~-~.~~~~J"'~;- .~? ~<,:~'c:-:"~,~,.";!~_">,?~' . ;- .~~~, ~ ~.~~~..,:~,: ~~,~~ 7~:::'~;--~:-; :-.!r ~;f,~.~:t__:~.~';' :~-~:' .:~~~t..~"'!:~:~T!_:,~~ ~",-~ , ~_~ ."'>.7\7"-~-:~:'1r"'L~!. .~: ;-:' 1'~!,r..>~~' ~~-' " ' .... -',-' !:474' l~~~,' ,~ob~.l '. .. ,Beli.1~' 'M1QhCle). C~U)" , (8e~) - <r!"': Siped~8.~e4;'&ncl de11...,red I In'tb. In'...no.' ot I I .,.0 B. '~1'61.f I 1.Ai, ~9&Bb~ -I ,- ," ; , - , I ~'~,~~ I ,. . .... i .OOUH~ or ~~LtJOU, ,1 ,I, '~,otfl0ei- 4ulyauth.or1Ieclt'o a4m1~1etN' oath8 'ani take uO~Owle4_nt8, 4'0 herebJ I . . . ~ .: .' ..' . ......'. . -.' . , . .' ~ oertit1',tha~ ODtll18 ,,'c1Nperaonallf' .ppeared be tor. me &. B. 1I100e1, to 1M well known .. ~i . . . . - -. . " ", -. '. . . ",.':, " , ,. . . . .-'. ' .... - . . P41r.on deeor,1'be4 in ~A who e~"O,uted the torO$OlQ8 deeda and he aoknowle4ged thtithe exe- ~ . -. !,. " '. ' -', ... .: ,',' - . .': - -. - '. ..' . - -.'." , ' '. oUtec1 ' the lame 'for the ,*pose8' therein:.' expreBsed. , .' \ -~ -. " - '. ; ~-', , : 'AnA I'do~thN', oert1f1 ~t qn thle aa,per80DAlly.ppeared betoreme lSeu1.ah Jl1ohae~, , , ,. .,t; " .' .'., ' , " , ' to me..l~ known..8'th. W1fe,of8a1cl A.B. 1U0hael. anclaB one O'f theper8on8 de80ribed in, " ' and whO' e%eon,ed the'torego1l1g 4eed, ~ ,that ehe.on a 8eparateand private exom1n.at10n be.. ". .... - -;.' . ... - ' . -' . - .. ... tore'.e taken a\1d made. Beparatel, Ill1d ap&lrt trOll ber eaid husbund. did uomowledge und de- olare'thut ehe' u.de.~er8elf a 'Party to; and exeouted the same tor the purpose ot re~ealiD8, ~ _ , , . . . ' . i I re11ntu18hing, renounoiJ18 anA oonvey1D3 all h. right ot dower, Beparate estate und home. ! .' f .,:_'._. ':. -.. . _. '_. '. " .:. , " _ . .'... _ . . ' ; I .teuc1.,~4 all 'her :r,lgh.t In an~to 'the iand de/'orlbed in .'ld deed, and. that 8he exeouted th~. I.... tr..17und ..olunt.1'117 w1th~..t ~ .....traint. a_.h....lon. f.... 'or ....pulalon .f, or ! from, her 8ald husband. . lU Wl:TIESS WBERBO', Ihr\vehereunto aff1xed m1bundun4 seul tb18 ~6th clay of Apr1l. 1919, at .aba8so, '1ori4&. . I I I I I I ~.I 'i., !I. Slble1.. lotary Publio, State of f1ori4a. My oomm1lelon expires Deo. 18, 1922. , (Boturi Seal) '11ed an4 reoorde4thi8 28thd., otApr11~ A~>>. 1919. ,COt. 'Ct. 8eal) , "^RO VER\F,~D ftE,\IV ' P. C. Blued, Olerk 01rou1 t Gourt, , ,~"~"/;V~)l g~ D. O. --~-~~---~----------- . ---~-------~---~-------~-~-- - ~ ---- WAlUUHT1 DBD B7l'oJi B._Barnard to 'Burleigh E. Phil11ps THIS pap, 1la4, the tenth4a1 ot .6.pI"11 A. D. 1919 b7 B;vrOD H. Barnard and hie 'wife, .iDnh' O.an~ ..~th.wBelU'yal0he1 ~d hlew1te.ofthe CountJaf Vol11,la State of :l10r1da h~~~~O~lle!_ the 82'aD~ore,to~urlelg~ B. PhilUPI a 'f the OO1Ulty o't St. Luoie State ot: tlor.1ct& here1Dan.1' ~all~ the .runte.. Wl'IISadlfi that the' .dd 8'l'antO~s in oanslderation ot ane dollar and other vtlluable ',' ,,' ".", , ' " ",~, -. ' ' ; oona14eraUoD8.DollaZ's, the reoelpt Where~f 18 hereby aolalowleclged, do giye, grant, burgain,! 8811, &llen, r_s.. releas., .nteaft, oon.,.87 imc1 60ntl1'11unto the aua. 8l'antee and hi, i '-1 he1r. '8114, a..igna~ lIlfee 11aple, the lund~ 8Uuate in St. Luoie Coun~" State ot nor'1cla,' I Id'~or1b84 ..tollowa: ,"" " . ,,'. ' j 1.,1DnlDfat . '8tone. o~ tb, bllltt'lU9' t.e~tl'~ aJloD1Ulelltal atone set up on Seotion! '. .' - -, ',~ . :",,- .'. . . . .' . - - . - ' , ' . ! l1ile,bet...n 8Iot10118 . ~d Vi TOWllship '7.' lontil ~ta.nge 41. ...t an4 211,.,2 teet '88t ot ' '1 qap.teJi' .'O~lQn oornel'. O'~ ..14 .eot1-on l1ne: thence eauth t6" .1zt7~8'TeD de8'l'8e8We8t I aod)..t'tc)',a etone; , eienoe Doith23':4e~ee" ...t160 t..t-tO . "to~.& th.n~. north 67 de.. 1 '....-'.- -' :'- . .- "-- - ~..:. ,-: ~'- ~- - ,,:: - - ':, ' . - _c' - --_'" "_ '_ - . ,- '. -_ - .' : _" . - ,,' '.' '_. . _, ' "',.,e~'~~~am4":&11.,.~~~:~~.'t~J:"~1Jif(~' 801lth)-~th~rlJie 'at St. '1m,01e Bound; thenof '.Of.tb,:,(~.'-""Dtt~tbre_' 4e8l'.e.:.~. .u..'&1,OM,th.iine at..th,St; Luole Sonnd 160 teet; I _e~Oi~:f.tll,'.,r4~R...'~..t:ti!,th"':8ton,;'J~':'i>1taO0' ot b.,lnn1D8t ','I.U,' at ',_'" 8&14 .1an4 I I~ti:.e.~]t~~~~~;~k:\'~.~~,":' "K~~~l"~,~~:.t O~land . t .~~ ~. '~ ~ !i -~~ h ~',' It i~,~;, '1:'. . it fi. I~':,'., . ~ 1<,' ~.- t'" {., \'" .c I." !~ F I i ;, r i- t t; r, ,,' r I'. f !.~ ,.: ',rf'.,".,..'.,".',' , . . . -I': t; -I:'} , ,